Latest NEWS Cache · Update PostSomeone reached out -so I dropped by.
Glad to see y'all thriving -as usual. Maybe it's time to swap out that coffin with a Chevrolet Bel Air Sports Coupe, as we're all crusing and surfing along on our Vintage Cuirtry Boards -or running it through Virtual Emu's.
I'm still here -time spent elsewhere, boost nudges.
You already know the latest here in this Westworld of forums.
Here's an update of the latest cache -from where I left off & beyond.
Requests -Download anything DIY - How-to found in the
WA Tinkering WAT?Archive Formats -Extensions to search for in your cdx searches.
Source Code .extension(s) -To include in your cdx searches.
Consistent Download -Fetching any elusive files from the Internet Archive.
Best antivirus for X -Use before launching or uploading.
WEBBR² RPC RPS VP -still optimizing, updates found in
Browsers for 10.6 - 10.8 -PCC fully covered. Still ongoing progress with Intel -including 10.4.
Bookmarks -Collection of Vintage Mac Ressources, scheduled to be used in Mac Garden's Vintage Search Engine. See & Add URLs to Vintage websites or post them in the thread
App Store Wipe Out! -1.5 million apps vanishing in 2 months time -yes that includes your purchased synths.
NO IA captures - NO archives left behind! -"New incoming retrowave approaching, this time around it's a tidal bore." Lots of http sites re-launching after this. -I'm currently busy, precious time spent fetching & backing up.
Also see: DiskAid -if you need to backup -
Patcher Tools -if you need to run modern OS on your 2007 Mac.
Introduction -Left my Caveman's Hideout; (blessed with ignorance, not of a solemn mindset, laugh when I make mistakes, don't care what others think or what the norms are -otherwise zero evolution) ~sharing, so it may benefit others.
Mac OS 9 is NOT Classic -Why I fell in luv with it; "… the 'modern' have had very little, 'new' -if nothing, to offer me." How many times will history eventually repeat itself ?
WTB: Unit -a SE 1/20 (System 1.1 - 7.5.5) has been added to my collection, what's your
Next Unit ?If you wanna stay just a tidbit updated on a tiny fraction -feel free to tag along the latest
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