…and I'll leave this here…
The first sentence in Section 5-"Lifetime Consideration" of the quoted paper "Aluminum Electrolytic vs. Aluminum Polymer Capacitor and how its benefits are used properly" IS:
"The lifetime of electrolytic capacitors is very important in industrial applications and other application where a high lifetime is required."
That noted:
* I'm pretty sure a Mac 7400 isn't an industrial anything.
* The chart shows the general superiority of polymer caps at high temps and infers even grater improvements at lower temps
> The low end of said chart shows "cheap" aluminums running 32 thousand hours at 65°C
>> If the ambient temp inside your 68k Mac is 65°C or above, you have much bigger issues than capacitor lifetimes
>>> I'm all for vintage fun but 32,000 hours (or more) staring at a Mac 7400 sounds more like Hell on Earth to me
* More importantly, it's ALL theoretical and assumes no other contributing factors like…I dunno… Quality Control?
Anyway, all of that said…
My main issue was with the sentence:
"According to a guy on Vogons, using solid state caps made his Pentium 4 "noticeably quicker and snappier in everything it did", and I'm curious if that applies to, say, a 7400 as well."
Now, aside from my feeling that there's little or nothing on Earth that can make a Pentium 4 "quicker and snappier" better than 440VAC wall voltage, there are distinct and separate discussions to be had here:
Is it worth it to put 20,000-mile platinum spark plugs in your '53 Plymouth that you only drive to car shows every now and then just because?
What IS the psychology that convinces one to hear, see, feel some kind of "improvement" after spending time, effort and money on things that don't actually provide that?… and
What makes that "reward" so internally convincing that you then install four "high poly-belted-reinforced-organic-rubber-synthetic-combination-alien technology-special edition" tires at $400 each even though the Plymouth never exceeds 40mph and yet you swear they "handle better"?
Anyway, in the end, it's all just a thought exercise and where better for that than here ?