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Author Topic: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....  (Read 25210 times)


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2020, 12:58:51 PM »

i think we could just put it all in one bundle, it is not thousands of files.

Yeah, that sounds great, 1 huge file that has all the different PT plugins (RTAS,TDM) mixed together with no explanations or descriptions ?!

Why did I just kill 10 hours with pics and descriptions ?

.... maybe you are right... the organization of all this is way too time consuming,
maybe we should just turn everything over to the garden and nuke the site

Hey I just dropped $10 in your bucket for your continued efforts. Thanks again.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2020, 01:22:01 PM »

In that package everything is sorted in MAS, RTAS, MIX, TDM and TDM+

But the autotune RTAS from there didnt worked on LE 001 while it worked on AM-III and I had a more modern ones...

I have also more modern than 99 stuff.

Give me this weekend and I will get the best RTAS I have and make them in a more detailed post if I can.

thanks for offering to do this!


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2020, 07:33:00 PM »

Hey DH, refresh my memory... those plugins with descriptions I uploaded a couple times back in the day were lost in a crash, right? We’ve been sitting on lots of plugins for a long time. I personally have two huge archives of plugins, one of whom was sent to me by PTLE. The other one has more goodies that I haven’t found anywhere else. There’s got to be some serious sorting through these two archives to not have any overlap. But on the other hand, it’d be easier to have both are one very large archive.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2020, 09:03:51 PM »

I am willing to help sort these if there is interest.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2020, 11:37:58 PM »

From my part I will try fo find&catalog EVERY RTAS plug/ and every AS I have at my disposal. But the TDM/MIX stuff will have to be cataloged by someone else.

There are to my knowledge various plug packs that were in eMule years ago.

One that I am thinking about uploading (because is newer than the one in MG) is 52 RTAS 

My testing board is Digi 001&5.1.1 LE and will update later if 5.2.1LE breaks compatibility with plugs.

On a second stage I am willing to kill the myth about some stuff running on AM/III vs Digi 001 vs M-Box

On a third stage I will test on PT Free.

It came to my attention that there is a hacked PT 5 in the "Awesome" MG pack that maybe give LE capabilities to "PowerMix" (No Digidesign hardware) that perhaps is different than PT 5 Free... Please someone TDM/MIX help here
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 11:59:00 PM by Protools5LEGuy »
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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2020, 11:50:24 PM »

It came to my attention that there is a hacked PT 5 in the "Awesome" MG pack that maybe give LE capabilities to "PowerMix" (No Digidesign hardware) that perhaps is different than PT 5 Free... Please someone TDM/MIX help here
Maybe it is different than the one that MacTron pointed out years ago
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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2020, 11:57:17 PM »

The testing board is 5.1.1 LE and will update later if 5.2.1LE breaks compatibility with plugs.

The difference in "LE 5.1.1 vs LE 5.2.1" is that the later have 32 tracks vs 24 on 5.1.1

What I believe is screwed is the user of HD & probably Digi 002 too because they need 5.3.x and probably there the "Awesome" RTAS cant run.

There is a urban legend that some plugs run on some version.

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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2020, 12:25:38 AM »

Why did I just kill 10 hours with pics and descriptions ?

.... maybe you are right... the organization of all this is way too time consuming,
maybe we should just turn everything over to the garden and nuke the site

Dear DieHard the subject is really complex as you can see.

Protools is a software that covers a lot of hardware from cheap to $$$ and I only own the cheapest ones. Digi 001, AudioMedia III and M-Box. Those systems runs LE 5.0.1+, but the AM3 can also run PT 4 without TDM but can with AS.

Also TDM is not the same that MIX (More modern AKAIK) and not the same that HD.

There is also more older Digidesign stuff from 2 tracks to 4 to 16 before Protools itself. It is pinned somewhere here a video showing all the generations of Digi hardware.

For a given version of a plug there could be up to 3 versions (TDM, RTAS and AS) and one TDM user focus on TDM plugs only while I focused on RTAS on my platforms. BT focused only on AS on a MIX setup with Logic, Knez and Syntho on MIX/TDM... Everyone end using what is best for him/gear. So someone list cannot be cool for other user.

To complicate things even further on a TDM setup you can run RTAS+TDM+AS

DUY stuff have  separated AS, RTAS and TDM versions

Metric Halo Channel Strip is RTAS+TDM on the same package.

So we have to follow DieHard rules and Take a picture of the Plug working+description+developer+version number and please point in what Digi System+ PT version. On the pictures you can see if the plug is used as TDM, RTAS or AS as confirmation (I should stop making Apple Cinema HD size screenshots)

@vectrex you can try the MG "Awesome" pack to compare plugs versions with what DH just uploaded.

@Syntho can we put all we have collected to light? Cant remember if I sent you the 52RTAS, The Goods (Awesome MG) or my AM-3 curated RTAS

@DieHard maybe we have to add also a  MIX section (aside AS, RTAS and TDM) based on user reports if all end up sorted. I propose to have in the same place manuals + all consecutive versions (ej; v1+v1.1) and try to clarify among versions. Bomb factory has various numbered targeted versions, as Focusrite d2/d3.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 01:22:19 AM by Protools5LEGuy »
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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2020, 06:51:11 AM »

Happy to help out. Count me in.

I run Logic 6 with Digi's outboard gear on my G4 MDD and a newly acquired
Logic 4 with the Digi 001 on a Gigabit dual 500Mhz graphite G4.
*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2020, 08:56:04 AM »

back in the days i have sorted through all your random TDM uploads and merged them in my own collection, only to find out that there was nothing new, because the number of TDM products was quite limited anyway in OS9 times (later it went to >1500)

we have discussed this same story 5 years ago and eveyone wanted to help sorting things.

otoh, most protools users already know by heart which plugins work on their system and which not, so it is questionable if one really should make collections where you distinguish between HD, mix, and PT 4 stuff and offer individual downloads for the 100 or so random guests which might buy and old protools system but dont know about it.

if you have a protools system at home and you want to know if "supercompressor" works on your system you can download it in 1 second, unstuff it in 7 second, install it in 10 seconds, then start protools (takes some 12 second), then open the plug-in (takes about 4 second) and see if it works.

you dont need to have a group of forum admins and website owners doing that for you.

if we support lazyness that way we will end up with people who complain when the information was not correct or blame you for their music sucks or their kitchen is dirty.

there are also VST plug-ins or photoshop plug-ins which do not work in every host. nobody cares about that. not even the manufacturers.

steinberg PPG VST 2.1 doesnt work correctly in steinberg nuendo VST 2.1, imagine that. nobody puts it in an extra folder because of that.
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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2020, 09:53:35 AM »

3 new uploads on RTAS section:

The emule 2006 pack that was called 52 RTAS

A curated 001/AMIII pack

Amplitube RTAS

Happy to help out. Count me in.

I run Logic 6 with Digi's outboard gear on my G4 MDD and a newly acquired
Logic 4 with the Digi 001 on a Gigabit dual 500Mhz graphite G4.

So you have a TDM and a LE setup? Or a MIX and a LE?

Running Logic 6 with Digi outboard means you use Logic only enjoying AudioSuite plugins inside Logic (BT school). Please install Protools 5 TDM to check TDM plugs and AudioSuite in PT TDM as a bigger test lab than just Logic&AS

We also need Protools (5) Free users and Protools 4 users, aside MIX/TDM testers.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 10:05:40 AM by Protools5LEGuy »
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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2020, 10:21:58 AM »

otoh, most protools users already know by heart which plugins work on their system and which not, so it is questionable if one really should make collections where you distinguish between HD, mix, and PT 4 stuff and offer individual downloads for the 100 or so random guests which might buy and old protools system but dont know about it.

if you have a protools system at home and you want to know if "supercompressor" works on your system you can download it in 1 second, unstuff it in 7 second, install it in 10 seconds, then start protools (takes some 12 second), then open the plug-in (takes about 4 second) and see if it works.

My approach with RTAS is the same you use with extensions. Keep'em all.

If you boot PT TDM you enjoy MOST of the platforms (RTAS, AS, TDM) but if you boot PT LE some plugs can hang the machine. Even some AS need DSP to work while others don't.

In my 001 plugs pack there are more plugs than the ones that runs, but at least they don't hang the machine, so the time I have invested in testing and keeping them in plug folder means they are stable or in 001 or in AMIII. My list will make other LE users go quicker in their setups just like InstantDAW .

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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2020, 12:04:16 PM »

yes of course, if you try all 100 for the first time you will have to reboot a few times. :)
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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2020, 12:58:49 PM »

A PT archive that I have has Mix TDM plugs, old TDM (like non-Mix PT III/4 plugs) and RTAS plugs. Plus lots of VST, stuff specific for DP and lots of other goodies.

The other archive I got from PT5LE and I guess he thought I took it and ran. Nope, I spent like 2 entire 8 hour days testing, screenshotting and making descriptions for the TDM stuff. I uploaded them a couple different times and they still seem to be lost.

I’m not sure I have a lot of time to sort through all of it again, but on the other hand, I don’t see why we can’t just upload the archives as-is. Still waiting on DH to get back with FTP info.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2020, 01:06:05 PM »

The file attachment size on the forum is big enough that I can upload both archives but I think I’d rather do this on the back end just in case. I could give DH a call but don’t think he’s at work today.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2020, 01:31:10 PM »

Ok turns out DH answered. I didn’t know this but the plugs I uploaded 3 years ago survived. DH found them and those are the ones he reuploaded in the last few days. I will have FTP info shortly to upload the rest of my archives.


After these plugs are uploaded we need some people to sort through them, test, screenshot, write a description for, plus stuff with StuffIt (and most importantly bin) the files individually.

TDM, VST, MAS, 2trk software and all kinds of other stuff needs this treatment.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #36 on: October 10, 2020, 03:08:05 PM »

I am interested in helping.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2020, 03:27:00 PM »

Instructions for uploading:

1) Test plugins/software.
2) If working, grab a screenshot of it in action.
3) Find or write a description for the plugin and save as .txt.
4) Stuff the plugin with StuffIt deluxe, and make sure to encode it as a bin (MacBinary). That’s all in StuffIt Delixe’s menu.
5) Put the bin, screenshot and txt file all in a folder, naming the folder what the plugin is called
6) upload to ftp.

Take a look at all of the current plugins for how things are set up as far as screens and descriptions for an idea.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2020, 03:35:30 PM »

where do I get the ftp creds?, what archive do you want me to start with from the ones you are uploading to the ftp?

I have a mix system.


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Re: Pro Tools TDM Plug-ins hosted on Adrive....
« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2020, 03:55:49 PM »

Im awaiting DH’s command. The main thing it sort is all in the TDM Mix folders. There are multiple sets in there with some overlap, so go through them and grab the latest working copy that you see. The rest of the stuff being uploaded is already sorted but needs to be tested, screenshotted etc. We’ll let you know.
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