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Author Topic: What is the best version of classic environment?  (Read 4246 times)


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What is the best version of classic environment?
« on: September 27, 2020, 08:33:09 AM »

I've always found the version of osx 10.4.11 slower than the previous ones, is it my impression, or are the previous ones better? What is the best version in your opinion?


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Re: What is the best version of classic environment?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2020, 01:50:19 PM »

You don't say what computer you're running it on, which makes a difference. By the time you get to 10.4, there are a lot of Power PC - specific extensions and such baked into the OS. Unless you have and use the original installer, you need to optimize the OS for your particular machine.

That all said, there shouldn't be a big difference in the apparent "speed" most or even all of the time…unless you don't have enough RAM or a very slow HDD or a fragmented-from-poor-housekeeping HDD or……?

A reply with your machine specifics and more detail in general would be helpful.


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Re: What is the best version of classic environment?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2020, 06:22:11 AM »

I've always found the version of osx 10.4.11 slower than the previous ones, is it my impression, or are the previous ones better? What is the best version in your opinion?

It's not just your impression: it is a rather widely-known fact that the Classic environment in Mac OS X is crippled starting with 10.3 Panther, and remains that way all the way up to 10.4.11 Tiger. For the best version of Classic, people have to resort to 10.2.8 Jaguar at latest.

There are discussions over the possibility of trying to hack Jaguar's Classic into Tiger. It would be one way of experiencing Mac OS 9 apps better on the latest G5s, theoretically.
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