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Author Topic: Stop uploading giant screenshots!  (Read 7305 times)


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Stop uploading giant screenshots!
« on: September 12, 2020, 02:38:39 PM »

This is one of those things that seems to be uncurable.
People use Command-Shift-3 and upload what is almost always a 3000-plus pixel X 4000-plus pixel screenshot to illustrate something.
Trouble is, that gets converted to a JPG and if you dare to click on it, you find yourself:

1) Waiting forever as the server downloads it.
2) Now find yourself looking a a giant picture 4 times the size of your screen that you can't even see all at once.

SocMed platforms like F-Book automatically downsize these to viewable dimensions. Our Forum server does not.
I don't even know if the Forum software has that capability. I suspect it doesn't or somebody would have fixed it long ago. (??)

I could suggest that people first save their screenshots as JPEG and resize them to smaller dimensions before uploading. I could also just wish for peace in the world…
If nothing else, using Command-Shift-4 and confining the pic to the section of interest instead of all of the screen would at least partially solve this.


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Re: Stop uploading giant screenshots!
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2020, 03:54:56 PM »

i browsing on a laptop and sometimes i have to perform a forensic search in order to find the small section of these mega-images where the actual information is.
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Re: Stop uploading giant screenshots!
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2020, 04:58:47 AM »

This is Pinned,835.0.html

There you get how to upload large pictures
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Stop uploading giant screenshots!
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2021, 12:53:45 AM »

Yes, I have been frustrated with this as a result of posting photos from my phone camera which is to high in resolution.


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GIANT Screenshots! ETC. / GraphicConverter 6.5
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2021, 05:43:39 PM »

Been thinking ‘bout this since Gary started this thread concerning the HUGE images posted here by some. My “oft-foggy brain” kinda remembered a shareware program from long-long ago. What was it? No, not JPEGView… but GraphicConverter. (Thanks Pyewacket for the memory jog!)

This should be a mandatory little program for those running OS 9 (and especially for those unlikely to use Command-Shift-4) or even those running versions of OS X… IF you post images and follow the size guidelines suggested by this Forum. AND yes, GC 6.5 can open and convert those pesky PICT screenshots to jpegs, pngs, etc. ALL WITHIN OS 9. (And without the larger RAM requirements or learning curve of Photoshop.) Crop, re-size and change file formats - PLUS MUCH MORE!

Simply elegant.

*Last version for Mac OS 9 is “6.5 Classic” and is available for download here:

(You’ll need this Code to install version 6.5: GCV6-EPARKR-ZAA)

There are newer versions also available from:
(But not for OS 9.) Visit the website.

Hats off to Thorsten Lemke!!!

Using GraphicConverter 6.5 / One-Ohh-One

Here’s a very simple walk-through, working with an original desktop PICT screenshot file converted in size and file type. These images will display larger when clicked-on here and they were intentionally left larger so they can more easily be viewed. Of course using Command-Shift-4 would yield a similar result in crop/size, but this is only for example here. Imagine needing to crop a much larger photo image and reduce overall size, resolution (and file type?) for normal Forum size & posting guidelines.

Here’s the boring, full-sized OS 9 PICT screenshot (reduced here slightly.)

Next, that same image opened with GraphicConverter 6.5 under OS 9. Notice the darkened rectangular selection tool selected in the right-side tool bar.

Here’s that same image with the window, click-dragged selection made. (“Marching Ants”) Then under the Edit Menu, dragged down to Trim Selection (I looked everywhere for “Crop”.) It’s “Trim”.

After “Trimming” and under the “Picture” pull-down menu, select “Size” and then over to “Scale”.

The “Scale” window opens and I changed it to 7 inches in width to slightly reduce.
This made the final cropped (Trimmed) image = 504 pixels in width @ 72 ppi.

Final cropped and re-sized image shown here @ full size and saved as a .png
(under the “File” pull-down menu in GC 6.5). You’ll find it.

GraphicConverter 6.5 has many more bells & whistles to explore and utilize - but for simple image re-sizing, posting and file-type conversions… it’s absolutely invaluable.
Unless you’re already a Photoshop fiend… in which case, you’ve no excuse for posting GIANT screenshots or other huge images in the first place. ::)


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Re: Stop uploading giant screenshots!
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2021, 06:51:20 PM »

Of course you can download all Mac OS 9 versions at lemkesoft:

The code Thorsten Lemke offers at his website is:
Name: GraphicConverter User
License: GC99-FZAFSK-PUU

I'd suggest to download it from there to:
-) decide which of the 9 different languages you like
-) lower bandwith needs of garden & Co.
-) show (former) Mac OS 9 programmers that there is still some interrest

BTW. when GraphicConverter became free, I reported it here at macos9lives:,4510.0.html


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GIANT Screenshots! ETC. / GraphicConverter 6.5
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2021, 07:31:27 PM »

Yes Mat, I saw your 2018 post and GraphicConverter 6.5 (the final version made for OS 9) isn’t available on the Lemke website. So no, you cannot download ALL Mac OS 9 versions from lemkesoft. But if you do prefer GraphicConverter 5.9.5 then that license you noted does work. And if you also prefer a language other than English or German… by all means download v.5.9.5 direct from:     [v.6.5 circa 2009 while v.5.9.5 was 2007]

Given our relationship with Macintosh Garden here and considering the fact that they currently no longer appear in Google search results…
I’ll continue to link to them AND especially for files that we do not have here.

With all that said, here’s the image that I left out of my previous post. ;)

So whether it be version 6.5 or 5.9.5 - a perfect little tool for appropriately sized image posting.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 10:42:57 PM by FdB »
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Re: Stop uploading giant screenshots!
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2021, 02:19:29 AM »

Oh. Sorry for being that inattentively! You are right, we are talking about GC 6.5 vs. GC 5.9.5! I missed that completely. Would be interresting why Thorsten Lemke put up the previous last version, …


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Re: Stop uploading giant screenshots!
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2021, 06:01:08 AM »

i remember vaguely there was some confusion with at least one picture format because the carbonized build ran on both OS. i also have 5.x installed in OS9. but of course mostly use photoshop except for mass conversions.
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