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Author Topic: What was the last version of logic to support VST?  (Read 24133 times)


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What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« on: January 21, 2014, 03:03:53 PM »

I know 4.81 supports it..
but the last version to support VST..
is it v5.5? or 6?

Logic VST Instruments

was there a PC version of 6???
im unsure.. i think ive answered this for myself before but i forget;)


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 10:20:38 PM »

Last pc version was 5.5.1.
I thought Os9 logic takes all VST, is the osx version that uses AU.
I will check if 6.5 in os 9 takes VST (I think so)
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 02:22:26 PM »

i wouldnt know
i have never used
i jsut ordered 5.0 + 6.0
coming in the mail right now as we speak compelte with manuals for 5 + 6
im excited to get this;) its been so hard to find!


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 02:55:34 PM »



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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2014, 05:54:03 AM »

VST support was dropped in the OSX version of Logic..
All OS9 versions of Logic starting from 3.6 up to 6.4.3 support VST


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2014, 08:27:40 AM »

Enabler... Thanks for the info :)

I just got a version of Logic Platinum 6.0.1 new in the box (yeah, still shrink wrapped in and I was wondering if the 6.4.3 was a free update and if so... do you have an install of it... my XS Key says it is Authorized for Logic Platinum 5 & 6... so I am hoping it will recognize that last version


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2014, 05:32:59 AM »

Yes DieHard:
Once the XSKey has been authorized for a particular major version you can run the latest release.

1) Install 6.4.1
2) Install 6.4.2 Updater
3) Then drag 6.4.3 to your Emagic Directory manually

Note: I uploded the Files to the ftp.... This will get you a nice fresh install

And don't forget to assign more ram to Logic! 8)

Also I highly recommend trying to get one of the Apple XSKeys (White color)
The Apple version shipped with all Instruments & Effects authorized:
With the Emagic version (Blue color) you had to buy each option A la carte.... And is now impossible to upgrade it :-[

1) Logic 5, 6 & 7 OS9 & OSX (And even version 4 if you install a special driver)
2) ProTools HD Hardware Support
3) Epic TDM plugins
4) HD TDM Enabler
5) Space Designer
6) All Instruments like EVP-88, ES-2, EXS-24 EVD-6 ect....
7) Vocoder
8) Ect....
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 06:31:15 AM by Enabler »


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2014, 06:05:03 AM »

NOW He tells us.. after we both bought blue xskeys

FAIL;) lol
so the only way to get said key is to buy logic version 7..
and that will also authorize 6.4?

this is what was being discussed in another thread..



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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2014, 06:17:28 AM »

Yes, I'm sorry I was late to the party
Search for Logic Pro 7 or Logic Pro 7 Academic on ebay
The Academic version XSKey is the same but Apple would not allow you to upgrade to version 8
in exchange for the lower price

Here is one:


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2014, 06:27:18 AM »

If anyone has any questions about old Logic version or old vintage ProTools TDM hardware just send a PM (Personal Message)
and I will respond to the thread so everyone can chime in. This software & hardware stuff for OS9 is almost gone forever and this website will be the only way left to find out about it.

Thanks ChrisNova777 & DieHard
I'm already enjoying a few of your lost downloads for OS9


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2014, 08:14:18 AM »

This software & hardware stuff for OS9 is almost gone forever and this website will be the only way left to find out about it.

exactly. thats why ive put the effort in here, because this stuff was the latest + greatest future technology at one point!!
ever since the dramatic flare steve jobs put os9 to death with... everyone has had it ingrained int heir minds that os9 is useless
and something to be discarded.... completely ignorant of the fact that it was the last iteration of the entire 90s technology
without which there never would have been an OSX ever created.. for it was the founding seed from which osx sprang,
mother or father u take your pick.. but mac os got into bed with BSD unix and the baby has since grown up;) 
but perhaps theres still a few things that the new young lad can learn from its old parents.. regarding software design + interactivity
mac os 9 applications were unparalleled... and the applications for pc got alot of their workflow from carry over from the mac counterparts
who got it from the mac os itself... like diehard once said to me, we would all be looking at ms courier + times new roman on grey ugly screens
still if it wasnt for mac os;) lol

anyways i hope alot more people will come to find the treasures we are stashing here !!!!! in the never ending pursuit for performance ..
some things should not be discarded so easily..



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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2014, 08:17:39 AM »

Yes, I'm sorry I was late to the party
Search for Logic Pro 7 or Logic Pro 7 Academic on ebay
The Academic version XSKey is the same but Apple would not allow you to upgrade to version 8
in exchange for the lower price

Here is one:

so you are positive these keys will authorize logic 6.4? + all plugins?
i have a question regarding the version i bought (which i havent even installed yet but am about to)
u can see the pics i attached up above in the thread.. i dont seem to have any plugins at all with this
package.. evp88 or evp73.. or even exs24.. i have the suspicion that these are excluded from the package
i have.. and that i just have the barebones logic 6.. would i be correct in assuming this?
how would i go about getting exs24 etc? id have to find the white key wouldnt i..?


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2014, 09:59:25 AM »

Yes that is correct if you bought a new old stock. If it was used then there is a possibility that the previous owner added some instruments or effects. Once the code is put into the XSKey it can't be removed. At least not to the customers knowledge. When Apple took over Emagic they discontinued all add on products & killed off SoundDiver that was still in it's Beta testing stage.

That was when they changed the name from Logic Platinum to Logic Pro and bundled in all add on products to the XSKey. We should thank our lucky stars that Apple released an OS9 version of Logic Pro and I was able to get a hold of that Disk. Logic won't work under classic mode on OSX.

I wouldn't steer you wrong.... The Apple version is the one to get.
Grab that one on ebay now. Since there are no cracks for Logic Pro 5,6 or 7 I bought six of them for backup
I'm using the Apple Academic version with Logic Pro 6.4.3 (See Pic) Once they die it will be the end of the road.

Take the white pill not the Blue pill



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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2014, 10:09:33 AM »

Enabler... forgive me for kind of asking the same question, but...

My XS Key was factory sealed for Logic Platinum 6... and no Samplers or instrument authorizations were added...

Are you saying I can run Logic 6.4 Pro (apple version) and all instruments will work ?

Or have I miss understood you :(


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2014, 10:34:38 AM »

Yes & No..... You have a Platinum license from Emagic the Logic Pro license was from Apple and includes all the extra plugins
You should however run Logic Pro 6.4.3 to gain any added sequencer features & Bug Fixes.

The XSKey will let you demo all the extra plugins for 30 days but after that it's game over for the Emagic Blue XSkey.

Take the White pill not the Blue pill
It's your choice!


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2014, 11:05:43 AM »

I will take whatever pill that will give me EXS24 under OS 9  ::)


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2014, 11:56:51 AM »

I will take whatever pill that will give me EXS24 under OS 9  ::)

LOL yes me too morpheus.. me too


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2014, 12:43:00 PM »

Actually, you may not need to buy a new white dongle.

As long as you have a 5/6 dongle, you can buy this new old stock upgrade-to-7 version, enter the new serial number and it'll make your blue dongle a 7 dongle. I think...

However don't take my word on it, it might not change the dongle itself but rather just let you use an upgrade-only version.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 12:53:55 PM by Syntho »


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2014, 12:45:15 PM »

While we're on topic, I think a few of us are going to be bidding on the white keys on Ebay. One just went up today that's ending in a week.

I want to call dibs on it but I think all of us are going to be fighting over it!


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Re: What was the last version of logic to support VST?
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2014, 12:51:46 PM »

Just for clarity, the early version 6 of Logic was released under the Emagic moniker. It shipped with a blue Emagic dongle.

However when version 6.4 was released, I believe the dongle switched to white. 6.4 actually wasn't a free upgrade. It was a paid upgrade because Apple decided to release all of the old plugins as stock with the program itself, rather than make people buy the licenses separately. That's why an old version of Logic won't enable the plugins. It's a license 6.4 and up that will enable all of the plugins.

Enabler, you have SIX keys? I've been waiting a week to buy one. I didn't realize an academic version would work. I would've bought one already! I was waiting for the full version.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 01:01:23 PM by Syntho »
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