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Author Topic: Which to buy, QS or MDD?  (Read 3881 times)


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Which to buy, QS or MDD?
« on: July 29, 2020, 12:32:43 AM »

I’ve currently got an Indigo iMac DV (July 2000), which has been a nostalgic revisit to the Blueberry I had as a kid, and a fun little project to tinker with during isolation. But it’s a pain to open up, and parts are hard to get, so I’m going to sell it along and settle on something more reliable.

There isn’t a huge offering of used PPC-era Macs where I live, but there is a handful of MDDs and Quicksilvers for sale across the various local sites. They aren’t especially cheap, and I don’t want to collect more than one (I’m already trying to sell the other Macs I‘ve accumulated), so I want to make a well informed decision.
I basically just want to run DAW and film editing software without any dramas, practise my HTML, and play any OS 9 games I have or may come across.
Upgradeability is my primary concern, and I assume they’re both exactly the same that regard.
Fan noise is a bit of a concern, and I hear that the MDD has some issues with airflow.

So when it comes down to it, which do you prefer? What particular models should be sought out/avoided? Please give me anything you think I should be aware of. Cheers!
iMac DV Indigo 450MHz (July 2000) — Mac OS 9.2.2
iMac G4 700MHz – Mac OS 10.3.9
Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8GHz (mid 2004) – Mac OS 10.5.8


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Re: Which to buy, QS or MDD?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2020, 04:43:31 AM »

quicksilver has the better processor upgrade options, but MDD has 4 IDE buses by default.

MDD is a bit faster (incl RAM, and one model with 64 bit PCI) but it is also louder and has the worse PSU.
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