Hey everyone! I recently got a PCR-A30 to use with Cubase VST 5.0. I installed OMS and the drivers for the PCR, following the manual's setup instructions for OMS. (https://static.roland.com/assets/media/pdf/PCR-A30_OM.pdf)
However, any midi input - dials, knobs, keys - will instantly cause an error to be thrown up and my cursor to freeze. When I try to "Test Studio" within OMS Setup, the moment I move a knob, it unexpectedly quits & freezes my system, with the error message "an error of type 1 occurred." In
1) So, you should have OMS 2.5.8 installed. If you run "Test Studio" without the PCR plugged in, does it crash? If no, goto
#2… If yes, goto
A2) If you run "Test Studio" with the PCR plugged in and Cubase OFF - as in NOT launched at all, does it crash? If no, goto
#3… If yes goto
B3) If you now launch Cubase and try again, does it crash? If yes, goto
C4) Are you using any other MIDI devices simultaneously? if yes, goto
D5) Did you follow Roland’s instructions using their OMS setup on Pg 29 of the manual? If NO.
Do it…If yes then ?
A) Something's wrong that has nothing to do with the PCR itself, although it MAY be the PCR driver
B) Look for an "echo" or similar setting on the PCR
C) Look for (I don't know exactly what it's called) "keyboard echo" "keyboard thru" - a setting that causes keyboard input to echo right back out to where it came from like to record AND sound a synth. If it's ON shut it OFF - there's a feedback loop happening.
D) Make settings as described in the Driver E (Mac OS9) folder on the CD-ROM
So, I actually read the damn manual and what can I say…… They have set this “thing” up to be everything to everybody. It’s a keyboard that masquerades as a USB MIDI Host AND audio interface too.
The “Input / Output Devices” on Pg make little or no sense -it’s a trial and error mess.
You should read this:
https://duc.avid.com/showthread.php?t=200373That’s a PoorTools problem with the same error you have They blame it on outdated plugins because …… It’s a different situation BUT
DID you previously have PT on your machine? If YES, have you killed all of the extensions and trash PT deposits all over the HDD?
If you get thru all of this without a solution, holler back and I'll think of something else to try.