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Author Topic: Forum is not remembering my login and password.  (Read 6281 times)


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Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« on: May 26, 2020, 09:36:36 AM »

Ok, this has been going for at least over a year. At first I thought it's not THAT important and I can live with it, but now it slowly goes on my nerves.
I come to the forum -> enter my login/pass, check "forever" and press "login" button. Everything's fine.
Quit Firefox (for whatever reasons), restart it, go to the forum and BAM! It asks for login/pass again.
Am I the only one with this problem or am I doing something wrong? All other forums that I frequent have no problems remembering my login/pass even after a year or so.

Setup: MacBook Pro, Snow Leopard, Firefox 48.0.2 (last supported on SL)
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Re: Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2020, 02:06:09 PM »

Others can no doubt explain this better than I but it seems you want to log in "forever" so that you are later identified when you return and not have to re-enter your name and password.

That doesn't happen.

The session length selector doesn't work that way. (At least, it never has for me either). Maybe it used to way back when, but I don't remember it ever working.
Your user name and password are stored in Firefox (assuming you have passwords enabled) and should pop up when you click on the Forum name box, enabling a quick and easy login.

I'm on Firefox 76 (!) and it works exactly the same way.


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Re: Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2020, 03:46:55 PM »

works for me in firefox windows, firefox OSX, and classilla OS9.

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Re: Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2020, 08:08:57 PM »

One other possibility… Firefox has a prefs setting which automatically deletes cookies and stored site data when quitting the app.

That will cause you to need to re-enter a password because the Forum site stores the "session active" status as a cookie.


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Re: Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2020, 08:52:29 PM »

GaryN, I alredy said in my original post that _all_other_sites_ that I visit behave normaly and don't lose my settings. That includes eBay, Gearsluts, several electronic and photo forums and what not. Macos9lives is the _only_one_ with this problem. And no, I do not have auto delete cookies set, otherwise I would be forced to re-enter my log/pass on other sites as well.
So, I think, it is either:
1) a bug within Macos9lives
2) a bug with Macos9lives/Firefox combo, or
3) there's some setting somewhere (browser or server user interface) _specific_to_Macos9lives_server_ that I am not aware of.
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Re: Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2020, 09:22:26 PM »

are you sure the password is not there? because i remember in earlier versions of ff the fields looked empty, but when you clicked "login" in worked.
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Re: Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2020, 10:32:17 PM »

Nope, it doesn't work in any way. And, I'm neither Mac noob nor THAT stupid. If I say it doesn't work (in my particular case), it doesn't work. Period.
This is what I get after quit/restart of Firefox
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Re: Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2020, 09:49:49 AM »

looks like that for me, too, after logout - but i dont need to retype l/p when i log in again.
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Re: Forum is not remembering my login and password.
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2020, 04:27:05 PM »

GaryN, I alredy said in my original post that _all_other_sites_ that I visit behave normaly and don't lose my settings. That includes eBay, Gearsluts, several electronic and photo forums and what not. Macos9lives is the _only_one_ with this problem. And no, I do not have auto delete cookies set, otherwise I would be forced to re-enter my log/pass on other sites as well.
So, I think, it is either:
1) a bug within Macos9lives
2) a bug with Macos9lives/Firefox combo, or
3) there's some setting somewhere (browser or server user interface) _specific_to_Macos9lives_server_ that I am not aware of.
All other forums that I frequent have no problems remembering my login/pass even after a year or so.

Please notice that the total of what info you posted in the OP regarding other sites was the single sentence above.

That said, I hate to see someone stress out over really important stuff like this so I tried every single combination I could with both Firefox and Safari. I discovered that closing the site window OR quitting either browser gave identical results: Upon reopening the Forum, I was regarded as a "guest" - my ID and password had passed into the ether.

My best guess? It's some really really random thing that goes waaay back to the "old days" and is now slightly out of step with modern browsers. One of the reasons we use this hosting is because it causes a minimum of issues with OS9 and earlier browsers i.e. Classilla, Explorer etc. because for some reason, people using old OS9 software come here.
…and NO, I did NOT fire up my OS9 machine and load a bunch of old browsers to test that theory.

At this point, I'm throwing in the towel on the "problem". There are only one or two people around here with access to the forum server and with a relationship to Simple Machines for info on the Simpleportal software that I'm sure will give this issue their attention ASAP.

They know who they are……

Sorry I couldn't be more help. Try not to stress…
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