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Author Topic: iMac g4 (lamp) 800mhz can someone help me with my os9.2.2 install please  (Read 4554 times)


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Hi everyone,
Can someone guide me and help me please. I have an iMac g4 800 MHz.  It is stated that it was shipped with two operating systems and one was os 9.2.2. I have one with only tiger installed. I have used the 9.2.2 universal installer but it wouldn’t boot from it but I was able to install from the desktop. I now have a classic environment within tiger. But I’m really wanting to be able to dual boot properly into either os but I’m not sure the proper way to install and get this beautiful machine back to dual booting. I love os 9.2,2 and have lots of software. Please can someone help me with my problem.
Thank you in advance everyone


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If you have Classic installed, you should just be able to open the Startup Disk control panel and select the OS 9 System Folder and reboot to OS 9.

Unless you have the OS X only model, in that case, the hardware should be the same, but they likely removed MacRISC from the compatible property, so you can add it by booting into open firmware, or we can build you a custom Mac OS ROM that will allow your OS X only iMac to boot OS 9.


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Hi and thank you. I’ve looked in the startup folder and it’s only showing me OS X. I can open the classic environment within OS X but I can’t get it to dual boot into the proper os 9 system.
Hope this makes sense.


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Hi and thank you. I’ve looked in the startup folder and it’s only showing me OS X. I can open the classic environment within OS X but I can’t get it to dual boot into the proper os 9 system.
Hope this makes sense.

You have the OS X only model.

You are in luck, as Apple didn't really change the hardware, they only modified the firmware so it would not boot OS 9.

We can fix this, let me see if I remember correct:

Install an OS 9 CD into the drive, reboot the Mac into Open Firmware( CMD+OPT+O+F ) on the keyboard at boot time:

Type this exactly:
Code: [Select]
dev /
" PowerMac4,2" encode-string " MacRISC" encode-string encode+ " MacRISC2" encode-string encode+ " Power Macintosh" encode-string encode+ " compatible" property
boot cd:,\\:tbxi


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Hi there and thank you for your reply. I have looked on the model number and on the sites and my model is the 8oomhz USB1 model which when released was shipped with Dual boot into both OS systems. So I think that my model is capable of running OS 9.2.2 so will I have to do something different to as you suggested please.


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Hi there and thank you for your reply. I have looked on the model number and on the sites and my model is the 8oomhz USB1 model which when released was shipped with Dual boot into both OS systems. So I think that my model is capable of running OS 9.2.2 so will I have to do something different to as you suggested please.

Boot into Open Firmware and list the " compatible" property:

Code: [Select]
dev /

Let use know what is listed.


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Re: iMac g4 (lamp) 800mhz can someone help me with my os9.2.2 install please
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2020, 04:03:00 PM »


I have an iMac G4 800Mhz, and I'm having the same issue.  I can't figure out how to install 9.  It won't boot from any of the OS 9 CDs I have.
Could someone please enlighten me?

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