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Author Topic: Mac Mini G4 IDE jumper question  (Read 2375 times)


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Mac Mini G4 IDE jumper question
« on: May 05, 2020, 01:56:38 PM »

Hello. I'm new to this board, and pleased to find people who still care for PPC Macs.
I have been trying to resurrect my G4 Mac Mini, which had a HDD failure, and I've run into an interesting error.
With the new HDD installed, the Mac will refuse to boot from either HDD or CD.
If I put a CD in the drive, it refuses to boot from that either.

However, if I put a CD in the drive, and restart with the mouse button held down, it will boot from the HDD.

There's obviously a problem with drive selection at boot, and I suspect that I need to put a jumper of some kind on the replacement HDD. From memory, I think the Mac is expecting the HDD to be in cable select mode, but I can't find any confirmation of this, and some guidance would be appreciated.


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Re: Mac Mini Jumper
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2020, 04:08:13 PM »

Which G4 Mac Mini?
What type of HD? Just like your old one?
If so, how were the jumpers set (or not present) on the old one?
Trying a new SSD? What OS? The new Mac Mini OS 9.2.2?

You might need to be just a bit more specific. Thanks.
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