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Author Topic: Benchmark Series #1 SSD on IDE vs Memory : Disk Cache setting  (Read 2543 times)


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So I found Norton Utilities has a little OS9 Bench mark program  ;D
If you have not seen it it benchs the CPU / GPU / HD / FPU and you can save and compare

So I was researching what is the best memory setting for Disk Cache w/ a SSD all over the web and here
and came up with very little...

So I went to work

The test:
change just 1 variable
then benchmark the SSD performance
Disk Cache memory size in increments:

The Computer used in the test:
1Ghz DP QS
OS9.2 clean install *thank you MOS9Lives
OCZ 60GB SSD Sata3 on $10 ebay IDE adapter (Green)
1.5GB Ram
Nvidea Gfor4MX 32MB
No:Modem, additional cards , CDrom , dvd, airport ect bare machine

« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 12:36:37 AM by tunedbytad »
Hi, My name is Tad
I have a PMG4 problem
aka tunedbytad aka ProTools4 aka NotoriouSS


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Re: Benchmark Series #1 SSD on IDE vs Memory : Disk Cache setting
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2020, 09:07:06 PM »

Under System Ratings

A 128k (minimum setting) Disk Cache 1ghz Dual Processor OTC SSD on IDE Gforce4MX 1.5GBram
B 512k Disk Cache 1ghz Dual Processor OTC SSD on IDE Gforce4MX 1.5GBram
C 8mb (default setting) Disk Cache 1ghz Dual Processor OTC SSD on IDE Gforce4MX 1.5GBram
D 16MB Disk Cache 1ghz Dual Processor OTC SSD on IDE Gforce4MX 1.5GBram
E 32MB (Max setting) Disk Cache 1ghz Dual Processor OTC SSD on IDE Gforce4MX 1.5GBram

in pretty much that order performace of the Disk "write" degrades
the more Disk Cache setting is raised the slower drive performance gets on this Norton Benchmark

there is some data showing that random reads speed up greatly as Disk Cache is increased but with huge penalty to Write speed.

Also performed a real world test moving the MacOSLives OS9 Universal iso at 497mb from the SSD to the SSD
Move time w/ 128K Disk Cache 20 seconds
Move time w/ 32MB Disk Cache 27 seconds

So.... Less (in this Case) is MORE!

« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 12:34:26 AM by tunedbytad »
Hi, My name is Tad
I have a PMG4 problem
aka tunedbytad aka ProTools4 aka NotoriouSS


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Re: Benchmark Series #1 SSD on IDE vs Memory : Disk Cache setting
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2020, 01:01:21 AM »

in the last days i keep getting 503 from the database, not only in this post.

uplaoding from OS9 is difficult here (but works), it is much better in other browers.
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