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Author Topic: COVID  (Read 2914 times)


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« on: March 18, 2020, 07:08:35 AM »

So are any forum 'Brothers' dealing directly with infection? (S)ATAman has given a few updates on his condition and how it's affecting him and his life which I've found very informative.

My immediate family is still healthy but the circle is drawing closer and closer! All of my performance gigs have cancelled or postponed to a later date... which is NOT the optimum situation for a full time musician! My studio gigs are still mostly happening at this time but will likely dry up soon also!

At this point I'm trying to stay positive and use my time to clean up and organize my 'personal studio' stuff... LONG overdue. Also have a BIG pile of stuff to repair/ troubleshoot, etc. so I'm beginning to work through that also. I guess that means that I'll wind up with plenty of amps and stuff all ready to go... just need a few gigs to happen now!! ;D
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