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Author Topic: OMS Name Manager  (Read 5531 times)


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OMS Name Manager
« on: February 24, 2020, 11:00:22 AM »

I just learned that Opcode has a standalone version of their Name Manager program. I believe this is the same application that opens up in Vision when you go to the Names window. I thought it would be convenient to launch that app instead of having to go into Vision every time, but I'm not finding the standalone application.

I'm going to take a wild guess that Opcode did away with the standalone program and instead incorporated it into the Studio Patches Editor program. OMS 2.3.8 doesn't include the standalone program, however there's a document called OMS Name Manager in my OMS folder on my system directory, and that seems to be the program, but it can't be opened standalone. I'm guessing it opens that file up once you're in Vision or the Studio Patches Editor.

Anyone know the history behind this thing?


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Re: OMS Name Manager
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2020, 05:27:10 PM »

Got it. I don't know the exact history of this but I would guess that there wasn't a big demand for it so it just kinda fell into obscurity.
I suspect that it was the other way around from what you think. It was part of Vision first (because OMS is not actually an app) and was broken out as a "handy tool" later.
In all the years I've used SVP and Galaxy, I've never thought about it. When I searched my drive and found it, I was surprised. I had forgotten it even existed.

Anyway, here ya go.


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Re: OMS Name Manager
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2020, 05:30:49 AM »

I have that too. That's the Pro Tools version of it. It came with PT5.0 and below in the Extras/Beta folder on the installation CD, and I believe it was included in a menu in the program itself thereafter. I believe there is an actual standalone release of it from Opcode, probably included in OMS versions prior to 2.3.8, but at the moment I'm not so worried about tracking it down since I can just launch the Studio Patches application and change everything from there.

One thing that caught my eye however is that for some reason, at least on my system, changing things in the Names window in Vision doesn't feed the info to the Studio Patches' Names window. But the Studio Patches' Names window feeds it into Vision. Perhaps the Studio Patches Editor is like a master version of it that feeds to all OMS programs, but every program that utilizes OMS can be tweaked and have its own settings and patch subscriptions. Hmm.

One more thing: I noticed that Pro Tools 5.1 doesn't display the note names, only note numbers when inputting midi. I guess that wasn't a feature at the time.


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Re: OMS Name Manager
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2020, 03:42:32 PM »

There is no "Pro Tools version". insofar as there is no special mod unique to working with PT. I think it may have been included with PT due to some long-forgotten problem with PT compatibility – because there were many.
Don't forget, the actual Names Manager is contained within OMS. The "app" is a simple tool to operate it.
I've made a habit of collecting every bit om Opcode anything I've come across for 25 years. I've never seen any other Names Manager app nor any reference to one ever. Plus, I just looked through OMS 1… not there.

I think it's a Holy Grail. You can believe it exists all you want, but it's unlikely you'll ever find it.
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