Hi, I have a Beige G3 @ 266MHz. It's pretty fast with OS 9.2.2 but really slow when verify dmg images and unstuff things, so i'm thinking to upgrade it. Considering that in 2019 is pretty difficult to find an accelerated card (probably it will cost much too) i want to overclock the puppy.
According to various sites found via lowendmac there are various possibilities just moving some jumpers on the logic board and teorically there is the possibility to push all over 600Mhz but is a smart thing to do or i risk to kill something ?
The system bus can go up from 66MHz to 83MHz and the cpu has multipler up to 7 (actually it should be set around 3.5).
In old Pc's pushing on FSB make the system overall unstable (PCI side), here i don't know what can happen, how much are solid hardware and operating system. I want have a stable upgrade (thinking to install Tiger in next future ), not a test configuration.
Working cpu side instead how much can rise temperatures ? The default configuration mount a passive and short heatsink. Ideally i should replace it with something bigger (need to add another one on the asic chip ?) but in the outtrigger case there is very few space. The shorter ram modules know something: installing the standard sized ones, stop the system from booting probably because the top block of the case, when it's closing, moves the modules in the slots or, worst, short circuit their signal to mass.
What can i do in relatively tranquillity ? Thanks
Little update:
Tonight i kept on the system at standard speed for several hours, browsed web and played some games. At a certain point suddenly, all shut off. Restarted, a few minutes are passed, new shut off. The problem, i think, must be related to temperatures. Some months ago I changed heatsink paste with a new and better one but now probably it is not sufficient. Here,
https://tech.kateva.org/2004/09/ibook-temperature-monitor-and-g3.html, i read something unclear but bad about temperature sensing (wrong reads even of 20°C) even if the maximum temperature that the CPU can reach is 105 ° C
Yesterday i've tried two software hoping to read a reliable value: Jeremy's CSM didn't sense anything and Gauge Pro which pretended to read ever ~32°C without any variation.
Had I the cpu much hotter and It went to thermal protection or what's happened ?