... I wish Sample Wrench was for mac because my REAL dream would be to be able to send / receive samples from my Akai S612, but sample wrench is the only program I know that will work with it
My friend has windows and can send actual wavs directly to/from his S612 using sample wrench. I wanna be cool too.. 
It will (probably) not play the sounds, but early (Connectix) versions of SoftPC were really smart Windoze replacements. In a Mac only environment we used it for years to run a Win only communication software for an IBM AS400 logistic system... on a 68K Mac LC475

Once Microsoft aquired the system it went down the drain, so stick with the original.
Maybe SampleWrench accepts the environment, too.
The nice feature of SoftPC is that it doesn't need to boot - you can quit and reload the state of the system at arbitrary times. It definitely was the better Windoze...
ps: Have you tried Bias Peak with the S612 ? Bias has SDS Midi in it's Sampler menu. It would be my preferred sample editor anyway.
(Iirc one could access files from the Mac drive in SoftPC)