Try this Mac OS ROM, it is encoded for the PowerBook5,3, and feature the Happy MacTron, with custom PRIM_INFO as well as enables NAP mode for the 4747a.
Use with Apple CPU Plugin, system will try to enter sleep, but crashes.
It has the backlight control, but if your backlight is inverted, the display will go dark after the Happy MacTron, because it thinks it's setting the display to full brightness, when it's really fully dim.
Wait for the desktop to load and press the -bright button to turn the display up, one you set it correct it will create a pref file so the display won't be dark on the next boot.
No way for me to know if your blacklight is inverted, you'll just have to test and see.
Also has the G4 Fix, so you shouldn't need the nvram script.
Testing, create a folder named "ppc" on the root of your OS 9 partition, place the file "tbxi18" in that folder, reboot to OF:
boot hd:,\ppc\tbxi18