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Author Topic: Quicksilver Thread!  (Read 55202 times)


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upgrading a quicksilver mac questions . CPU and HDD Interface?
« Reply #60 on: April 09, 2019, 04:48:34 AM »

Ok so I have this recently acquired G4 that's clocked at 867mhz..  I was looking around and I saw this:

933mhz card.. not a big upgrade, but i figure its still only another $30..

then I saw this thing, a dual G4 card.. not as cheap.. but its two CPUs..  clocked at 1ghz.. so is this something could be installed?   would it still be OS9 friendly?  (IE no hacking)

I'm just looking to make this machine as fast as it can be while being cost considerate..  $100 is a bit much for a relatively small gain in speed, but maybe one will come along cheaper..  or don't bother because it won't even be utilized by OS9

Also, another question about upgrading..  These computers still use IDE HDD right?  I'm looking to move to SSD drives with a caddy..  (Mostly for noise in my music studio, but also reliability reasons).  just need to shop around for a good IDE adapter and making sure I buy the right kind. 



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Re: upgrading a quicksilver mac questions . CPU and HDD Interface?
« Reply #61 on: April 09, 2019, 05:01:03 AM »

would this be what i'm looking for?  I want to buy standard modern SSD Sata drives to replace the internal HDD I have in there..

I'd be looking to but a couple of 120gb SSD drives to use like this:

This should cut down a significant amount of noise coming from my device because those old HDD were noisy.. 


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Re: 2001 G4 QuickSilver 733Mhz Restoration
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2019, 09:31:07 AM »

OK... so I am at a loss

From your serial number you definitely have a 2002 Quicksilver; the total production run was Jul 18, 2001 - Aug 13, 2002...
your particular unit was built in March of 2002 and sources state...
These were the first Macs to officially support hard drives over 128 GB on the built-in Ultra ATA/66 (ATA-5) hard drive bus, although reader reports indicate that the earlier Quicksilver model sometimes does so, depending on the logic board installed.
The Power Macintosh G4 (Quicksilver 2002) series is very similar to the "Quicksilver" series that it replaced -- both share an identical case design, for example -- but the Power Macintosh G4/933 (Quicksilver 2002) and Power Macintosh G4/1.0 DP (Quicksilver 2002) -- have faster processors with faster DDR SDRAM level 3 caches. Additionally, all Quicksilver 2002 models support hard drives larger than 128 GB

You also mentioned you actually checked the Logic board and it indeed is a "Rev B" QS Board which also supports over 128GB

One thing that should be noted, if you make the volume over 200GB OS 9 will not boot, so...

1) Did you make try to make a 190 GB Partition and a second partition, or did you try the entire 256 GB ?
2) Have you tried a standard IDE/PATA Hard drive (although that should not matter)

At the moment, I don't have time to check what the latest firmware for a 2002 QS is, but maybe someone else can chime in


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Re: QS Firmware & SSD Bridges
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2019, 06:17:34 PM »

Of the three Quicksilvers here, the 1.67 and the 1.0 GHz models are both running under the exact same firmware. (Should be up to date / the last & latest.) Only difference is the “Software Bundle” noted as 694-4587… whereas these two are SB 694-4682. AND neither of these have HDs larger than 120 GB. Haven’t the time to slap another larger drive into either of them at present… but I’d guess that AlphaMac simply might not have partitioned his 250 GB drive accordingly?

[The third QS here is the 867 MHz model with an “A” board and presently it doesn’t want to boot OS 9. (So I’m thinking of setting it on fire).] :o Its’ currrent firmware version is 4.2.5f1

Did OWC provide an IDE to SSD “bridge”. (From AlphaMac’s internal pic above.) If so, is there a jumper selection/setting for Master-Slave on that bridge or is it “cable select”? On a QS if you want to add a second drive on that same ribbon cable.… it’s “Master-Slave”. If the second drive is a "traditional" platter SATA (with available jumper settings already on it) then you might not require such settings on zee bridge.

Someone was asking about bridges and I mentioned the Kingwin ADP-06 but the “other one” (that I could not remember at the time) is the Addonics - ADSAIDE (“SATA-IDE/ATAPI Converter”). A bit pricier but it does have the jumper options for Master - Slave - Cable Select.

AND just saw this one mentioned by rpschultz13 & refinery - which looks like the Addonics but slightly less expensive:
« Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 06:47:27 PM by FdB »
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Quicksilver Thread!
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2019, 06:40:04 PM »

Maybe it is time to combine the three currently active Quicksilver users into one thread here?

Especially concerning hardware, HD upgrades, etcetera. Hmmm? ;)
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Re: Quicksilver Thread!
« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2019, 08:29:13 PM »

Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: 2001 G4 QuickSilver 733Mhz Restoration
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2019, 09:12:46 PM »

PSU fan is in. No resistor needed. It's very quiet with great air flow. This fan came with a rubber gasket that fits nicely against the steel case. I wouldn't be comfortable going with any less airflow.

I have a Hanna temperature gauge and measured the air out the back port at about 34°C. Seems safe.

If you have a Delta PSU it's a little more complicated to pull the case apart to get the fan in. If you don't care much about cosmetics I definitely recommend cutting out the metal grill. It's too close to the fan blades (making wind noise) and even adds some slight resistance to the rpm.



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Re: 2001 G4 QuickSilver 733Mhz Restoration
« Reply #68 on: April 11, 2019, 12:36:01 AM »

@IIO It's hard to find compatible PCI cards. I'll have to keep looking at snipe one where I can.

i know, same problem, here. i am currently looking for another one.
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Re: QS Firmware & SSD Bridges
« Reply #69 on: April 11, 2019, 12:50:09 AM »

but I’d guess that AlphaMac simply might not have partitioned his 250 GB drive accordingly?

we´re discussing this mystery since years and i can only repeat: i have never seen a 733 with 48 bit controller. or a 733 from a year other than 2001, for that matter. i also dont know of any ATA v.5 with 48 bit support.

and the best way to find it out is to mount a disk. if it shows up as only 128 gb are usable, it is most likely not something else causing this. :)
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Re: 2001 G4 QuickSilver 733Mhz Restoration
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2019, 02:23:54 AM »

I just got a 867mhz unit.  What model fan is that?  I'm very interested in replacing mine with something quieter..  same with the SSD..  I'm using mine for music and I'd like to take down that Jet engine level noise down considerably. 

I don't know how to check firmware, but here are some stats that might help?


no FW800

came with OSX

more details

hdd details

On a side note, is there a quiet fan for a G4 Sawtooth 450mhz?   the fan noise is strong with this one as well..



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Re: 2001 G4 QuickSilver 733Mhz Restoration
« Reply #71 on: April 11, 2019, 09:30:35 AM »

@DieHard @FdB  I reinstalled OS9 with a CD boot and when I partitioned the OWC SSD drive into five parts it only read 128GB. Externally on the firewire port I can read larger drives.

@IIO We're discussing the 800mhz that I purchased. I'm plan to rebuild the 733mhz next and might switch out the board with a faster chip if that's possible.

@part12studios Noiseblocker M8-3 NB-Multiframe. See the specs on post #56. I have x2 DSP PCI cards that add some heat so I went with the M8-3 for airflow. I figured if it was too fast I could add a resistor to slow it down, but this fan was perfect for my purpose. It's only a few feet away and very comfortable for long editing hours. The problem now is that I hear all the other fans in my studio from the audio interfaces and vintage gear.

If you have a stock QS with a SSD you might consider stepping down to a M8-2 if your goal is to make it as quite as possible (without sacrificing too much airflow).


I had an old broken LaCie USB drive in the closet and cracked it open. It had a Seagate HDD with an internal SATA connector. So yesterday I picked up a Kingston 120GB SSD at a local store and installed it in the enclosure. It didn't mount at first and was not recognized by the Drive Setup app. Then after a few minutes it mounted but the Drive Setup app still says 'unsupported drive' so I'm not able to partition it, but it still mounts. It's just a temporary transfer/backup drive for now.



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Re: QS Firmware/ROM updater
« Reply #72 on: April 11, 2019, 11:47:42 AM »

Here we go again… (see above post)

Looking ‘round here AGAIN for the 4.33f2 QS Firmware/ROM updater for those currently in the Quicksilver realm and still cannot find my source.

I’ve found a version 4.48 (for MDDs only) and a version 4.28 for Sawteeth and QS’s wishing to install a NEWERTECH MAXPower G4 processor… but no 4.33f2.

From where does version 4.33f2 originate? Hmm?
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Re: 2001 G4 QuickSilver 733Mhz Restoration
« Reply #73 on: April 11, 2019, 12:04:47 PM »

yea i'm just doing audio and i don't think i'm going to be pushing the CPU super hard all the time..  so quieter over air flow is reasonable.. i don't do long sessions either.. computer is on rarely more than an hour or two at a time and that might be once a week.. most sessions are an hour or less..

i have other things that make some 60hz hum.. but yea by far the computer is the biggest noise generator in the studio.  The only thing louder than the fan is the hard drive being accessed.. you can hear those heads moving / writing stuff..  when recording audio..  I'd like SSD to eliminate that. 


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Quicksilver Comparison Specs...
« Reply #74 on: April 11, 2019, 12:06:41 PM »

Comparing the "stock" 733 MHz to the "other" Quicksilvers....
« Last Edit: February 22, 2022, 06:25:42 PM by FdB »
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Re: Quicksilver Thread!
« Reply #75 on: April 11, 2019, 01:35:19 PM »

 ok so firmware answer you gave (this is sitll a quicksilver specific question) where can i find the firmware update 4.33f2? 

I googled it and wasn't coming up with a clear link to something to download. 

I've never done a mac firmware update so i'm not sure if it's different than PCs... like Dells just had an EXE you'd run and it would reboot and do the firmware update.  I image apple made it pretty easy to do too. 


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Re: QS Firmware/ROM updater
« Reply #76 on: April 11, 2019, 01:36:33 PM »

ditto.. same situation.  looking for that 4.33f2 firmware as mine is older. 


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Re: upgrading a quicksilver mac questions . CPU and HDD Interface?
« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2019, 01:44:04 PM »

wow even this one for $5... free shipping..  but i suspect based on the pic with this one, it's for a 2.5" IDE HDD.. not a full sized one.



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Re: upgrading a quicksilver mac questions . CPU and HDD Interface?
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2019, 02:17:22 PM »

That Kingwin ADP-06 bridge/converter (the first one mentioned above) works well. I've 2 or 3 of them in various machines / enclosures. However there is some question as to their use in a Quicksilver - where one must designate / assign the Master & Slave relationship (via jumper settings on the bridge - or the HD... in most cases) on that HD ribbon cable for having two drives present.

Say you want to use an SSD as your boot drive with your OS and other applications/software present there... and then you'd like to also have another drive in that second position on that same ribbon cable for music / etc. / file writes? The ADP-06 does not provide a jumper setting option. BUT with some SSDs and even some "platter" SATA drives they often have jumper settings on the drives themselves. So it depends... and this is why I mentioned the more expensive Addonics as that jumper setting option is provided on them. No worries.

rpschultz13 & refinery noted another (similar to the Addonics) yesterday for just under $20.00.

If no one else can say for certain about the ADP-06 concern in the Master/Slave scenario mentioned here, maybe I can re-visit (test it) again this weekend and get back to you. I seem to remember that there was a problem. But if you're only going to want one drive, go for the ADP-06 type. They're cheap and they do work.
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