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Author Topic: G5 qemu attempts.  (Read 109104 times)


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G5 qemu attempts.
« on: October 04, 2018, 09:49:44 AM »

I figured I'd look at trying to boot OS 9 on the G5 970fx v3.1 in Qemu, and maybe that would tell us if it would ever be doable on a real G5 CPU.

Qemu doesn't emulate a G5 logic board, it boots a Mac99 machine, near a Sawtooth.

Linux boots with the mac99 and 970fx, but OS X hangs after Call_Kernel! from BootX. It seems to be trying to read spr 304, then make a write there, over and over. I'm looking into that.

We have some reports that using Linux on a real G5, and running Qemu with KVM and cpu host, results in mach_kernel loading, but later a KP do to the drivers expecting a G5 logicboard rather than Sawtooth hardware.

Here is what I get trying to boot OS 9:

Code: [Select]
qemu-system-ppc64 -M mac99 -m 1024 -cpu ppc64 -hda ~/os9/os9.img --nographic  -net nic,model=sungem -net user -prom-env "auto-boot?=false"

>> =============================================================
>> OpenBIOS 1.1 [Aug 31 2018 11:17]
>> Configuration device id QEMU version 1 machine id 3
>> CPUs: 1
>> Memory: 1024M
>> UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
>> CPU type PowerPC,970FX
milliseconds isn't unique.
Welcome to OpenBIOS v1.1 built on Aug 31 2018 11:17

0 > boot Trying hd:,\\:tbxi...
>> switching to new context:
MacOS: unable to find a usable NVRAM partition - using offset 0x1400.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003000, dstLength = 0x00000504, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x0004DA68.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F80, dstLength = 0x00000080, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x0004DA68.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F40, dstLength = 0x00000040, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x0004DA68.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003CFC, dstLength = 0x00000204, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x0004DA68.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F00, dstLength = 0x00000040, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x0004DA68.
Stopping at end of FCODE, due to fatal error (see above).
0 >

ELN, nanopico, anyone offer some insight into what's going wrong here?


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2018, 03:12:10 PM »

AddMemoryRelocationEntry is used to request that data structures be copied from one location to another when the system boots. It is not supposed to have multiple destinations overlapping, but that somehow happened.

I think that either the Trampoline is really confused with the device tree, or the upper 32 bits of a 64-bit address are being ignored. It's hard to tell. If you could enable the debug logging, you might be able to figure out what is going on.

There are really all sorts of problems with booting the G5. In addition to the Trampoline not knowing how to handle various devices, neither the Trampoline nor the NanoKernel are built to handle 64-bit processors. For instance, the NK does not support the 64-bit memory management architecture. The PTEs are twice as big. The bit positions are different. It will crash hard when it uses the 32-bit mmu code, assuming it doesn't crash before that.

That doesn't mean we can't do it. It just means we will have to do a lot of work.


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2018, 05:39:16 PM »

How would I enable debug logging?


  • 256 MB
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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2018, 07:07:22 PM »

Set the "AAPL,debug" property on the device tree root node. It looks like Qemu will just let you add this command line option:
Code: [Select]
-prom-env aapl,debug=13FFF
If you can get to an Open Firmware prompt, you could enable the normal way:
Code: [Select]
dev / 13FFF encode-int " AAPL,debug" property


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2018, 08:19:38 PM »

That's a lot of debug info:

Code: [Select]
qemu-system-ppc64 -M mac99 -m 1024 -cpu ppc64 -hda ~/os9/os9.img --nographic -prom-env "aapl,debug=13FFF"

>> =============================================================
>> OpenBIOS 1.1 [Aug 31 2018 11:17]
>> Configuration device id QEMU version 1 machine id 3
>> CPUs: 1
>> Memory: 1024M
>> UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
>> CPU type PowerPC,970FX
milliseconds isn't unique.
Welcome to OpenBIOS v1.1 built on Aug 31 2018 11:17
Trying hd:,\\:tbxi...
>> switching to new context:
AAPL,debug bit settings (-OR- bits together):
       1 * = Print general informative messages.
       2 * = Print formatted Mac OS tables (except config/universal info).
       4 * = Print formatted config info table.
       8 * = Dump Mac OS tables (except config/universal info).
      10 * = Print node names while copying the device tree.
      20 * = Print property info while copying the device tree.
      40 * = Print interrupt-related info.
      80 * = Print interrupt tree traversal info.
     100 * = Print address resolution info.
     200 * = Print NV-RAM info.
     400 * = Print Mac OS "universal" info.
     800 * = Print "special" node info.
    1000 * = Load EtherPrintf utility via parcel for post FCode debugging.
    2000 * = Print BOOTP/DHCP/BSDP information.
    4000   = Allocate writable ROM aperture.
    8000   = Mark Toolbox image as non-cacheable.
   10000 * = Print parcel info while copying the device tree.
   20000   = Print information on device tree data checksums.
 1000000   = Enable the Nanokernel debugger.
 2000000   = Display the Nanokernel log during boot.
10000000   = Dont attempt to unhibernate system.
40000000   = Halt after end of FCode (useful if outputting to screen).

MacOS: RTAS not found.
work area logical address = 0x3FAD8000, physical address = 0x3FAD8000.
IsKeyDown: no keys held down
Found parcel 'Mac OS ROM Parcel', type 'rom '.
Heathrow location method better get fixed.
NVRAM path: /nvram@fff04000; result = 15
NVRAM size = 0x00002000.
NVRAM partition offset=00000000, SIG=70, size=00C1, name='      system'
NVRAM partition offset=00000C10, SIG=7F, size=003F, name='        free'
NVRAM partition offset=00001000, SIG=5A, size=0100, name=' wwwwwwwwwww'
MacOS: unable to find a usable NVRAM partition - using offset 0x1400.
MacOS NVRAM partition offset = 0x13f0
Found NVRAM node: /nvram@fff04000
RAM Disk Size: 0
DR Emulator Cache Size: 0
created node 'AAPL,CodePrepare'
parcel 'CodePrepare Node Parcel': Added property 'AAPL,prepare_order'.
node '': decompressing property 'TimeManagerLib'.
parcel 'CodePrepare Node Parcel': Added property 'TimeManagerLib'.
node '': decompressing property 'NVRAMServicesLib'.
parcel 'CodePrepare Node Parcel': Added property 'NVRAMServicesLib'.
MacOS: Found a plug-in for NVRAM.
node '': decompressing property 'RTCServicesLib'.
parcel 'CodePrepare Node Parcel': Added property 'RTCServicesLib'.
MacOS: Found a plug-in for RTC.
created node 'AAPL,CodeRegister'
node '': decompressing property 'NativePowerMgrLib'.
parcel 'CodeRegister Node Parcel': Added property 'NativePowerMgrLib'.
node '': decompressing property 'AGPLib'.
parcel 'CodeRegister Node Parcel': Added property 'AGPLib'.
node '': decompressing property 'EtherPrintfLib'.
parcel 'CodeRegister Node Parcel': Added property 'EtherPrintfLib'.
node '': decompressing property 'StartLib'.
parcel 'CodeRegister Node Parcel': Added property 'StartLib'.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB06F7C, devNode 0x3FAD800C
Found parcel 'Property Checksum', type 'psum'.
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB06FB0
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB06FDC
  Copying peer property 'clock-frequency' stored at 0x3FB07008
  Copying peer property 'model' stored at 0x3FB07034
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB07068
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB070C0
  Copying peer property 'system-id' stored at 0x3FB070F0
  Copying peer property 'copyright' stored at 0x3FB07128
Copying child device node 'aliases' of node at 0x3FAD800C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB071A0, devNode 0x3FAD8030
  Copying peer property 'mac-io' stored at 0x3FB071D0
  Copying peer property 'via-cuda' stored at 0x3FB07210
  Copying peer property 'adb-keyboard' stored at 0x3FB07258
  Copying peer property 'adb-mouse' stored at 0x3FB072B0
  Copying peer property 'rtc' stored at 0x3FB07304
  Copying peer property 'nvram' stored at 0x3FB07350
  Copying peer property 'scca' stored at 0x3FB07380
  Copying peer property 'sccb' stored at 0x3FB073CC
  Copying peer property 'ide0' stored at 0x3FB07418
  Copying peer property 'hd' stored at 0x3FB07468
  Copying peer property 'disk' stored at 0x3FB074B8
  Copying peer property 'ide1' stored at 0x3FB07508
  Copying peer property 'cd' stored at 0x3FB0755C
  Copying peer property 'cdrom' stored at 0x3FB075B0
  Copying peer property 'keyboard' stored at 0x3FB07604
  Copying peer property 'screen' stored at 0x3FB07664
  Copying peer property 'kbd' stored at 0x3FB076B0
Copying device node peer 'openprom' of node at 0x3FAD8030.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB07710, devNode 0x3FAD803C
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB07744
  Copying peer property 'model' stored at 0x3FB07774
  Copying peer property 'relative-addressing' stored at 0x3FB077AC
  Copying peer property 'supports-bootinfo' stored at 0x3FB077D4
  Copying peer property 'boot-syntax' stored at 0x3FB077FC
Copying child device node 'client-services' of node at 0x3FAD803C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB07828, devNode 0x3FAD8048
Copying device node peer 'options' of node at 0x3FAD803C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB07860, devNode 0x3FAD8054
  Copying peer property 'boot-args' stored at 0x3FB07890
  Copying peer property 'boot-device' stored at 0x3FB078BC
  Copying peer property 'use-generic?' stored at 0x3FB07910
  Copying peer property 'boot-script' stored at 0x3FB07940
  Copying peer property 'boot-screen' stored at 0x3FB0796C
  Copying peer property 'vga-ndrv?' stored at 0x3FB07998
  Copying peer property 'virt-size' stored at 0x3FB079C8
  Copying peer property 'virt-base' stored at 0x3FB079F4
  Copying peer property 'load-base' stored at 0x3FB07A20
  Copying peer property 'real-size' stored at 0x3FB07A50
  Copying peer property 'real-base' stored at 0x3FB07A7C
  Copying peer property 'real-mode?' stored at 0x3FB07AA8
  Copying peer property 'little-endian?' stored at 0x3FB07AD8
  Copying peer property 'scroll-lock' stored at 0x3FB07B08
  Copying peer property 'skip-netboot?' stored at 0x3FB07B38
  Copying peer property 'default-mac-address' stored at 0x3FB07B68
  Copying peer property 'pci-probe-mask' stored at 0x3FB07B98
  Copying peer property 'selftest-#megs' stored at 0x3FB07BC4
  Copying peer property 'screen-#rows' stored at 0x3FB07BF0
  Copying peer property 'screen-#columns' stored at 0x3FB07C1C
  Copying peer property 'output-device' stored at 0x3FB07C48
  Copying peer property 'input-device' stored at 0x3FB07C94
  Copying peer property 'use-nvramrc?' stored at 0x3FB07CE0
  Copying peer property 'oem-logo?' stored at 0x3FB07D10
  Copying peer property 'oem-banner' stored at 0x3FB07D40
  Copying peer property 'oem-banner?' stored at 0x3FB07D6C
  Copying peer property 'nvramrc' stored at 0x3FB07D9C
  Copying peer property 'fcode-debug?' stored at 0x3FB07DC8
  Copying peer property 'diag-switch?' stored at 0x3FB07DF8
  Copying peer property 'boot-file' stored at 0x3FB07E28
  Copying peer property 'boot-command' stored at 0x3FB07E54
  Copying peer property 'auto-boot?' stored at 0x3FB07E84
  Copying peer property 'aapl,debug' stored at 0x3FB07EB4
Copying device node peer 'chosen' of node at 0x3FAD8054.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB07EE4, devNode 0x3FAD8060
  Copying peer property 'stdin' stored at 0x3FB07F14
  Copying peer property 'stdout' stored at 0x3FB07F40
  Copying peer property 'nvram' stored at 0x3FB07F6C
  Copying peer property 'mmu' stored at 0x3FB07F98
  Copying peer property 'rtc' stored at 0x3FB07FC4
  Copying peer property 'memory' stored at 0x3FB07FF0
  Copying peer property 'bootargs' stored at 0x3FB0801C
  Copying peer property 'bootpath' stored at 0x3FB08048
Copying device node peer 'builtin' of node at 0x3FAD8060.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB080A4, devNode 0x3FAD806C
Copying child device node 'console' of node at 0x3FAD806C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB080D4, devNode 0x3FAD8078
Copying device node peer 'packages' of node at 0x3FAD806C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08104, devNode 0x3FAD8084
Copying child device node 'cmdline' of node at 0x3FAD8084.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08138, devNode 0x3FAD8090
Copying device node peer 'disk-label' of node at 0x3FAD8090.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08168, devNode 0x3FAD809C
Copying device node peer 'terminal-emulator' of node at 0x3FAD809C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0819C, devNode 0x3FAD80A8
Copying device node peer 'deblocker' of node at 0x3FAD80A8.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB081D8, devNode 0x3FAD80B4
Copying device node peer 'hfsplus-files' of node at 0x3FAD80B4.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0820C, devNode 0x3FAD80C0
Copying device node peer 'hfs-files' of node at 0x3FAD80C0.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08244, devNode 0x3FAD80CC
Copying device node peer 'ext2-files' of node at 0x3FAD80CC.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08278, devNode 0x3FAD80D8
Copying device node peer 'iso9660-files' of node at 0x3FAD80D8.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB082AC, devNode 0x3FAD80E4
Copying device node peer 'grubfs-files' of node at 0x3FAD80E4.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB082E4, devNode 0x3FAD80F0
Copying device node peer 'mac-parts' of node at 0x3FAD80F0.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0831C, devNode 0x3FAD80FC
  Copying peer property 'selected-partition-args' stored at 0x3FB08350
Copying device node peer 'pc-parts' of node at 0x3FAD80FC.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08384, devNode 0x3FAD8108
Copying device node peer 'xcoff-loader' of node at 0x3FAD8108.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB083B8, devNode 0x3FAD8114
Copying device node peer 'elf-loader' of node at 0x3FAD8114.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB083F0, devNode 0x3FAD8120
Copying device node peer 'bootinfo-loader' of node at 0x3FAD8120.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08424, devNode 0x3FAD812C
Copying device node peer 'cpus' of node at 0x3FAD8084.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0845C, devNode 0x3FAD8138
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB0848C
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB084B8
Copying child device node 'PowerPC,970FX' of node at 0x3FAD8138.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB084E4, devNode 0x3FAD8144
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0851C
  Copying peer property 'cpu-version' stored at 0x3FB08548
  Copying peer property 'd-cache-size' stored at 0x3FB08574
  Copying peer property 'i-cache-size' stored at 0x3FB085A0
  Copying peer property 'd-cache-sets' stored at 0x3FB085CC
  Copying peer property 'i-cache-sets' stored at 0x3FB085F8
  Copying peer property 'd-cache-block-size' stored at 0x3FB08624
  Copying peer property 'i-cache-block-size' stored at 0x3FB08650
  Copying peer property 'tlb-sets' stored at 0x3FB0867C
  Copying peer property 'tlb-size' stored at 0x3FB086A8
  Copying peer property 'timebase-frequency' stored at 0x3FB086D4
  Copying peer property 'clock-frequency' stored at 0x3FB08700
  Copying peer property 'bus-frequency' stored at 0x3FB0872C
  Copying peer property 'state' stored at 0x3FB08758
  Copying peer property 'reservation-granule-size' stored at 0x3FB08788
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB087B4
  Copying peer property '64-bit' stored at 0x3FB087E0
  Copying peer property 'available' stored at 0x3FB08808
  Copying peer property 'translations' stored at 0x3FB088A0
Copying device node peer 'memory' of node at 0x3FAD8138.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB089D8, devNode 0x3FAD8150
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB08A08
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB08A38
  Copying peer property 'available' stored at 0x3FB08A68
Copying device node peer 'rom' of node at 0x3FAD8150.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08B00, devNode 0x3FAD815C
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB08B2C
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB08B5C
  Copying peer property 'ranges' stored at 0x3FB08B88
Copying child device node 'macos' of node at 0x3FAD815C.
node name 'macos': Matched parcel 'macos', device_type ''.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08BBC, devNode 0x3FAD8168
  Copying peer property 'AAPL,toolbox-parcels' stored at 0x3FB08BEC
node 'macos': Added property 'MacOSROMFile-version'.
Copying device node peer 'pci' of node at 0x3FAD815C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB08C4C, devNode 0x3FAD8174
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB08C78
  Copying peer property 'vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB08CA8
  Copying peer property 'device-id' stored at 0x3FB08CD4
  Copying peer property 'revision-id' stored at 0x3FB08D00
  Copying peer property 'class-code' stored at 0x3FB08D2C
  Copying peer property 'min-grant' stored at 0x3FB08D58
  Copying peer property 'max-latency' stored at 0x3FB08D84
  Copying peer property 'devsel-speed' stored at 0x3FB08DB0
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB08DDC
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-id' stored at 0x3FB08E08
  Copying peer property 'cache-line-size' stored at 0x3FB08E34
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB08E60
  Copying peer property 'model' stored at 0x3FB08E8C
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB08EC4
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB08EF4
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB08F20
  Copying peer property '#interrupt-cells' stored at 0x3FB08F4C
  Copying peer property 'ranges' stored at 0x3FB08F78
  Copying peer property 'bus-range' stored at 0x3FB08FD0
  Copying peer property 'available' stored at 0x3FB09000
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB09050
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-map' stored at 0x3FB0907C
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-map-mask' stored at 0x3FB090DC
Copying child device node 'mac-io' of node at 0x3FAD8174.
matching assigned address:
Dumping 20 bytes @ 0x001125A0
001125A0: 02006010 00000000 80000000 00000000
001125B0: 00080000

HandleSpecialNode: Mac-IO base address = 0x80000000.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB09114, devNode 0x3FAD8180
  Copying peer property 'vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB09144
  Copying peer property 'device-id' stored at 0x3FB09170
  Copying peer property 'revision-id' stored at 0x3FB0919C
  Copying peer property 'class-code' stored at 0x3FB091C8
  Copying peer property 'min-grant' stored at 0x3FB091F4
  Copying peer property 'max-latency' stored at 0x3FB09220
  Copying peer property 'devsel-speed' stored at 0x3FB0924C
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB09278
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-id' stored at 0x3FB092A4
  Copying peer property 'cache-line-size' stored at 0x3FB092D0
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB092FC
  Copying peer property 'model' stored at 0x3FB0932C
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB09364
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB09398
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB093C4
  Copying peer property '#interrupt-cells' stored at 0x3FB093F0
  Copying peer property 'assigned-addresses' stored at 0x3FB0941C
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 4)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x4); stored at 0x3FB09458. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD8180
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB09484
  Copying peer property 'ranges' stored at 0x3FB094D4
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB09510
Copying child device node 'via-cuda' of node at 0x3FAD8180.
HandleSpecialNode: Cuda detected, VIA base address = 0x80016000.
compatible 'cuda': Matched parcel 'cuda', device_type 'via-cuda'.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0953C, devNode 0x3FAD818C
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB09570
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB095A4
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB095D0
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB095FC
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0962C
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 4)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x4); stored at 0x3FB0965C. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD818C
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB09688
---------------- Node 'via-cuda' has 1 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000019 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 25
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 1
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 0, intSource 25, level 1, sense 0, polarity 0
  Copying peer property '#interrupt-cells' stored at 0x3FB09768
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB09794
node 'via-cuda': Added property 'pef,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC,register'.
node 'via-cuda': decompressing property 'pef,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC,register'.
node 'via-cuda': Added property 'code,AAPL,MacOS,name'.
MacOS: Found a PowerPlugin.
Copying child device node 'adb' of node at 0x3FAD818C.
HandleSpecialNode: Cuda ADB detected.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0D3A0, devNode 0x3FAD8198
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0D3CC
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0D3F8
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB0D424
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB0D450
Copying child device node 'keyboard' of node at 0x3FAD8198.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0D47C, devNode 0x3FAD81A4
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0D4B0
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0D4E4
Copying device node peer 'mouse' of node at 0x3FAD81A4.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0D510, devNode 0x3FAD81B0
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0D540
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0D570
  Copying peer property '#buttons' stored at 0x3FB0D59C
Copying device node peer 'rtc' of node at 0x3FAD8198.
parent name 'via-cuda': Matched parcel 'via-cuda', device_type 'rtc'.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0D5C8, devNode 0x3FAD81BC
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0D5F4
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0D620
node 'rtc': Added property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
node 'rtc': decompressing property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
Copying device node peer 'power-mgt' of node at 0x3FAD81BC.
HandleSpecialNode: Cuda Power Mgt detected.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0D9FC, devNode 0x3FAD81C8
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0DA30
  Copying peer property 'mgt-kind' stored at 0x3FB0DA64
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0DAA4
Copying device node peer 'escc' of node at 0x3FAD818C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0DAD4, devNode 0x3FAD81D4
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB0DB04
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0DB30
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 4)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x4); stored at 0x3FB0DB60. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD81D4
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0DB8C
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0DBBC
  Copying peer property 'ranges' stored at 0x3FB0DBF4
Copying child device node 'ch-a' of node at 0x3FAD81D4.
HandleSpecialNode: ch-a slot-name detected.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0DC1C, devNode 0x3FAD81E0
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0DC4C
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0DC7C
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0DCB0
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 20)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x14); stored at 0x3FB0DD00. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD81E0
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB0DD3C
---------------- Node 'ch-a' has 3 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000025 00000001
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 37
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 0
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000004 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 4
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[1] to 1
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000005 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 5
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[2] to 1
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 1, intSource 37, level 4, sense 1, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 2, intSource 4, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 3, intSource 5, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
  Copying peer property 'slot-names' stored at 0x3FB0DE4C
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB0DE78
Copying device node peer 'ch-b' of node at 0x3FAD81E0.
HandleSpecialNode: ch-b slot-name detected.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0DEA4, devNode 0x3FAD81EC
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0DED4
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0DF04
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0DF38
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 20)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x14); stored at 0x3FB0DF88. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD81EC
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB0DFC4
---------------- Node 'ch-b' has 3 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000024 00000001
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 36
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 0
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000006 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 6
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[1] to 1
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000007 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 7
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[2] to 1
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 4, intSource 36, level 4, sense 1, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 5, intSource 6, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 6, intSource 7, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
  Copying peer property 'slot-names' stored at 0x3FB0E0D4
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB0E100
Copying device node peer 'escc-legacy' of node at 0x3FAD81D4.
HandleSpecialNode: SCC legacy base address = 0x80012000.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0E12C, devNode 0x3FAD81F8
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB0E160
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0E18C
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 4)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x4); stored at 0x3FB0E1BC. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD81F8
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0E1E8
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0E21C
  Copying peer property 'ranges' stored at 0x3FB0E250
Copying child device node 'ch-a' of node at 0x3FAD81F8.
HandleSpecialNode: ch-a slot-name detected.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0E278, devNode 0x3FAD8204
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0E2A8
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0E2D8
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0E30C
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 20)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x14); stored at 0x3FB0E35C. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD8204
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB0E398
---------------- Node 'ch-a' has 3 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000025 00000001
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 37
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 0
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000004 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 4
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[1] to 1
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000005 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 5
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[2] to 1
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 1, intSource 37, level 4, sense 1, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 2, intSource 4, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 3, intSource 5, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
  Copying peer property 'slot-names' stored at 0x3FB0E4A8
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB0E4D4
Copying device node peer 'ch-b' of node at 0x3FAD8204.
HandleSpecialNode: ch-b slot-name detected.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0E500, devNode 0x3FAD8210
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0E530
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0E560
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0E594
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 20)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x14); stored at 0x3FB0E5E4. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD8210
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB0E620
---------------- Node 'ch-b' has 3 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000024 00000001
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 36
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 0
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000006 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 6
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[1] to 1
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000007 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 7
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[2] to 1
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 4, intSource 36, level 4, sense 1, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 5, intSource 6, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 6, intSource 7, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
  Copying peer property 'slot-names' stored at 0x3FB0E730
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB0E75C
Copying device node peer 'ata-3' of node at 0x3FAD81F8.
compatible 'keylargo-ata': Matched parcel 'keylargo-ata', device_type 'ata'.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB0E788, devNode 0x3FAD821C
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB0E7B8
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB0E7E4
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB0E810
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB0E83C
  Copying peer property 'model' stored at 0x3FB0E874
  Copying peer property 'AAPL,connector' stored at 0x3FB0E8A4
  Copying peer property 'AAPL,pio-timing' stored at 0x3FB0E8D0
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB0E918
---------------- Node 'ata-3' has 2 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 0000000D 00000001
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 13
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 0
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000002 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 2
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[1] to 1
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 7, intSource 13, level 2, sense 1, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 8, intSource 2, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
  Copying peer property '#interrupt-cells' stored at 0x3FB0EA10
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB0EA3C
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 8)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x8); stored at 0x3FB0EA74. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD821C
  Copying peer property 'AAPL,bus-id' stored at 0x3FB0EAA4
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB0EAD0
node 'ata-3': Added property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
node 'ata-3': decompressing property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
Copying child device node 'disk' of node at 0x3FAD821C.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB14868, devNode 0x3FAD8228
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB14898
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB148C8
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB148F4
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB14920
Copying device node peer 'ata-3' of node at 0x3FAD821C.
compatible 'keylargo-ata': Matched parcel 'keylargo-ata', device_type 'ata'.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1494C, devNode 0x3FAD8234
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1497C
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB149A8
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB149D4
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB14A00
  Copying peer property 'model' stored at 0x3FB14A38
  Copying peer property 'AAPL,connector' stored at 0x3FB14A68
  Copying peer property 'AAPL,pio-timing' stored at 0x3FB14A94
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB14ADC
---------------- Node 'ata-3' has 2 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 0000000E 00000001
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 14
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 0
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00000003 00000000
unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 3
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[1] to 1
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 9, intSource 14, level 2, sense 1, polarity 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 10, intSource 3, level 4, sense 0, polarity 0
  Copying peer property '#interrupt-cells' stored at 0x3FB14BD4
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB14C00
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 8)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x8); stored at 0x3FB14C38. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD8234
  Copying peer property 'AAPL,bus-id' stored at 0x3FB14C68
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-parent' stored at 0x3FB14C94
node 'ata-3': Added property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
node 'ata-3': decompressing property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
Copying child device node 'cdrom' of node at 0x3FAD8234.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1AA2C, devNode 0x3FAD8240
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1AA5C
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB1AA8C
  Copying peer property '#size-cells' stored at 0x3FB1AAB8
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB1AAE4
Copying device node peer 'interrupt-controller' of node at 0x3FAD8234.
HandleSpecialNode: Host OpenPIC has base address = 0x80040000.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1AB10, devNode 0x3FAD824C
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1AB50
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB1AB84
  Copying peer property 'built-in' stored at 0x3FB1ABBC
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB1ABE4
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 4)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x4); stored at 0x3FB1AC14. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD824C
  Copying peer property '#interrupt-cells' stored at 0x3FB1AC40
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB1AC6C
  Copying peer property 'interrupt-controller' stored at 0x3FB1AC98
  Copying peer property 'clock-frequency' stored at 0x3FB1ACC0
Copying device node peer 'usb' of node at 0x3FAD8180.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1ACEC, devNode 0x3FAD8258
  Copying peer property 'vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB1AD18
  Copying peer property 'device-id' stored at 0x3FB1AD44
  Copying peer property 'revision-id' stored at 0x3FB1AD70
  Copying peer property 'class-code' stored at 0x3FB1AD9C
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB1ADC8
---------------- Node 'usb' has 1 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00006800 00000000 00000000 00000001
Interrupt-map-mask values: 00FFF800 00000000 00000000 00000007

Comparing interrupt-map entries to this unit_interrupt_specifier:

Masked unit_int_specifier: 00006800 00000000 00000000 00000001
Interrupt-map child spec : 00006800 00000000 00000000 00000001
New unit_int_specifier   : 0000001C 00000001

unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 28
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 11, intSource 28, level 2, sense 1, polarity 0
  Copying peer property 'min-grant' stored at 0x3FB1AEA4
  Copying peer property 'max-latency' stored at 0x3FB1AED0
  Copying peer property 'devsel-speed' stored at 0x3FB1AEFC
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB1AF28
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-id' stored at 0x3FB1AF54
  Copying peer property 'cache-line-size' stored at 0x3FB1AF80
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1AFAC
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB1AFD8
  Copying peer property '#address-cells' stored at 0x3FB1B01C
  Copying peer property 'assigned-addresses' stored at 0x3FB1B048
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 4)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x4); stored at 0x3FB1B084. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD8258
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB1B0B0
Copying child device node 'keyboard' of node at 0x3FAD8258.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1B100, devNode 0x3FAD8264
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1B134
Copying device node peer 'QEMU,VGA' of node at 0x3FAD8258.
device_type 'display': Matched parcel 'cofb', device_type 'display'.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1B168, devNode 0x3FAD8270
  Copying peer property 'vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB1B19C
  Copying peer property 'device-id' stored at 0x3FB1B1C8
  Copying peer property 'revision-id' stored at 0x3FB1B1F4
  Copying peer property 'class-code' stored at 0x3FB1B220
  Copying peer property 'min-grant' stored at 0x3FB1B24C
  Copying peer property 'max-latency' stored at 0x3FB1B278
  Copying peer property 'devsel-speed' stored at 0x3FB1B2A4
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB1B2D0
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-id' stored at 0x3FB1B2FC
  Copying peer property 'cache-line-size' stored at 0x3FB1B328
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1B354
  Copying peer property 'model' stored at 0x3FB1B384
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB1B3B8
  Copying peer property 'assigned-addresses' stored at 0x3FB1B3E4
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 8)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x8); stored at 0x3FB1B434. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD8270
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB1B464
  Copying peer property 'width' stored at 0x3FB1B4C8
  Copying peer property 'height' stored at 0x3FB1B4F4
  Copying peer property 'depth' stored at 0x3FB1B520
  Copying peer property 'linebytes' stored at 0x3FB1B54C
  Copying peer property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC' stored at 0x3FB1B578
node 'QEMU,VGA': Did NOT replace property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
node 'QEMU,VGA': Property NOT added (already loaded) 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
Copying device node peer 'NE2000' of node at 0x3FAD8270.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1EF44, devNode 0x3FAD827C
  Copying peer property 'vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB1EF74
  Copying peer property 'device-id' stored at 0x3FB1EFA0
  Copying peer property 'revision-id' stored at 0x3FB1EFCC
  Copying peer property 'class-code' stored at 0x3FB1EFF8
  Copying peer property 'interrupts' stored at 0x3FB1F024
---------------- Node 'NE2000' has 1 interrupt(s). ----------------
Processing unit_interrupt_specifier:
Raw unit_int_specifier   : 00007800 00000000 00000000 00000001
Interrupt-map-mask values: 00FFF800 00000000 00000000 00000007

Comparing interrupt-map entries to this unit_interrupt_specifier:

Masked unit_int_specifier: 00007800 00000000 00000000 00000001
Interrupt-map child spec : 00006800 00000000 00000000 00000001
Interrupt-map child spec : 00007800 00000000 00000000 00000001
New unit_int_specifier   : 0000001E 00000001

unit_interrupt_specifer[0] = 30
(ua_size = 0, is_size = 2) setting edge[0] to 0
OpenPIC setup: vectorIndex 12, intSource 30, level 2, sense 1, polarity 0
  Copying peer property 'min-grant' stored at 0x3FB1F100
  Copying peer property 'max-latency' stored at 0x3FB1F12C
  Copying peer property 'devsel-speed' stored at 0x3FB1F158
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-vendor-id' stored at 0x3FB1F184
  Copying peer property 'subsystem-id' stored at 0x3FB1F1B0
  Copying peer property 'cache-line-size' stored at 0x3FB1F1DC
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1F208
  Copying peer property 'model' stored at 0x3FB1F238
  Copying peer property 'assigned-addresses' stored at 0x3FB1F26C
Creating property - 'AAPL,address' (size = 4)
Creating property 'AAPL,address' (size = 0x4); stored at 0x3FB1F2A8. Belongs to devNode 0x3FAD827C
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB1F2D4
  Copying peer property 'network-type' stored at 0x3FB1F324
  Copying peer property 'removable' stored at 0x3FB1F358
  Copying peer property 'category' stored at 0x3FB1F388
Copying device node peer 'nvram' of node at 0x3FAD8174.
compatible 'nvram,flash': Matched parcel 'nvram,flash', device_type 'nvram'.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1F3B4, devNode 0x3FAD8288
  Copying peer property '#bytes' stored at 0x3FB1F3E4
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB1F410
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1F440
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB1F470
node 'nvram': Added property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
node 'nvram': decompressing property 'driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC'.
Copying device node peer 'uni-n' of node at 0x3FAD8288.
  Copying first property 'name' stored at 0x3FB1FFA8, devNode 0x3FAD8294
  Copying peer property 'device_type' stored at 0x3FB1FFD8
  Copying peer property 'compatible' stored at 0x3FB20014
  Copying peer property 'device-rev' stored at 0x3FB20048
  Copying peer property 'reg' stored at 0x3FB20074
MacOS: found RTAS replacement plug-ins -- tossing RTAS.

Creating dynamic ProductInfo & Friends
-- Dynamic ProductInfoPtr (logical) = 3FB200A4
-- SizeOf( ProductInfo )  = 108
-- Converting UniveralInfoTableBase to 68k logical address 3FB200A4.
Initializing ProductInfo record
-- Initializing productInfoVers to 2.
Initializing static section of DecoderInfoPrivate.
Initializing DecoderTable.
-- Initializing (logical) ROMAddr (which is ALWAYS FFC00000).
-- Initializing OpenPICBaseAddr.
---- OpenPICAddr = 80040000.
-- Initializing HeathrowBaseAddr.
-- Initializing VIA1 address.
---- VIA1Addr = 80016000.
-- Initializing SCC addresses.
---- SCC base address = 80012000.
-- Initializing Mesh SCSI information.
-- Initializing ADB information.
---- ADB (of some sort) detected.
-- ASSUMPTION -- we ALWAYS have some sort of ATA.
-- Initializing Sound information.
---- No Sound (of some sort) detected!
-- Initializing extValid bits.
---- extValid bits set to 03000006.
-- Initializing extValid1 bits.
---- extValid1 bits set to 0780880E.
-- Initializing HwCfgWord bits.
---- HwCfgWord bits set to 0480.

Dynamic ProductInfo Table:
Dumping 108 bytes @ 0x3FB200A4
3FB200A4: 00000094 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB200B4: 0480001A 00000002 0000001C 60000000
3FB200C4: 00000000 03000006 0780880E 00000000
3FB200D4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB200E4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB200F4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20104: 00000000 00000000 00000000

Dynamic DecoderPrivateInfo Table:
Dumping 40 bytes @ 0x3FB20110
3FB20110: 0000001C 60000000 00000000 03000006
3FB20120: 0780880E 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20130: 1A010000 00000000

Dynamic DecoderInfo Table:
Dumping 384 bytes @ 0x3FB20138
3FB20138: FFC00000 00000000 80016000 80012000
3FB20148: 80012000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20158: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20168: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20178: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20188: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20198: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB201A8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB201B8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB201C8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB201D8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB201E8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB201F8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20208: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20218: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20228: 00000000 80040000 00010100 00000000
3FB20238: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20248: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20258: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20268: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20278: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20288: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB20298: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FB202A8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Interrupt masks:
Dumping 64 bytes @ 0x3FEDF000
3FEDF000: 00000000 80000000 01580000 00000000
3FEDF010: 7EA00000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDF020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDF030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

  Level         Raw Value  Bits active
    0 [00..31]  00000000   
      [32..63]  00000000   
    1 [00..31]  80000000   0
      [32..63]  00000000   
    2 [00..31]  01580000   7 9 11 12
      [32..63]  00000000   
    3 [00..31]  00000000   
      [32..63]  00000000   
    4 [00..31]  7EA00000   1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
      [32..63]  00000000   
    5 [00..31]  00000000   
      [32..63]  00000000   
    6 [00..31]  00000000   
      [32..63]  00000000   
    7 [00..31]  00000000   
      [32..63]  00000000   

Interrupt vectors:
Dumping 128 bytes @ 0x3FEDD000
3FEDD000: 00190025 00040005 00240006 0007000D
3FEDD010: 0002000E 0003001C 001EFFFF FFFFFFFF
3FEDD020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDD030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDD040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDD050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDD060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDD070: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Interrupt priorities:
Dumping 64 bytes @ 0x3FEDC000
3FEDC000: 01040404 04040402 04020402 02000000
3FEDC010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDC020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDC030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Spurious interrupt vector = 0x40
SCSIIntVect = 2048
SCCAIntVect = 37
SCCBIntVect = 36
VIAIntVect  = 25
ADBIntVect  = 2048
NMIIntVect  = 2048
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source 25 to 0x00000180
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source 37 to 0x01004480
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source  4 to 0x02000480
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source  5 to 0x03000480
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source 36 to 0x04004480
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source  6 to 0x05000480
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source  7 to 0x06000480
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source 13 to 0x07004280
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source  2 to 0x08000480
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source 14 to 0x09004280
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source  3 to 0x0A000480
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source 28 to 0x0B004280
OpenPIC @ 80040000 setup: setting interrupt source 30 to 0x0C004280
ToolboxImage current logical address = 0x3F400000, ToolboxImage final physical address = 0x00C00000.
ConfigInfo logical address in current ROM image = 0x3F70D000.
configinfop->ROMImageBaseOffset address  = 0x00BFD000.
configinfop->Mac68KROMOffset address     = 0x00BFD000.
configinfop->HWInitCodeOffset address    = 0x00000000.
configinfop->DiagPEFBundleOffset address = 0x00000000.
configinfop->KernelCodeOffset address    = 0x00F0D000.
configinfop->EmulatorCodeOffset address  = 0x00000000.
configinfop->OpcodeTableOffset address   = 0x00000000.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0xF0000000, count = 0x10000, PA = 0xF0000000, pageAttr = 0x003A, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0xF is entry 0.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x80000000, count = 0x0080, PA = 0x80000000, pageAttr = 0x003A, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x8 is entry 0.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x80080000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x80080000, pageAttr = 0x003A, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x8 is entry 1.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x81000000, count = 0x1000, PA = 0x81000000, pageAttr = 0x0032, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x8 is entry 2.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x82000000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x82000000, pageAttr = 0x003A, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x8 is entry 3.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x50000000, count = 0xFFFE, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0A00, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x5 is entry 0.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x50000000, count = 0xFFFE, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0A00, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x5 is entry 1.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x5FFFE000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0012, flags = 0x01.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x5 is entry 2.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x68FFF000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0012, flags = 0x03.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x6 is entry 0.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x68FFE000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0011, flags = 0x02.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x6 is entry 1.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x80060000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x80060000, pageAttr = 0x003A, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x8 is entry 4.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x68FEF000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x00003000, pageAttr = 0x0013, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x6 is entry 2.
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x64000000, count = 0x0180, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0012, flags = 0x00.
Next free PageMap entry for segment 0x6 is entry 3.
--- Dumping PageMapStateTable ---
Segment = 0x5, LA = 0x00000000, count = 0xFFFD, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0A00, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x5, LA = 0x00000000, count = 0xFFFD, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0A00, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x5, LA = 0xFFFE0000, count = 0x0000, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0012, flags = 0x01.
Segment = 0x6, LA = 0x40000000, count = 0x017F, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0012, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x0, LA = 0x00000000, count = 0x0000, PA = 0x00003000, pageAttr = 0x0000, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x6, LA = 0x8FFE0000, count = 0x0000, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0011, flags = 0x02.
Segment = 0x6, LA = 0x00000000, count = 0x0000, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0000, flags = 0x03.
Segment = 0x0, LA = 0x00000000, count = 0x005F, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0000, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x8, LA = 0x00600000, count = 0x0000, PA = 0x80060000, pageAttr = 0x003A, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x0, LA = 0x00610000, count = 0xFF9E, PA = 0x00061000, pageAttr = 0x0000, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x0, LA = 0x00800000, count = 0x0000, PA = 0x80080000, pageAttr = 0x003A, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x8, LA = 0x10000000, count = 0x0FFF, PA = 0x81000000, pageAttr = 0x0032, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0x0, LA = 0x00000000, count = 0x0000, PA = 0x00000000, pageAttr = 0x0000, flags = 0x00.
Segment = 0xF, LA = 0x00000000, count = 0xFFFF, PA = 0xF0000000, pageAttr = 0x003A, flags = 0x00.
ConfigInfo table:
Dumping 1792 bytes @ 0x3FEDB000
3FEDB000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB020: 00000000 00000000 00BFD000 00400000
3FEDB030: 00000000 00BFD000 00300000 00000000
3FEDB040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00F0D000
3FEDB050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB060: 00000000 4E657757 6F726C64 2076312E
3FEDB070: 30202020 00000F00 00000100 00000070
3FEDB080: 0000E8B0 0000E8C0 00200000 FF9FFFFF
3FEDB090: 00E00000 80060000 06000000 5FFFE000
3FEDB0A0: 68FFE000 68FFF000 68080000 68060000
3FEDB0B0: 000003A0 00000012 00000180 000003AC
3FEDB0C0: 00000060 00000088 00000090 00000000
3FEDB0D0: 00000000 00000010 00100000 00000020
3FEDB0E0: 00200000 00000030 00300000 00000040
3FEDB0F0: 00400000 00000050 00500000 00000078
3FEDB100: 00600000 000000B0 00700000 000000C8
3FEDB110: 00800000 00000108 00900000 00000118
3FEDB120: 00A00000 00000128 00B00000 00000138
3FEDB130: 00C00000 00000148 00D00000 00000158
3FEDB140: 00E00000 00000168 00F00000 00000000
3FEDB150: 00000000 00000010 00100000 00000020
3FEDB160: 00200000 00000030 00300000 00000040
3FEDB170: 00400000 00000050 00500000 00000078
3FEDB180: 00600000 000000B0 00700000 000000C8
3FEDB190: 00800000 00000108 00900000 00000118
3FEDB1A0: 00A00000 00000128 00B00000 00000138
3FEDB1B0: 00C00000 00000148 00D00000 00000158
3FEDB1C0: 00E00000 00000168 00F00000 00000000
3FEDB1D0: 00000000 00000010 00100000 00000020
3FEDB1E0: 00200000 00000030 00300000 00000040
3FEDB1F0: 00400000 00000050 00500000 00000078
3FEDB200: 00600000 000000B0 00700000 000000C8
3FEDB210: 00800000 00000108 00900000 00000118
3FEDB220: 00A00000 00000128 00B00000 00000138
3FEDB230: 00C00000 00000148 00D00000 00000158
3FEDB240: 00E00000 00000168 00F00000 00000000
3FEDB250: 00000000 00000010 00100000 00000020
3FEDB260: 00200000 00000030 00300000 00000040
3FEDB270: 00400000 00000050 00500000 00000078
3FEDB280: 00600000 000000B0 00700000 000000C8
3FEDB290: 00800000 00000108 00900000 00000118
3FEDB2A0: 00A00000 00000128 00B00000 00000138
3FEDB2B0: 00C00000 00000148 00D00000 00000158
3FEDB2C0: 00E00000 00000168 00F00000 00000000
3FEDB2D0: 00000000 FFC0007F 00C00043 0000007F
3FEDB2E0: 00C00043 6800001F 00F00043 00000000
3FEDB2F0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB300: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB310: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB320: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB330: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB340: 00000000 00000000 00000000 13FF13FF
3FEDB350: 13FF13FF F3FFF3FF 13FF13FF 00000000
3FEDB360: 00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB370: 00000000 00000000 01010000 00000000
3FEDB380: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB390: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB3A0: 00000004 FFC0002A 00000000 0000FFFF
3FEDB3B0: 00000A00 0000FFFF 00000A00 0000FFFF
3FEDB3C0: 00000A00 0000FFFF 00000A00 0000FFFF
3FEDB3D0: 00000A00 0000FFFF 00000A00 0000FFFF
3FEDB3E0: 00000A00 0000FFFF 00000A00 0000FFFF
3FEDB3F0: 00000A00 0000FFFF 00000A00 0000FFFD
3FEDB400: 00000A00 0000FFFD 00000A00 FFFE0000
3FEDB410: 00000012 0000FFFF 00000A00 0000FFFF
3FEDB420: 00000A00 4000017F 00000012 00000000
3FEDB430: 00003000 8FFE0000 00000011 00000000
3FEDB440: 00000000 0000FFFF 00000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB450: 00000A01 0000FFFF 00000A00 0000FFFF
3FEDB460: 00000A01 0000FFFF 00000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB470: 00000A00 0000005F 00000000 00600000
3FEDB480: 8006003A 0061FF9E 00061000 00800000
3FEDB490: 8008003A 10000FFF 81000032 00000000
3FEDB4A0: 00000000 0000FFFF 80000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB4B0: 00000A00 0000FFFF 90000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB4C0: 00000A00 0000FFFF A0000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB4D0: 00000A00 0000FFFF B0000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB4E0: 00000A00 0000FFFF C0000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB4F0: 00000A00 0000FFFF D0000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB500: 00000A00 0000FFFF E0000A01 0000FFFF
3FEDB510: 00000A00 0000FFFF F000003A 0000FFFF
3FEDB520: F0000A01 0000FFFF 00000A00 00000000
3FEDB530: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB540: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB550: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB560: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB570: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB580: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB590: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB5A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB5B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB5C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB5D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB5E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB5F0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB600: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB610: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB620: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB630: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB640: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB650: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB660: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB670: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB680: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB690: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB6A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB6B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB6C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB6D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB6E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEDB6F0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

FreeBytes address:       logical = 0x3FAD8000
WorkArea_target address: logical = 0x00440000
SystemInfo addresses:    logical = 0x3FEE5000, physical = 0x3FEE5000
ProcessorInfo addresses: logical = 0x3FEE6000, physical = 0x3FEE6000


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2018, 08:23:46 PM »

Code: [Select]
HWInfo addresses:        logical = 0x3FEE4000, physical = 0x3FEE4000
HwInitInfo addresses:    logical = 0x3FEE7000, physical = 0x3FEE7000
NanoKernelEntry addresses: 0x00F10000

System info:
Dumping 320 bytes @ 0x3FEE5000
3FEE5000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5030: 00000000 00C00000 00E58000 000A7000
3FEE5040: 01000000 FF000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5070: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5080: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5090: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE50A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE50B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE50C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE50D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE50E0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE50F0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5100: 80040000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5110: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5120: 00000000 00000000 00000035 D0000000
3FEE5130: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Processor info:
Dumping 160 bytes @ 0x3FEE6000
3FEE6000: 003C0301 35A4E900 05F5E100 05F5E100
3FEE6010: 00001000 00008000 00010000 00800020
3FEE6020: 00000080 00800080 00800080 00040002
3FEE6030: 10000010 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE6040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE6050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE6060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE6070: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE6080: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE6090: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Hardware info:
Dumping 192 bytes @ 0x3FEE4000
3FEE4000: 00C00000 6400000C 640480A4 00003000
3FEE4010: 3FEDD000 3FEDF000 80040000 00000000
3FEE4020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE4030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001400
3FEE4040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE4050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE4060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE4070: 486E666F 00403035 00250024 08000800
3FEE4080: 00190000 08000800 00400000 00000000
3FEE4090: 00000000 00000004 00000000 00410000
3FEE40A0: 1A05D66A 00000000 3FEDE000 00000000
3FEE40B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

HardwareInit info:
Dumping 32 bytes @ 0x3FEE7000
3FEE7000: 3FEE5000 3FEE6000 00000000 3FEE4000
3FEE7010: 00000000 00000080 00F10000 80012000

Cascade Info:
Dumping 516 bytes @ 0x00117818
00117858: FFFFFFFF 01040404 04040402 04020402
00117868: 02000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117878: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117888: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117898: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178A8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178B8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178C8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178D8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178E8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178F8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117908: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117918: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117928: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117938: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117948: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117958: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117968: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117978: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117988: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117998: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179A8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179B8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179C8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179D8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179E8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179F8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117A08: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117A18: 00000000

IsKeyDown: no keys held down
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003000, dstLength = 0x0000052C, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F80, dstLength = 0x00000080, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F40, dstLength = 0x00000040, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003CFC, dstLength = 0x00000204, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F00, dstLength = 0x00000040, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.
Updated BusClockRateHz: 399957011
Stopping at end of FCODE, due to fatal error (see above).
0 >


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2018, 08:11:02 AM »

Seems to stop after Updated BusClockRateHz: 399957011.

Could this be an issue with not able to understand a 400Mhz bus speed?

Otherwise, it's not giving us anymore info in AddMemoryRelocationEntry.

I did try fcode-debug? true and true to ?fcode-verbose, however when loading a :tbxi it does load and go. So I can't do 1 byte-load to get verbose output to debug the fcode from a :tbxi.



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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2018, 10:19:07 AM »

Seems we should be seeing:

Code: [Select]
HardwareInit info:
Dumping 32 bytes @ 0x3FEE7000
3FEE7000: 3FEE5000 3FEE6000 00000000 3FEE4000
3FEE7010: 00000000 00000020 00F10000 80012000

Cascade Info:
Dumping 516 bytes @ 0x00117818
00117858: FFFFFFFF 01040404 04040402 04020402
00117868: 02000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117878: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117888: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117898: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178A8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178B8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178C8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178D8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178E8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001178F8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117908: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117918: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117928: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117938: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117948: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117958: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117968: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117978: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117988: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117998: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179A8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179B8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179C8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179D8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179E8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
001179F8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117A08: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00117A18: 00000000

IsKeyDown: no keys held down
Updated BusClockRateHz: 399957011
Off to MacOS.  The next (and last) call into OpenFirmware is quiesce().

AddMemoryRelocationEntry is used to request that data structures be copied from one location to another when the system boots. It is not supposed to have multiple destinations overlapping, but that somehow happened.

That seems to be the trouble, but I don't really understand it. If we can figure the overlap maybe we can get a little further?[/code]


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2018, 01:36:11 PM »

This string seems to suggest the 0x00003xxx overlaps have to do with some struct at 0x68FEF000, at least according to the map from virt 0x68FEF000 to phys 0x3000. It has set up some initial values that it wants copied into that page when it boots. Some big overlapping 288k area starting at phys address 0 is getting in the way. I am not sure what struct 0x68FEF000 is supposed to be, though I know that is neither the KDP (0x68FFE000), the EDP (0x68FFF000), nor the copied device tree (0x64000000).
Code: [Select]
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x68FEF000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x00003000, pageAttr = 0x0013, flags = 0x00.


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2018, 04:28:24 PM »

This string seems to suggest the 0x00003xxx overlaps have to do with some struct at 0x68FEF000, at least according to the map from virt 0x68FEF000 to phys 0x3000. It has set up some initial values that it wants copied into that page when it boots. Some big overlapping 288k area starting at phys address 0 is getting in the way. I am not sure what struct 0x68FEF000 is supposed to be, though I know that is neither the KDP (0x68FFE000), the EDP (0x68FFF000), nor the copied device tree (0x64000000).
Code: [Select]
AddPageMapEntry: LA = 0x68FEF000, count = 0x0001, PA = 0x00003000, pageAttr = 0x0013, flags = 0x00.

Ok, I understand some of that, is the data being copied from the PA to the VA or vice versa?

Also, I'm not really up on :tbxi resources, but I'm assuming the Mac OS ROM has an FCode wrapper, and it copies a bunch of needed data from the device tree and ?elsewhere? then we're "Off to the Mac OS" ?nano kernel?.

I'm getting almost that far, but some of the last bits of Fcode are failing to copy over data to the correct address.

Can we look at the FCode and see what it's trying to do?

detok it?

If we can separate the wrapper( FCode ), I should be able to load it, rather than load and go, and use ?fcode=verbose to step through it to see where we are getting a ?default-catch?.

Other ideas?


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2018, 07:19:24 PM »

The short forth boot script transfers control to a ELF program called the Trampoline. The Trampoline does a whole ton of init, loads the Toolbox ROM into memory, and jumps to the NanoKernel.

The virt address 0x68FEF000 corresponds with the single page at phys address 0x3000 (somewhere in RAM). The failing AddMemoryRelocationEntry() calls were supposed to transfer data from some temporary spot (unknown because logs don't list src) to locations in that page (0x3000-352B is one. 0x3F80-3FFF, 0x3F40-3F7F, 0x3CFC-3EFF, and 0x3F00-3F3F are the others).

Something else is interfering with that by already claiming as a destination 288k of the phys memory starting at address 0. I am not sure what that is, but it is probably not supposed to happen. I am guessing that the "reg" or "assigned-addresses" property of something is being mangled because the Trampoline doesn't handle 64-bit stuff. But really, who knows?

powermax is working on decompiling the Trampoline. It is very much a work in progress. If you want to, ask him to grant access to his private GitLab repo. He might also be able to help patch the Trampoline to debug more on this stuff. I am not sure what the full state of work on the Trampoline is.


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2018, 03:27:53 PM »

Can we look at the FCode and see what it's trying to do? detok it?

The error message at the end of the Trampoline is a bit misleading: there is no FCode executed there at all. Everything in the Trampoline is native code, either generated from C source or hand-crafted assembly.

Seems to stop after Updated BusClockRateHz: 399957011.

Could this be an issue with not able to understand a 400Mhz bus speed?

No. Trampoline has perfectly measured the clock speed of your bus as 399957011 Hz / 1000000 = 399,96 MHz. ;D


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2018, 04:39:49 PM »

Code: [Select]
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003000, dstLength = 0x0000052C, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.

This relocation belongs to the ConfigInfo structure.

Code: [Select]
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F80, dstLength = 0x00000080, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.

This one belongs to the vector lookup table.

Code: [Select]
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F40, dstLength = 0x00000040, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.

-> vector mask table

Code: [Select]
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003CFC, dstLength = 0x00000204, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.

-> CascadeInfo

Code: [Select]
Overlap in AddMemoryRelocationEntry().
    - dst = 0x00003F00, dstLength = 0x00000040, entry->dst = 0x00000000, entry->dst_len = 0x000482B8.

-> vector priority table

All these areas overlap with the already claimed area 0x00000000...0x000482B8. For the moment being, I cannot say for sure what's supposed to be resided there because the error in AddMemoryRelocationEntry() doesn't show us the source.

My guess is that 288KB chunk is used by the flattened device tree stuffed into the "work area" in Trampoline's jargon. According to its size, it can be neither the Toolbox ROM-in-RAM (too small) nor any other structure (too big).

Anyway, the usage of the area @0 (phys) looks suspicious to me. It indicates a serious problem in Trampoline's physical memory sizing. The SystemInfo structure provides a clear evidence:

Code: [Select]
System info:
Dumping 320 bytes @ 0x3FEE5000
3FEE5000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3FEE5030: 00000000 00C00000 00E58000 000A7000
3FEE5040: 01000000 FF000000 00000000 00000000

The first two double words - PhysicalMemorySize and UsableMemorySize - contain zeroes! In other words, the Trampoline wasn't able to find any physical memory in your machine at all. The function responsible for memory size determination is called CalcRAMSize() and is located @ 0x2025F4. It queries the OF memory node for "reg" property and then (mis)interpret its values.

Can you dump the memory/reg of your target?


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2018, 05:03:48 PM »

The first two double words - PhysicalMemorySize and UsableMemorySize - contain zeroes! In other words, the Trampoline wasn't able to find any physical memory in your machine at all. The function responsible for memory size determination is called CalcRAMSize() and is located @ 0x2025F4. It queries the OF memory node for "reg" property and then (mis)interpret its values.

I must correct myself: CalcRAMSize() should report fatal error and exit if no physical memory was found. But in your precise case, the program keeps running so the problem resides somewhere else. Anyway, the above mentioned dump of the SystemInfo looks invalid and that's the point where to start any further investigation.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 03:36:14 PM by powermax »


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2018, 01:02:48 AM »

Very interesting thread people! Keep it up!


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2018, 01:22:41 AM »

Thanks powermax, do I need to dump Sysinfo?

How would I go about that?

qemu-system-ppc64 boots with the same setting only amend -cpu g4 rather than the 970fx. I haven't dug through all the code to see what choosing a 64bit cpu changes. Tho on a side note one can boot OS X with 4GB of ram with the G4 emulation. Not technically 64bit address space, but shows how emulators are not subject to the physical limitations of real hardware.

I forget the reason the G4 couldn't address 4GB, I read it many years ago, something about it could, but the upper 2GB was only available for shadow memory, or some such. Someone went to the time to fix that with qemu.

In the case of the G5, I expect we could "fix" OS 9 booting, given enough time and testing, but we may end up changing some of the G5 CPU emulation in ways that breaks linux booting.

OS X doesn't boot, someone needs to implement spr 304( 0x130 ), and even if it did get  mach_kernel to boot, the emulated Sawtooth and a G5 CPU are not really going to work together. 



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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2018, 01:31:04 AM »

Thanks powermax, do I need to dump Sysinfo?

How would I go about that?

Does QEMU allow debugging of the running targets? In other words, can you set breakpoints and trace the Trampoline code in QEMU?


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2018, 02:41:27 AM »

Thanks powermax, do I need to dump Sysinfo?

How would I go about that?

Does QEMU allow debugging of the running targets? In other words, can you set breakpoints and trace the Trampoline code in QEMU?

Yes, I'm pretty sure it can do that, I'll have to check the breakpoints, I don't recall right off, but I'm thinking yes.

I'm on the road right now, later this week, I'll setup the needed PPC debuging Env for Qemu, if you walk me through how to use it.

Also fun for anyone else that wants to play along. ;D


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2018, 10:22:39 PM »

Thanks powermax, do I need to dump Sysinfo?

How would I go about that?

qemu-system-ppc64 boots with the same setting only amend -cpu g4 rather than the 970fx. I haven't dug through all the code to see what choosing a 64bit cpu changes. Tho on a side note one can boot OS X with 4GB of ram with the G4 emulation. Not technically 64bit address space, but shows how emulators are not subject to the physical limitations of real hardware.

I forget the reason the G4 couldn't address 4GB, I read it many years ago, something about it could, but the upper 2GB was only available for shadow memory, or some such. Someone went to the time to fix that with qemu.

In the case of the G5, I expect we could "fix" OS 9 booting, given enough time and testing, but we may end up changing some of the G5 CPU emulation in ways that breaks linux booting.

OS X doesn't boot, someone needs to implement spr 304( 0x130 ), and even if it did get  mach_kernel to boot, the emulated Sawtooth and a G5 CPU are not really going to work together. 


OS X works just fine with KVM on a G5, but we've already had this discussion already.

Plenty of people have/had it running, I used to run it too both with QEMU and MOL.

This is just one example of someone that have it working.


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Re: G5 qemu attempts.
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2018, 07:41:32 AM »

Thanks powermax, do I need to dump Sysinfo?

How would I go about that?

qemu-system-ppc64 boots with the same setting only amend -cpu g4 rather than the 970fx. I haven't dug through all the code to see what choosing a 64bit cpu changes. Tho on a side note one can boot OS X with 4GB of ram with the G4 emulation. Not technically 64bit address space, but shows how emulators are not subject to the physical limitations of real hardware.

I forget the reason the G4 couldn't address 4GB, I read it many years ago, something about it could, but the upper 2GB was only available for shadow memory, or some such. Someone went to the time to fix that with qemu.

In the case of the G5, I expect we could "fix" OS 9 booting, given enough time and testing, but we may end up changing some of the G5 CPU emulation in ways that breaks linux booting.

OS X doesn't boot, someone needs to implement spr 304( 0x130 ), and even if it did get  mach_kernel to boot, the emulated Sawtooth and a G5 CPU are not really going to work together. 


OS X works just fine with KVM on a G5, but we've already had this discussion already.

Plenty of people have/had it running, I used to run it too both with QEMU and MOL.

This is just one example of someone that have it working.

Qemu works with the G5 hosts with KVM, but only when passing a 32bit PPC CPU to the guest machine, and it won't boot OS 9. OS9 booting also doesn't work with KVM on 32bit PPC hosts.

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