Yes... the love for Snow Leopard... the best Intel version ever, hands down... BUT
Many Host DAW, Plugin, and hardware vendors moved on... so then came LION and wow did we miss the stability and speed of SN...
Next Up, Mountain Lion, starting to push the "icloud" at us, yet very stable and a speed improvement... but alas...
Host DAW, Plugin, and hardware vendors moved on
Again...WTF... OK, let's rock out with Mavericks (screw the cats)... wow buggy-ness back, including dragging files to external devices taking 4X longer... really ? WTF and let's add some kernel crashes while booting for a a bunch of mac models that ran flawless under ML, yes, the fix was in... the "every other" POS OS X version, let's only test it on the most recent Macs and ignore any models older than 3 or 4 years, great marketing, hehehe... "You need a newer Mac my son... the OS is NOT the issue" also let's ramp up the "icloud" nagging with every version
Now we get to climb mountains, Yosemite, obviously above the best OS X due to the shear altitude... what broken backwards support on many fronts ? Dull-looking flat icons

Damn this thing is overlall ugly... and wow "icloud" is now basically being shoved down my throat, man this baby has security updates coming out like candy... was my old OS X so hack-able ? Hmmm, we gained a little stability, but slowwww, does it really need this many background things to load ? Booting is starting to feel like a real big deal

Oh Well, guess it is what it is and most DAW plugins (like NI) are taking a break here and resting for a while... but Logic X is fucking me over AGAIN... can't update it even with Yosemite
So... we get to El Cap; first release not very impressive and breaking backward compatibility yet again... but wow, these updates are coming out quick. It wins the slow boot award on older macs, but actually looks a little better (maybe I got used to ugly) and is Very stable, almost zero panics even on old hardware ! and now everything seems to be great if you buy a bunch of RAM and SSDs for every mac you own; wow, life is good... except for the poor customers upgrading to Sierra, there shit does not work at all, most can't even record music or edit video on there favorite app paltform... very sad... better park it here and tell Apple to go "F" themselves since Logic 10.4 needs Sierra... no thanks, I'm tired and had enough for a while...
The saga continues...