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Author Topic: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues  (Read 6696 times)


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Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« on: April 10, 2018, 08:08:43 AM »

I wasn't sure where to post, but thought I'd give it a go here.  Here's my issue.  I was able to download and successfully install Mac OS 9 from MacOS9Lives on my G3 800mhz iBook.

I'm now looking to install 10.4 and eventually use the classic interface to use Mac OS9.  However, every time I burn a CD with the contents from the 10.4 dmg and press "install" on my G3 I get the error that it can't be set as boot.

Anyone know a way around this?  The files I downloaded are from

My iBook doesn't have a DVD drive which all my universal disks are.  So I figured I'd find a download of the individual files for CD's which I did at the link above.  I burned them with my MacBook Pro and attempted to install them on my G3 800mhz running 9.2 with no luck.  Just to clarify what I'm doing.  :o
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Re: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2018, 10:02:01 AM »

Did you try booting with the install CD 1? If you can, try it and see if you get the same error. Hold Option or Alt during the boot and select the disc, or simply hold "C" during boot. Your Mac should be compatible.

I didn't try the Garden's upload, but if you suspect something may be up with the image, you could use their comments section instead. It may be more helpful to you.


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Re: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2018, 04:38:51 PM »

it used to be that there was clearly a sub board on this site to go for "HELP" and it was called simply that..
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 05:53:49 PM by macStuff »


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Re: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2018, 07:01:59 PM »

@Jubadub, haven't tried that.  Will give it a go tomorrow.  Ty for the suggestion.

@macStuff, you're right.  It's a long list.  Plus, not sure if MacOS9Lives considers any OS 10 "classic". :)
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Re: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2018, 07:52:45 PM »

yes i agree the terminology of "Classic" is way too confusing to use..
when i read this i isntantly think of the old macintosh 68k, then there is the "classic environment", "color classic" computer, and "classic mac os"

its a term that has been used too many times and everyone who reads it interprets it differently



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Re: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2018, 08:00:23 PM »

Big blabber ahead. You've been forewarned.

I’ve had trouble with Tiger 10.4 on an MDD, a Quicksilver and
a B&W G3. Maybe not the exact trouble, but possibly related.
(Oh yeah, and a G3 Powerbook too.)

If you’ve never had any version of OS X on your iBook previously,
every version from 10.2.1, to 10.3.9 Panther and 10.4 Tiger will ask
to update your firmware on the iBook. I’ve even gone so far as to begin
with OS 10.2.1 Apple Install disks and then work up to 10.4, installing
10.3.9 (and firmware updates) along the way. Superstitious? Maybe.

Your firmware may not have ever been updated (may be why you
can’t “see” the installer? And, even if you’ve had OS X installed before,
it won’t hurt to go ahead and make certain that everything is “fresh”.

A systematic, linear path progression from early OS X to OS X 10.4.

On the G3 with a single hard drive, I used the Disk Utility [10.4 (v145)]
on the 10.3.9 Tiger install disk to reformat the drive into two partitions
before I ever even installed any OS… OS 9 or OS X. Making certain to
check the “install OS 9 driver” box for both partitions. Then I install OS
10.3.9 first, on the second most partition… before later installing OS 9
on the first partition, afterwards. (Of course, option-key booting CD.)

Now, it’s a common practice to use Drive Setup 1.9.2 or even 2.1 …if
you’re only going to install OS 9 on your machine BUT, I’ve found that
using the Disk Utility 10.4 v145 (or whatever version might be on, other
than the Panther 10.3.9 CD installer CDs… which will allow you to check
the “Install OS 9 driver” box)… may provide you more “happiness” if you
intend to have OS X and OS 9 cohabitating on the same hard drive.

I installed OS X over OS 9 when OS X was first introduced, (as was the
standard practice at first) both on my G3 Powerbook and the B&W G3.
The once stable B&W G3 and the PB began acting quite a bit less stable.
The Powerbook became painfully slow. The B&W… well, I quit using it
until just recently. The G3 Powerbook is an OS 9-only machine once again.
But, should I ever consider having OS X of any flavor on it… I’d go this
route described above. The B&W G3 is now once again very stable with
OS 9.2.2 on the first partition and OS 10.3.9 on the second.

If you’re able to install 10.4, 10.3.9 or even 10.2.1 in this manner,
reformatting, partitioning and then installing any version of OS X
before OS 9… you can then relegate the later installed OS 9.2.2
version as your “go-to” OS 9 for “Classic”, within OS X AND still
be able to boot from the OS 9.2.2 partition independently as you
may (and certainly should) wish.

Now, you may have already solved your install problem, If so,
congratulations. Do provide details and please advise and I’ll
delete this wordy diatribe. But if not, maybe you might want to
give this slightly arduous route a try?

You posted in the correct spot. I don’t believe that
you’ve been the recipient of much actual “help”.

Hope THIS does help. ;)

Addendum: *The firmware notion may be entirely bunk, as
when booting from most installer CDs, this should load the
necessary “bits” that enable the installer to “work” and for
the disk to be both recognized & mounted. I tried multiple
Tiger 10.4 install CDs on the MDD but it simply would not
work without first installing either 10.2 or 10.3. The partition
scheme detailed here does help with overall stability issues
between OS 9 and OS X and the formatting routine is also
muy important. IMHO

The OS 10.3.9 installer CD info notes a Firmware update of
either 4.17 or 4.18 ...being necessary.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 08:44:40 PM by Fury deBongo »
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Re: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2018, 08:25:30 PM »

You posted in the correct spot. I don’t believe that
you’ve been the recipient of much actual “help”.

Hope THIS does help. ;)
I have to point out that 1999 only just asked for "help" this morning.

AND… your "big blabber" does look fairly helpful.


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Re: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2018, 08:29:57 PM »

I have to point out that 1999 only just asked for "help" this morning.


Well then... I'm gonna party like it's 1999!!! ;D


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Re: Unsure where to post - Install 10.4 CD's - Having issues
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2018, 09:26:58 PM »

I'm gonna party like it's 1999!!!

That's the only way to party!  8)

But yes, I only asked for help this morning so I'm actually surprised at the replies I've already gotten from everyone. (Huge thank you to you all.)

I can "see" the installer, but Mac OS 9 keeps telling me that it's unable to load it as a boot disk.  Not sure why, but I'll give the restarting my iBook with the CD and see if I can boot directly from that.  If that fails, I'll double check your solution MrHappy and see if that does the trick.

If not, I'll be back.
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