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Author Topic: Keyboards in Logic 6.4.3  (Read 6135 times)


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Keyboards in Logic 6.4.3
« on: March 17, 2018, 01:31:03 PM »

I have two keyboards, a Yamaha PSR-E453 and an M-AUDIO keystation 61es. I can get these both working as a keyboard input in Logic 7 in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, but I am not sure how (or if it is possible) to get these working on Logic 6 in Mac OS 9.2.2. Would somebody help me please. By the way I am using a white XSKey that came Logic Pro 7.2, that works on 6 too. It would just be great to use a keyboard as an input in OS 9 you know.

Posted from tiBook in 9.2.2.


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Re: Keyboards in Logic 6.4.3
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2018, 10:00:55 PM »

OS9 is a whole different universe than OSX or iOS.
However, there is NO "class compliant" protocol before OSX.
That means, that simple magic where you just plug one of those USB/MIDI cables into the computer and it just works won't happen.

Your 61es, since it at least has a "real" MIDI out, can be made to work, but it will be a serious pain in the ass.
It will require obtaining a small old-fashioned MIDI-to-USB interface such as an M-Audio Audiophile USB.
This and a few other similar units have been known to work - sometimes. I'm not kidding… it's often a crapshoot.
Or, you can use an old standard MIDI-to-serial interface and a serial-to-USB converter such as a Keyspan USA-28X. This scheme, while known to work, now means you have two boxes and cables between the keyboard and the computer.

The Yamaha…not a prayer.

I recommend you just stick with Logic 7. All of your stuff is much newer than OS9 and the manufacturers have left the old protocols and connections behind.
Using OS9 these days requires a total commitment to a different ecosystem.
I honestly can't imagine what's in Logic 6 that's not in Logic 7 that would make it worth the aggravation.


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Re: Keyboards in Logic 6.4.3
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2018, 04:37:19 PM »

Using OS9 these days requires a total commitment to a different ecosystem.
I honestly can't imagine what's in Logic 6 that's not in Logic 7 that would make it worth the aggravation.

Mainly 2 things.

All the VST(i) from Mac OS 9

Freeze tracks.

On the other side Logic 7 can share CPU-DSP from a network.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Keyboards in Logic 6.4.3
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2018, 12:08:08 AM »

Mainly 2 things.

All the VST(i) from Mac OS 9
Freeze tracks.
On the other side Logic 7 can share CPU-DSP from a network.
OK… but in OSX you can get some very good VST AND AU also.
If you must have a special VST from OS9 you can lay a track in 7 and re-open it in 6 to process.
Or he can buy the interfaces… definitely a personal decision.


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Re: Keyboards in Logic 6.4.3
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2018, 02:11:55 AM »

I can be wrong, but IIRC Logic on OSX only has AU plugs. You have to use fxpansion vst to AU converter
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4
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