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Author Topic: KORG OASYS + OMS  (Read 6691 times)


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« on: March 05, 2018, 12:45:51 AM »


I've managed to get Mac OS 9.2.2 installed on my MDD G4 and installed a couple of cards - the Korg OASYS PCI card and a Audiophile 2496 (for MIDI). Software for both installed and working - I can output sound, set audio path via apple sound manager, etc.

All good so far.

The bit I'm struggling with is OMS. OMS scans the system and finds the OASYS PCI card (as PCI A and PCI B), and also the Audiophile 2496 MIDI port is found. I can assign a device to the Audiophile MIDI port (in this case a MIDI keyboard).

I'd now like to link the Audiophile MIDI to the OASYS PCI. Looking at the docs I click on the keyboard device on the Audiophile MIDI item - and drag it to the OASYS PCI icon.

The drag works - I see the cursor change to a little arrow and a box, but when I drop it nothing happens.

Any clue as to what I need to do. I've read the docs etc. Perhaps I need to configure something manually in some way?




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« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2018, 09:13:24 PM »

I'm about to fire up my old Mac /w OASYS because I just got some mLAN hardware (i88x and mLAN16E for my Motif ES).  I'll check out this scenario this weekend.  I should be able to assign the OASYS to an mLAN MIDI.

In the past, I've only ever used the OASYS with applications like Logic.  I also have one of those serial MIDI breakout boxes.  Since OASYS can talk directly to one of those versus OMS, I'll test that too.


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« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2018, 05:38:30 PM »

I've never owned an OASYS but I know OMS pretty well.

You're trying to instruct OMS to send keyboard data from the 2496 directly to the OASYS - as though OASYS was an external hardware MIDI module - and it's not.
Actually, that's not even the issue. You never route data directly from a controller to a module.
In that kind of a connection, key data would be bypassing the DAW and would be impossible to record. That's why all DAWs have some sort of "keyboard thru" function that includes a way to channelize the key data so it can be routed to trigger different sound modules while you're playing as well as when you're playing back a recorded sequence.

This is why OMS has, in the device windows, the little checkbox marked "is controller". That tells OMS to accept data IN from that device and send it OUT to other devices not checked as controllers. However, that's literally telling OMS to receive key data from the 2496, process it in the DAW then send it out back through the 2496 to an external module.

It's possible you need to marry the OASYS to your DAW through the IAC bus since all MIDI data to and from it is internal between it and the DAW in the computer. Again, having never owned an OASYS, I can't state that with absolute authority, but it's a logical theory and digital devices are nothing if not logical.


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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2018, 09:59:53 AM »

Thanks for the replies - very helpful.

I managed to get the OASYS going. For whatever reason I couldnt get the Audiophile 2496 card to present MIDI info to the OASYS - however - I did have a MIDIPORT 2x2. Installed the Mac OS 9 drivers for this, and rescanned with OMS. Assigned input '1' as a MIDI controller keyboard.

The OASYS then received the MIDI info - fantastic!



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« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2018, 11:32:50 PM »
you guys are aware theres documentation on the Oasys PCI right?
i assume u guys are talking about the PCI version of the Oasys

Installing the OASYS PCI software for MacOS
The OASYS PCI includes several important pieces of software for MacOScompatible
computers, including low-level drivers, ASIO drivers, Sound Manager
drivers, OMS and FreeMIDI drivers, editing software, synthesizer sounds, and
effects. All of these are included on the CD-ROM shipped with the OASYS PCI.
To install the OASYS PCI software for MacOS:
1. Open the Extension Manager control panel.
2. If you’ve already created an Extension Set for use with digital audio
programs, select it and skip to step 3. If not:
2a. Select the MacOS Base Set.
2b. Press the Duplicate Set button in the bottom right-hand corner of the
2c. Give the set a descriptive name, such as “audio” or “OASYS PCI.”
3. Turn off virtual memory, in the Memory control panel.
We recommend that virtual memory be disabled, especially when using the
OASYS PCI with digital audio software.
4. Turn off AppleTalk, in the AppleTalk control panel.
5. Turn off File Sharing, in the Control Strip or in the File Sharing control
AppleTalk and File Sharing can adversely affect the performance of the CPU.
6. Insert the Korg OASYS PCI CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM
The disk’s icon and window will appear on the desktop.
7. Double click on the CD-ROM’s “OASYS PCI Read Me” file.
This is a text file which contains any late-breaking information about the card and
the software, including any additional installation instructions.
8. Read the file.
After reading the file and following any instructions that it might contain…
9. Double-click on the “OASYS PCI Installer” icon.
The OASYS PCI Installer will open.
10. Follow the instructions to install the OASYS PCI software on your hard
In general, it’s best to use the “Easy Install” option.
11. Restart the computer before using the OASYS PCI.
You must restart in order to use the OASYS PCI software.
12. After successfully re-starting with the OASYS PCI extensions loaded, reset
the Extension Manager as desired.
13. If you will be using the OASYS PCI with a simple serial port MIDI
interface, without either OMS or FreeMIDI, see “Serial Port MIDI Setup
(MacOS),” on page 17.
14. If you will be using the OASYS PCI with OMS-compatible software, see
“Configuring OMS (MacOS),” on page 20.
15. If you will be using the OASYS PCI with FreeMIDI-compatible software,
see “Configuring FreeMIDI (MacOS),” on page 23.
16. If you will be using the OASYS PCI with ASIO-compatible software, see
“Configuring ASIO Software,” on page 26.

theres also a tutorial guide:
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