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Author Topic: Multi channel sample editor?  (Read 12647 times)


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Multi channel sample editor?
« on: January 26, 2018, 11:18:25 AM »

So I'm looking for a multi channel sample editor.
So I have six audio files that you would typically use in say Cubase.  Okay they came from Cubase.
So I've never like trimming up multiple tracks and such for exporting.
So is there something where I can load up the six files lined up and make one cut to cut all the files at the same exact point?
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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2018, 12:12:26 PM »

When you make a group in Protools all the edition tools work for all the tracks at the same time. You use this for a drum, for example.

In ProTools you can make AudioSuite to every track in Batch, if you want to add a effect, but normally you edit Multitracks in Groups and make multiple takes as Playlist.

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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2018, 12:18:29 PM »

I guess most software implement the groups in its own way.

But that is The Protools Approach.

In Logic you can make folders of tracks on the environment view, so I guess that if you cut the folder you do multitrack editing.

Wait for DieHard or MacTron approach on CuBase family.
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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2018, 12:29:09 PM »

It can be called "Link", be a Lock...

Looking for MacOS 9.2.4

dr bu

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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2018, 02:00:43 PM »

So my most humle opinion is Soundmaker 1.0.3. Only 16 bit. But it is a Gem. Some versions of ProTools does accept a single SndMkr multichannel file. Eats olot Ram so maybe not suited for 10 minutes 16 tracks.

dr bu

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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2018, 02:13:09 PM »

So get it at the Garden please. And join my fanclub. -afro-


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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2018, 02:22:14 PM »

When you make a group in Protools all the edition tools work for all the tracks at the same time. You use this for a drum, for example.

In ProTools you can make AudioSuite to every track in Batch, if you want to add a effect, but normally you edit Multitracks in Groups and make multiple takes as Playlist.

I will check this. I assume ProTools free will do this as well correct? I really don't want to be going and buying hardware to edit in this way when I already have plenty of hardware.
I've never worked in ProTools, but since it was an audio first and midi came later, I assume editing on it is pretty powerful?

So my most humle opinion is Soundmaker 1.0.3. Only 16 bit. But it is a Gem. Some versions of ProTools does accept a single SndMkr multichannel file. Eats olot Ram so maybe not suited for 10 minutes 16 tracks.

Even though I work in 24bit I don't see a reason I can't use 16 in this situation. 

I'm very open to any other options as well here too, but I have two options to start with.
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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2018, 04:34:16 AM »

... So I've never like trimming up multiple tracks and such for exporting.
So is there something where I can load up the six files lined up and make one cut to cut all the files at the same exact point?
I second Pro Tools, too. Leaving the convenience of 'groups' aside for a moment... if you just import your source files one below the other you can mark a multitrack selection from the ruler.
Then apply 'send to region' from the Edit menu, enter a simple name like d1 and PT adds it to the region list on the right side of the edit window. Next selection, same procedure, name d2 and so on.
After all is selected clean the edit window, shift-click the d1 items and place them, then d2 and so on. There's certainly a 'snap-setting', which I don't remember atm.

Main feature of this approach: when PT creates a region, it will remember the selection's full file context and retain the option of range modifications on each single file later.
So you can do it quick and dirty in a first pass and focus on details later if required.
In a regular cut and paste operation the decision is final with risk of a missed decay or hit.

I'm fairly new to PT editing ... and while the app (5.1.3) looked shabby at first glance, I found it really convient after digging into it.
In particular with USB Overdrive and a 2-button-wheel-mouse (old Logitech classic)
I set the wheel to the horizontal zoom in-out keys of PT and the right button to play-stop.
This way PT keeps the region of interest centered while zooming and precise selection is easy.


dr bu

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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2018, 07:18:49 PM »

i dont consider pt nor cubase to be "sample editors"! although cubase has a crappy thing hidden in the so called Audio pool.
Peak is a real one: destructive edit,
clever zooms, markers, keystrokes and dsp's.
Peak can only handle mono/stereo though. I like Spark as well for some features but it is not good enöf in terms of editing and makes irritating extra files. sonicworx? Clumsy. I noticed today i could actually import multichannel aiff/sd2 in it and even edit some wicked way but got no sound.
Audacity can multichannel but far from the elegance in my choice. :)
obligatory in any audio player is the ability to play/stop using a single key, preferably Space.


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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2018, 03:16:45 AM »

it's not about 'sample editing', but cutting multitrack (probably) live recordings.
PT is fairly good in that domain, at least I haven't met a better tool yet.
Peak is in fact great and I'd prefer it to prepare single tracks indeed.


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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2018, 08:39:07 AM »

Thanks all. 

So here is what I have run into.
Peak a no go.  Unless there is some magic, I can't import multiple like you would see in a DAW.
Spark has same problem as Peak.
Audacity is a fucking piece of shit. Maybe I shouldn't be so cruel, but yeah not going to happen.  Was there a version that ran in OS 9?

It sounds like ProTools is the way to go.
I will ask this questions,  how the hell can I get ProTools free to not used the built in sound?  And each region can be exported as it's own individual file for each track?

And now just to clarify some here.  I'm not sure if I'm clear on the need.

So I record a drum set to explicitly be used for loading into a sampler.   Three mics (I used more, this is good enough for now.)
Kick on one, snare on two, and hi-hat on three. 
All files are the same length so line up from the start.
Each drum is hit by it's self so it is clean without any other sounds.
There is flood onto  the other mics.
For the first hit of the kick it will show primarily in it's mic, but tiny bits in each other.
I'd like to cut that hit out at exactly the place on all the tracks so I technically have three samples of just the kick.
I will then load it into a sampler.  So when I play the kick all three will play together.  Yes I could just mix them all together, but when using them separate I can mix each mic like it would have been live so turning down the snare would also bring the kick down the same amount in that mic.
So end point.  I'm not trying to edit and realign and existing track.  I'm trying to generate a sample set to load into a sampler.  Loading into the sampler the way I want is not an issue.  That I can do.  I just need to cut up these files at exactly the same point and export each group.
So it really sounds like ProTools would be best. 
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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2018, 10:12:51 AM »

well, if it's about a sample set, then I've completely misunderstood the task.
PT is great with multitrack audio, but not on sample editing single hits.
edit: re-reading at slower pace it revealed to humble me that you indeed want the bleed as a natural mix aspect... will comment later


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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2018, 11:04:45 AM »

well, if it's about a sample set, then I've completely misunderstood the task.
PT is great with multitrack audio, but not on sample editing single hits.
edit: re-reading at slower pace it revealed to humble me that you indeed want the bleed as a natural mix aspect... will comment later

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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2018, 03:44:49 PM »

in that case the description of the process above still applies.
Separate Region instead of Capture Region may be more convenient fo naming and orientation.
After everything is split up, check the region list on the right side of the Edit Window.
The title bar 'Audio' is a popup menu.
Select your regions and PT will export each one to a single file in one go.
It may be convenient to use the rename command before that, which summons up one after the other. Imho pretty close to what you intend.
I'm not shure about PT version differences, though (only know 5.1.3 TDM)

ot: I highly recommend TDM even if you don't feel the need for more hardware (sack something else instead) ;)
DSP cards and interfaces are dead cheap today and given you pick the proper plugins the sound is stellar. You can route through the Digidesign interfaces like hardware, either making PT a realtime multichannel soundprocessor or use external gear routed directly to tracks.
Iirc I paid $200 for Mix and Core Card and a 882 box including the special cable (the latter is important)


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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2018, 05:11:23 PM »

bu is right about soundeffects/soundmaker beeing the only multichannel editor.

except ... well, why dont you do these things right in cubase?
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Re: Multi channel sample editor?
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2018, 07:20:10 PM »

So it really sounds like ProTools would be best.
Amadeus Pro is a multitrack editor that will do what you want.
I'm certain that the current (OSX all the way to 10.13) will
I'm 90% sure that the PPC version (thru 10.5) will also
I will have to find and launch the previous OS9 version to see - that one's a toss-up.
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