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Author Topic: Airport Extreme to bypass TWC Wifi  (Read 5295 times)


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Airport Extreme to bypass TWC Wifi
« on: December 20, 2017, 07:53:55 AM »

So GaryN threw this out there in a post awhile back and I was thinking it might be a solution for me...

"You have my sincere sympathy having to endure TWC. I have Comcast and even they are not as (insert the worst insult you can think of here) as Time-Warner. Your problem is you're being forced to use their hardware. As you said: "I never did believe their claim that my Powerbook couldn't work on the same wifi as my iPhone because until they took away their old box it did."
It occurs to me that your simplest workaround here might be to score an older Airport base station which you can find for dirt cheap on fleabay or even Craigslist. You then set that near their POS router and plug it into an ethernet jack directly thereby going around their Wi-Fi. There might be some minor interference between the two (or NOT) but a little experimentation moving them around (even a few inches) can usually take care of that."

I just started searching around and there are several versions and generations...( the 'hockey puck', 'square', and 'skyscraper' models)...

My question is: Are there specific specs I should look for?... is there a version that would be too new to work with OS 9?... or would any version work just fine? Please advise! ;D


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Re: Airport Extreme to bypass TWC Wifi
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2017, 08:50:20 AM »

From Wiki...
This Must Be The Place


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Re: Airport Extreme to bypass TWC Wifi
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2017, 04:16:38 PM »

I just started searching around and there are several versions and generations...( the 'hockey puck', 'square', and 'skyscraper' models)...

My question is: Are there specific specs I should look for?... is there a version that would be too new to work with OS 9?... or would any version work just fine? Please advise! ;D
Assuming (since I don't know for sure) that you have a P-Book with an Airport card in it, any Airport base will talk to it.


I suggest you look for an older Base station closer to the age of the P-Book. Why? To avoid possible issues with Airport Utility when you set it up.
This is one of those things that probably no one knows for sure that doesn't work for Apple (well, maybe Diehard or Mactron knows).
OS9 only supports WEP Wi-Fi encryption which, as everybody knows, is completely vulnerable to hacking by every six-year-old on your street, and they're all just hanging around outside your window waiting to steal your identity, so if you must do your banking on your ancient laptop in OS9, do it only after bedtime.
Again, this is cautionary only, 'cause I'm not 100% certain but: Newer Base Stations will want you to use newer versions on Airport Utility and at some point, those newer versions stopped allowing you to select WEP at all. I therefore recommend you go with an older Base Station to avoid possible issues. That doesn't mean the old, old pucks only but definitely not the most recent stuff.

Anyone know more / better about this?

Besides, the older ones are cheaper and WEP tops out at 54Mbps anyway, so new hotshot hardware will probably be a waste of $$$.


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Re: Airport Extreme to bypass TWC Wifi
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2017, 06:23:15 PM »

Well from Fury's chart I think I'll look for 1st - 3rd generation... seems like they should be a safe bet! ;D

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