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Author Topic: Printer Recommendations Please  (Read 4696 times)


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Printer Recommendations Please
« on: December 08, 2017, 12:41:11 PM »

I must have about 10 printers available to me at home/work, but they all have issues.
Blank pages/crinkled pages/pink pages/blotches/stripes/strange noises and invisibility - I've got them all!

But trying to find a new printer that works with my plethora of classic Macs is proviing hard work.
Don't do a lot of printing, but there are occasions when my pencil is not really suitable.


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Re: Printer Recommendations Please
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2017, 08:44:08 PM »

Printers are a pain in the ass. They're electromechanical devices and as such, they all require constant maintenance.
The "Blank pages/crinkled pages/pink pages/blotches/stripes/strange noises and invisibility you describe are all symptoms of a lack of maintenance and adjustment.

Virtually no new printers are supplied with or have old Mac OS drivers available.
The most common older ones you can still find are probably Epson Stylus or Stylus Photo models.
However, they, like all other old printers, may need serious work to get them printing cleanly again.

The simple cure for finding a printer that will work with your old Macs is to buy a new one, connect it to a newer Mac and share it.
This will keep you printing adequately 90% of the time. If you're determined to do DTP or CAD or some such thing in OS9 however, it will be a challenge.


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Re: Printer Recommendations Please
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2017, 01:37:15 PM »

I guess the responses confirm there are no OS9 friendly printers on the market anymore.

Had to go for a cheap OKI colour laser, which supports XP (needed by my Dad), and 10.3.9 which I have on one machine.

But also managed to get the old HP Deskwriter back in action after soaking the ink cartridge in water for an hour.

For occasions when I need the laser quality, and I'll have to print to PDF then move to one of the other machines.


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Re: Printer Recommendations Please
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2018, 01:20:16 AM »

Swapped a B&W G3 with an MDD today and connected the MDD via USB (OS 9), to an HP 1300 Laser Printer that’s been sitting there “on
and waiting for many years. (There’s also a 1300N / network variant available.) The old HP did not miss a beat and printed beautifully the
very first attempt. It’s also OS X compatible.

It has got to be ten years old, or even older.

Quick search provided several “refurbs” of this same HP 1300 printer out there to be had… for around $100.00.

Three years ago, bought several Samsung Xpress Series, M2835DW laser printers for Christmas presents. (MicroCenter had ‘em on sale for
about $60.00. Now see them listed around $150.00.) Yet to be tested with OS 9 - but Samsung Customer Service says that they will work (?)
with OS 9. They feature... wireless / network cable / and USB connectivity. I’ve one upstairs that I print to wirelessly via a later model iMac all
the time and even occasionally from an iPad & iPhone. (Have yet to attempt the USB route.) But will eventually get to all that, attempting
via OS 9… one way or another. Post results when available.

Got very tired (and much poorer) long ago, buying consummables for inkjet printers and had to make the switch. Replaced the original
low-yield toner cartridge last year in the Samsung with a high-yield toner cartridge from QuikShip Toner
for $34.88 (included shipping).

If no HP 1300’s are around and the Samsung will print from OS 9… it might certainly be worth $150.00. OR, there’s always the bulk-ink
refill route for the well-aged StyleWriter II (which I assume that new member, telford.moore is using).
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