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Author Topic: How do I correct the phantom display phenomenon on iBook G4 PowerBook6,7 OS 9.2?  (Read 4792 times)


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I have tried the open firmware trick with "graphic-options" but the display does not change.

Any help is very much appreciated!

Thank you,
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 12:25:40 PM by purakee »


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Find this file:   /Library/Preferences/

Drag it to the trash

If that doesn't work, holler back.


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I have a G4 Alu-Powerbook 15", 1Ghz - the monitor control panel from the G4 unspported install disk shows the proper size of the 2 displays, but can't scale up any of them.
With a different version of control panel (which includes a button named 'default') this button simply sets the display to the correct size.
It had a different name so I just added it, no need to replace. Can't tell the version atm because I'm not at the machine.
ps: it's from System Software 5.3, version 8.6.4
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 03:54:25 AM by Astroman »


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Thank you, but the problem is not with Mac OS X, it is with Mac OS 9.2.2. Sorry, I should have made the title more clear.


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hes using an ibook that came shipped with osx tiger with a 7447a type processor and Mobility Radeon 9550 video graphics

im not sure this model has been made to work 100% properly with os9 which is why you are experiencing problems..
did anyone else actually get the 9550 graphics to work properly ?
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