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Author Topic: Display with B&W G3 has lines and patterns running through it  (Read 5154 times)


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Display with B&W G3 has lines and patterns running through it
« on: October 20, 2017, 05:07:19 AM »


I have a B&W G3 with and old Ezio monitor and I am having issues with lines running through it and all sorts of problems. I am trying to figure out if it is the graphics card or the monitor.


« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 05:31:07 AM by gregbrophy »


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Re: Display with B&W G3 has lines and patterns running through it
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2017, 06:34:37 PM »

Probably the card but small chance could be the display.
Did you try the obvious first troubleshooting stuff? Remove card, squirt contacts, reseat. Same with the monitor cable etc.?


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Re: Display with B&W G3 has lines and patterns running through it
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2017, 05:06:14 AM »

Hi GaryN,

I did clean and put it back. It's still the same. I was able to get an adapter o plug it into another computer and the monitor worked perfectly. I ordered a new graphics card, the Radeon 7000, for about $30. It comes Wednesday so hopefully it will work.




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Re: Display with B&W G3 has lines and patterns running through it
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2017, 08:40:28 AM »

Looks like a resolution problem,  if you exceed the specs of the monitor this is what you get. Try a 640x480 and then 800x600 and make sure you don't exceed the frequency limit.  Most run at 60hz. Go into the monitor setup and let it show you all resolutions so you can hand pick the ones with 60hz instead of 75 and up. Give it a try and let me know if that helps.


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Re: Display with B&W G3 has lines and patterns running through it
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2017, 07:53:32 AM »

the b+W g3 is ALOT more buggy when it comes to graphics cards then the g4 AGPs.

did u really just ask this question without specifying which graphics card it is that u currently have?

its great tthat u already ordered a replacement. but it may not work out 100% as things are not as simple as u would think...

1) identify the existing b+w g3 exact model
2) identify the existing graphics card model number
3) come back here and communicate those facts
4) wait for experienced advice before ordering a replacement graphics card

i have had problems (extremely aggravating problems) with the combination of a b+W g3 mac and a radeon 700 card

i personally now choose to leave in place the original graphics card in my b+W g3 (which is a the original PCI Rage 128!) as the machine is much much much much much more stable + dependable with this card installed.

i would bet that if u were to come back and share your experience after u get the radeon 700 that you will experience alot of wierdness using the radeon 7000.

i had so many problems with radeon 7000 / 9200 pci cards on g3 b+W that i literally gave up trying to make it act dependable.. because of booting issues.. got sick of having to zap pram etc
anyway i hope your radeon 7000 experience goes better than mine.

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