DAMN PIECE OF (insert choice of expletive)
Alright Dual 1.42 MDD and PowerBook resolved. Haven't tackled the other ones yet.
Burned new media, did not resolve it.
PowerBook has install, but it freezes periodically.
Installed 10.3 in MDD installs, but randomly freezes.
Clean DVD drive, try to reinstall 10.4. Hangs at various points during install.
Replaced IDE cable, still no go.
Swapped to the ATA-66 port, still no go.
Gave up and watched the 1966 Batman shows and worked on PowerBook.
Disabled Airport for some reason. Works with no problem. No issues what-so-ever.
Enable Airport, issues come back.
Back to MDD. Unplug ethernet. Installs, boots and everything works.
Plugin ethernet cable. Hangs on boot. Unplug ethernet, works great. Let it boot, plug in ethernet long enough to get the 10.4.11 update. Unplug ethernet and all is good.
So something on my network is fucked up.
This makes some sense. The MDD had never been on our network until I went to update it for Logic. The PowerBook has been, but not used often and I forged it was just bad RAM until this pile of shenanigans.
The G5 had also not been on the network before as well and that had just gotten hooked up for updates for logic as well.
I recently switched routers to the one provided by ATT (sorry if you work there or like ATT, but fuck ATT). Dumb idea. PowerBook has problems with it, my phone has problems with it, my Surface (yes I know Microsoft whatever, but it's pretty awesome) has issues with it, the MacBook Pro has issues with it (see the picture) and I didn't put all this together until I turned of the AirPort on the PowerBook. Why the hell it caused me all this headache is beyond me. So back to the old router I guess is the solution.
This is probably also the reason for the strangest on my clamshell as well. This probably explains the mac mini as it was using the same Wifi as the PowerBook (plus I think the HD is going bad on that one).
At least the MDD's and G5 aren't intended to be on a network at all.