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Author Topic: Digital Audio Muthaboard EEE codes  (Read 3767 times)


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Digital Audio Muthaboard EEE codes
« on: June 07, 2017, 07:37:16 PM »

Well, on the verge of buying an eBay motherboard for my friend's 733MHz Digital Audio. The Apple 820-1173-A boards are plentiful, yet I happened upon the EEE code information that says the following three digits must be in the boards' serial number for a G4 DA machine: JVS, KSC, or KXU. (Current board has the KSC.)

My question is this: will any or all three of these digit groups work, or does it need be the KSC variety?

Friend paid a great deal for this special order machine when he bought it brand new and I'd just like to get it back up and running again for him (tomorrow's his birthday). And this guy, I had to talk into buying his first Mac (a used Performa), so many many years ago.

"What am I gonna do with a computer?" he said at the time. He's since owned more and newer Macs long before me. But he's still got the warm fuzzies for OS 9.
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Re: Digital Audio Muthaboard EEE codes
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2017, 09:31:15 PM »

We used to have a guy around here who would tirelessly and obsessively chase down and compile that kind of minutiae.

Unfortunately, his head exploded. Buy the board. It was obviously made in KanSas City.

Tell your friend we all said Happy Birthday.


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Re: Digital Audio Muthaboard EEE codes
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2017, 11:31:35 PM »

Moof. (From Apple's heretofore unknown, top secret, canine/bovine HQ.)

Unfortunately, only EEE codes so far have not been KSC's... JVS & KXU's. I'll wait for others to respond tomorrow.

Saddened to hear of the exploding head and the apparent loss of a very fine mind.

I shall indeed pass along the Happy Birthday wishes, which I'm certain he'll appreciate (after I mention posting that pic of his corroded power switching chip), Bodhisattva.
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