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Mac, SVP and Akai S3000XL
« on: February 17, 2017, 04:14:25 AM »


This is my first post and a full on dive in!

I have a project that has become unbelievably complex. In the mid 90s I produced a series of dance trax using nothing but a Mac with an old (even for then) version of Vision (1.?) and an Akai S3000XL sampler. About 10 years ago I made a failed attempt at rescuing all my sequences but managed to use MESA to get my samples onto a Mac and converted them to AIFF.

Now in 2017 I have decided to give it another go I have used a MacBook Pro with Basilisk emulator to run SVP 3.0.2 (had trouble with v4) and exported as Standard Midi File format. Got the sequences and samples into Reason 9 essentials everything worked fine, only issue being trying to get the same effects as the Akai’s EB-16 board but only having the completed tracks on CD to listen too. So I loaded the original samples and effects settings into the S3000XL and used Aria Meastosa to play the SMF (Reason essentials doesn’t have MIDI out) but it was dropping bucket loads of notes so I tried MIDIYoda got the same result with the same notes being dropped. However they both play ALL notes when using the internal sound source (piano being the default sound).

MIDIYoda has an event examiner and editor which slightly late 'note off' events' so I used the editor to end the notes slightly earlier which got the individual MIDI channels to play properly, so I thought it might be a polyphony issue in the Akai settings, IT WASN’T! but it does seem that MIDI channels are cutting each other off when I play all channels

I now have a S3200XL and get the same results

I got an old G4 mac off ebay running 10.3 with 9.2 in classic mode to run SVP and a MIDI USB interface but the SVP play button doesn’t work, by which I mean the sequence doesn’t run through (it didn’t in the emulator either).

So I have 2 problems a solution to either would give me progress

1) Get the play button on SVP to work
2) Get the SMF files to output MIDI properly

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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Re: Mac, SVP and Akai S3000XL
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2017, 06:03:16 AM »

 with 9.2 in classic mode to run SVP

Not sure if this would help with your problems but all the kids around here frown upon 'classic' mode and strongly recommend that use a full on OS9 installation for midi/daw use. There's lots of info here to install OS X/OS9 either as a dual boot or separate drives.

Welcome aboard! There are a number of SVP fans here too who can probably provide some more specific info to remedy your problems.


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Re: Mac, SVP and Akai S3000XL
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2017, 03:13:47 PM »

It looks like you've created your own "unbelievably complex" situation by trying to process what were originally fairly simple files with everything except what you should have used to begin with.

Anyway…SVP will not play sequences in Classic…period. That requires OMS which will only run in OS9 or below.
However, you now have everything you need to recover and play your original sequences (which you still have, right?)
Partition your G4 drive and install OS 9.2.2. from our downloads section.
Download SVP 4.5.1 from here and install it and OMS.
Set up OMS to recognize your MIDI interface and S3200XL.

Then use SVP to play, convert, edit, whatever the original files to your hearts content.


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Re: Mac, SVP and Akai S3000XL
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2017, 02:01:02 PM »

Thanks for your reply GaryN

It looks like you've created your own "unbelievably complex" situation by trying to process what were originally fairly simple files with everything except what you should have used to begin with.
Do you always start with a condescending statement? No worries I'm a big boy and will get my own back (see below)
Partition your G4 drive and install OS 9.2.2. from our downloads section.
LOL! This can not be a serious suggestion! Partitioning a mac hard drive with early OS X ALREADY installed is a pain and is completely unnecessary as is re-downloading and re-installing OS 9.2.2 when as I stated it is already on there for classic mode. Maybe you've been away from early OS X too long but all your suggestion can be avoided by simple going into 'System Preferences' then 'Start-up Disk', select OS 9 then restart which reboots the Mac in native OS 9 WITHOUT OS X. Which I did and now SVP plays (was already using 4.5.1 and OMS, so again no need for a download). However I still get no MIDI output as I have now discovered my MIDI interface doesn't have a OS 9 driver.

However, you now have everything you need to recover and play your original sequences (which you still have, right?)
Yes, also as stated I have already converted them using a MacBook Pro with Basilisk emulator to run SVP 3.0.2

I wouldn't normally get so arsey but seeing as my only contribution to it being "unbelievably complex" was to not boot up in OS 9 before posting, I felt it only fair that I should also point out your mistakes.

Situation is now this:
1) Need an OS 9 compatible MIDI interface*
2) Get the SMF files to output MIDI properly (Still!)

* I downloaded the UM-1 driver from Rolands website just out of curiosity but the installer isn't a recognized file format.

Many thanks GaryN and I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.


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Re: Mac, SVP and Akai S3000XL
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2017, 04:50:08 PM »

What I meant was you went through all kinds of emulations and various apps that were "dropping bucketloads of notes" (your words) and created the "unbelievably complex" (again, your words) situation before finally acquiring an older model Mac that could even run something pre-OSX natively to begin with. You've now finally ended up where you could have started. If you find that logic to be condescending, I'm sorry - it wasn't meant to be. Sorry I hurt your "big boy" feelings.

This is what you wrote: "I got an old G4 mac off ebay running 10.3 with 9.2 in classic mode to run SVP and a MIDI USB interface but the SVP play button doesn’t work…"

Every other day somebody posts here or on other sites and forums how they can't get their MIDI, audio, etc etc to play in Classic mode. I have found over time that the best most straightforward way to get them working seems to be a straight-ahead proper re-installation of OS9 and their DAW software along with OMS, FreeMIDI or whatever on a separate volume. There are some very good reasons for this approach that have been discovered over the years that you can read about in many posts on this forum.

So, LOL! Yes, it was a serious suggestion!   You see, you left this part out:
SVP plays (was already using 4.5.1 and OMS, so again no need for a download). However I still get no MIDI output as I have now discovered my MIDI interface doesn't have a OS 9 driver.

Instead, what you said you wanted was:

1) Get the play button on SVP to work
2) Get the SMF files to output MIDI properly

So now, hopefully you understand why I responded as I did. One can only process the information one is provided with.

(I have, by the way, been running OSX and OS9 and SVP and Galaxy and a dozen other music producing apps in my studio continuously for over 20 years so I do know a few things and yes, I even know how to use Startup Disk.)

Glad to see you're so on top of everything here. I'm sure you'll get it to work.


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Re: Mac, SVP and Akai S3000XL
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2017, 01:08:45 AM »

I don't really want to get into an argument about it but Its 'unbelievably complex' as my starting position was a MacBook Pro, an emulator and the original MIDI files and samples converted to AIFF, NOTHING ELSE! Everything else ie. buying Reason 9, re-acquiring an Akia sampler and G4 mac has been done since the start of this, I didn't just have them lying around. So I go back to my original statements that I didn't make it complex and I only made one oversight.

As for me leaving out the bit about already having SVP 4 and OMS installed, I assumed that was obvious as I said the play button wasn't working but I realize you may have thought I was using SVP 3 as that was what I had on the emulator.

Ironically I had a compatible MIDI interface until last year and got rid of it thinking I would never need it again. Such is life!


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Re: Mac, SVP and Akai S3000XL
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2017, 12:13:36 PM »

I got a Motu FastLane off ebay for £20 cured ALL my issues in both OS9 and OS X (notes were dropping in Aria Maestosa and MidiYodi). Drivers for both OS 9 and OS X are here:
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