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Author Topic: Share your collection  (Read 6369 times)


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Share your collection
« on: February 10, 2017, 06:23:27 AM »

It seems that a lot of us here have a nice collection of older macs. 
It would be cool if we shared what our collections are.  You don't have to list the specs of all of them if you don't want to.
I'll start this off.

-Tangerine iBook
-Indigo iBook (not working, soon to be replaced)
-Snow White iBook G3
-White iBook G4
-G4 PowerBook
-G3 Bronze PowerBook
-G3 PDQ PowerBook
-Newton Message Pad 2100

-G4 iMac
-G3 iMac SE Snow White
-2 Single 1.8 GHZ G5
-DP 2.0 ghz G5
-2.3ghz Dual Core G5
-B&W G3 (Has 1ghz G3 upgraded CPU)
-Beige Desktop G3
-2 DP 1ghz Quick Silver
-G4 DA
-3 AGP G4
-2 G4 Mac Mini
-Core Duo Mac Mini
-G4 iMac
-PowerComputing PowerWave clone (thank you to a nice person here for that one)
-Performa 6200
-Macintosh TV (not that new thing they make, but the one from 1993)
-G4 Xserve
-Intel Xeon Xserve
-Xserve Raid

Not old machines but still Aoole;s
Two MacBook Pro's
iPad Mini
iPad 2

I'm looking forward to every one else's. Even if you have one or just a few I still think it's fun to know what everyone else has.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, or break it so you can fix it!


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Re: Share your collection
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2017, 12:05:16 PM »


Mac SE/30
Mac Classic II
PowerMac 7300/200
PowerMac 9600/359 (pulled and replaced with a G4 1Ghz upgrade card)
PowerMac G4 Graphite 500
PowerMac G4 2002 Quicksilver 933
iMac G3/450 DV+ Ruby
iMac G3 Graphite SE 700


iMac 2009 20" Core 2 Duo 2.66 Ghz
MacBook Pro 2009 13" (dead)
2014 Mac Mini 3 Ghz.
Mac Pro 2008.Two 2.8 GHz (E5462) Quad-Core Intel Xeon

Hackintosh i5 6700 overclocked. Runs Windows 10 and MacOS X 10.12.x. 34" LED IPS monitor. But still use my iSub and Soundsticks II!

iPad Mini 2
iPhone 7+
15 Macs (13 of them ranging from an SE to a MDD), 2 iPads, 2 iPhones, 1 Hackintosh. Small house getting smaller with each Mac. . . . .  .Husband shakes his head but supports my habit.


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Re: Share your collection
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2017, 10:44:19 PM »

G4 400
G4 DP500
G4 QS933
G4 MDD 1.25 single
G4 Alu17 1Ghz
G5 1.8?
G5 2.somethingorother

MacBook white 13" core2whatever
iMac 2.7 i5
numorous iPads, iPods, iPhones, iWatches


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Re: Share your collection
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2017, 02:31:04 AM »

I have a lot of different machines (not just Macs), but only listing the Mac's now then ;).

*PowerMac G5 Quad
*PowerMac G4 MDD Sonnet MDX Dual 1.67ghz
*PowerMac 9500 with a Sonnet G3
*PowerBook G4 Aluminium 17" 1.67ghz
*PowerBook G4 Titanium 1ghz
*PowerBook G4 Titanium 1ghz (yes, another one)
*PowerBook G3 Kanga

*Quadra 800
*Quadra 700
*PowerBook 540c

*Mac Pro 2,1 "Eight Core" 3ghz, 32gb RAM
*MacBook Pro "Mid 2009"
*MacBook Air first gen
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Re: Share your collection
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2017, 07:00:58 PM »

Man, ya'll got some nice machines.

I've got a G3 Wallstreet (Mac OS 9.2.2) and a 2002 iBook (removed OS 10.4, installed 9.2.2).  I've had other machines throughout the years, including my very first iBook G3 Blueberry that I bought back in late '99 or early '00.  I moved to Europe shortly after and left it behind to let my parents use it as I wanted to chat with them daily.  They still have it, in a closet.  So I'm gonna say that one counts too. :)

Got started using Mac's back in the mid 80's and my love for the Mac OS has just grown ever since.  I've had a couple of Windows computers of course, these were primarily work computers given to me from work as the programs weren't available on OS X.  Took me forever to find out how to cut and paste via keyboard shortcuts haha.
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Re: Share your collection
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2017, 06:29:35 AM »

There is one on my list I forgot to mention.
I have a Color Classic Robot.  A coworker made an art project robot out of a color classic as a wedding gift.  The computer still works, but it's not too usable as the face of the robot is put on the screen so you can't see all of it.
It sit's and guards our entry way.

iMac G3/450 DV+ Ruby

I am insanely jealous of this one. That is one that I can never find locally.  I have found a couple on ebay of the past year, but I'm scared to trust someone I don't know to ship it well.

iBook G3 Blueberry that I bought back in late '99 or early '00.

Nice or not, I just love to hear what other people have as we all have a love for these old machines.  I don't really know why, but I have such a soft spot for those colorful iBooks.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, or break it so you can fix it!
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