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Author Topic: Obscure Mac software for a Roland DM80 hard disc recorder? Circa 1993!  (Read 30049 times)


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Opcode Studio3
works with OMS
used that with SE/30 way back when.... 91/92???
thus "verified" for working with you SE
good mac midi rack
generates/syncs SMPTE plus does MTC
you can grab one now on ebay for around $30 including shipping


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Thanks WhiteWarlock. The Studio 3 would be great (if anything else, no wallwart) but the DM-80-S manual says that the only compatible interfaces are the Studio 4, Studio 5 and MOTU MIDI Timepiece II (with some sort of specific firmware upgrade only: good luck finding one with that). I had a MIDI Timepiece II with the driver disk and still it didn't work at all with the SE/30 so I personally wouldn't bother with one of those. The Opcode interfaces are all over ebay which is great, however none of them up right now (and there's like a dozen) have driver disks. In any case, I'm in New Zealand so ebay is not really a good option for me. If anyone here has a Studio 4 and willing to ship to NZ pm me ;)

Also it turns out that the DM-80 unit I have is the later "II" version with the waveform displays which is pretty cool.


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XGF was from Hamilton
almost moved there
her brother is prolific "Doom Metal" musician in NZ
(is that you???)
saw some inexpensive Studio 4 units on ebay
yet those start getting more pricey used
Studio 64x is 1997 yet may work
there's also the obscure Opcode Translator ProSync(have one currently running on PowerPC)
MOTU MIDI Timepiece II "bios" upgrade sounds like nightmare pain
does it say that in the manual?
went through something like that with Motu Midi Express XT
(ultimately just using it with OS9 G3 rather than pay $200+ for upgrade chip)
call: Hamilton Rock Shop, Music Works, & World of Music
make some friends asking if they have ever even heard of "Opcode"
Call NZ recording studios & chat with "engineers"
(The Lab, Red Room, The Porch, Depot Sound)
start putting out some feelers
maybe you will actually get lucky M8
there has to be something hidden in NZ collecting dust that will work for you
that's the best long shot stream of consciousness suggestion

« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 09:13:53 PM by WhiteWarlock »


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Thanks again WW. Are you in NZ? It's the MOTU Timepiece that needs the upgrade, not the Opcodes. The Opcodes should work as is. Heh, nope I'm not a prolific Doom metal musician (as my handle might indicate).

I've no doubt that stuff is around (I found a full DM-80 setup with synchronizer, IB-1, and software after all...), but you just have to wait for it to surface somewhere like trademe or happen to walk into a music shop where there's 30 year old stuff gathering dust in the corner (like WOM in Hamilton... just played a show there last month). It does happen here, but the key word in all cases being "wait", unfortunately!


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Grab an old trusty opcode studio
send out some emails on ebay
get one of them shipping for you in NZ


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I had a little stroke of luck as it turns out the system I just got in fact includes the DM-80-S software as well as the IB-1 MIDI interconnect. Unfortunately I have no working MIDI interface for my SE/30 right now, so the software will only load as far as the "connect" window. I've made an image of the DM-80-S disk for anyone who may want it. What's the best way to upload it?

I cannot post any images for some reason. It keeps telling me the file is too big (which it's not) or it's "taking too long" (which it also isn't).

It should be small enough to attach to any post... just give a link from a file service and we will download and re-upload


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Here it is. Made with ShrinkWrap 2.1


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Brilliant! Thank you! :D

I have been considering giving my unit away but will give this a try.


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Cool nickbirkby I hope it works out for you. I'd be keen on your remote if you end up wanting to get rid of it ;) Mine works but it's got a line of dead pixels across the middle of the display.


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I sent nickbirkby an email, he hasn't logged on since April, I think he fell of his


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Hamilton ? as in Hamilton Ontario Canada?


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Hamilton ? as in Hamilton Ontario Canada?

Hamilton, New Zealand ;)


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Open Tomb
hmmm very Wyrd
Sean can probably help you locate old Opcode Interface
somewhere in Hamilton or Aukland
tell him friend of Janiney sent you
plus what gear you just scored
maybe you can record something for them
yet be forewarned it will be "Extremely Brutal Slow Heavy"
plus he may turn whiter than a ghost when explain who sent you
inform him it's time for recording new album
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 03:38:30 AM by WhiteWarlock »


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there is no more extreme than the careful, considerate jute gyte.
insert arbitrary signature here


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Open Tomb
hmmm very Wyrd
Sean can probably help you locate old Opcode Interface
somewhere in Hamilton or Aukland
tell him friend of Janiney sent you
plus what gear you just scored
maybe you can record something for them
yet be forewarned it will be "Extremely Brutal Slow Heavy"
plus he may turn whiter than a ghost when explain who sent you
inform him it's time for recording new album

Cool thanks I'll look them up, maybe they'll be playing Valhalla down in Welly sometime soon, heh.


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Thanks WhiteWarlock. The Studio 3 would be great (if anything else, no wallwart) but the DM-80-S manual says that the only compatible interfaces are the Studio 4, Studio 5 and MOTU MIDI Timepiece II (with some sort of specific firmware upgrade only:..

Correction here. The manual says that any MIDI interface for the Mac can be used (they recommend external powered as opposed to bus powered) with the DM80, however, "as of the time of writing" the Studio 4, Studio 5, and MOTU MTP are the only multi-input devices supported for using *multiple* DM80 units.


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well you got lucky
do you have mac midi box?
get some sync running


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Turns out that MOTU Digital Express XT I have *does* work with my SE/30. All it took was the proper 8 pin DIN cable (the modem type). I had to order one from overseas as, not surprisingly, there wasn't one to be had in the entire country of NZ. I fired up the OMS setup and it was recognized as a MOTU Midi Timepiece, but it works! I'm able to run the DM-80 software now, ironically, I don't have a f**ing 12V 500ma power adaptor for the IB-1 connector so I haven't been able to property run the DM-80 yet. But I've been enjoying using Max 3.5.8 to run patches on my SE/30 through my Korg Prologue so I'm pretty happy for now. I've also got 64MB of RAM in the Mac now so it runs everything pretty well. I also have the DM-80 sync unit so I'll be trying some syncing with my Fostex D80. If only the DM-80 did ADAT...


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Re: Obscure Mac software for a Roland DM80 hard disc recorder? Circa 1993!
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2018, 01:45:48 AM »

Did anyone upload the DM80S software ? Roland themselves don’t have it anymore (asked them a while ago, and they recommended searching the internet !) I have the IB1 sitting here, and while I’ve had the DM80 sync’d to SMPTE coming from tape (and had Logic X sync’d to the DM80 via MTC) it would be weirdly cool to have the Mac-based setup working...


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Re: Obscure Mac software for a Roland DM80 hard disc recorder? Circa 1993!
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2018, 01:55:37 AM »

Did anyone upload the DM80S software ? Roland themselves don’t have it anymore (asked them a while ago, and they recommended searching the internet !) I have the IB1 sitting here, and while I’ve had the DM80 sync’d to SMPTE coming from tape (and had Logic X sync’d to the DM80 via MTC) it would be weirdly cool to have the Mac-based setup working...

Yes. There's a link to it in this thread. I finally got the whole setup running on my SE/30 and it works like a charm. Apart from being slow, it is essentially a modern DAW. One caveat/ tip is that the IB-1 does not require a power supply. When it's connected to the DM-80, the DM-80 will power it. If you use a power supply in addition it will cause strange behaviour and not work properly. I thought my setup was never going to work as it would behave erratically and never connect to the software... I "accidentally" ran it with the power disconnected from the IB-1 and it started working which is when I realized you don't need/wan't the psu connected.
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