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Author Topic: pre-OSX related start page (or eWorld 2.0)  (Read 3851 times)


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pre-OSX related start page (or eWorld 2.0)
« on: December 26, 2016, 08:05:02 AM »

I have thought about this for quite some time but have yet to make it happen.
There are many sites dedicated to the "Classic" Mac OS range or operating systems, but many are hard to find and you more or less need to know what to search for or know of a specific site through your friends and other contacts.

This is where the start page, or portal, or eWorld thingy would come in. Start page would be a news section about everything remotely relevant for Mac OS 9 (and for that matter anything "Classic" connected if it feels relevant). In this way it will be a lot easier to get the software, information and news you need for your Mac running pre-OSX.

I personally think that this site should be made using a CMS system that is compatible with Classilla. Making creating news and administrating the site possible on Macs running Mac OS 9 and earlier. The CMS makes it good for security reasons. We want to focus on whats on the site and not keeping the back bone up to date with security patches etc.

And I need help! Bolkonskij seems interested and I know that Mat is passionate about this stuff. Anyone else want to help out? Any ideas? I can put a CMS up in an hour or so if I just know how and what we should use :)
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.


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Re: pre-OSX related start page (or eWorld 2.0)
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2016, 08:41:45 AM »

First of all, this sounds great.

==== Contribution ====

I can contribute web dev related stuff.

Do we have a Mr. or Ms. Paintbrush that could do some pixel-pushing for us to make things look bright?

==== The project ====

I love your idea about links and news. And I love the idea about something like an e-worldesque Home Page. That means two columns - one for news, one for the city.

The city starts out as an almost empty green turf and over time we add buildings. Each building represents a hyperlink to a project in the OS 9 community. The building "community center" leads to the macos9lives forums for example. A GIF of a nice park leads to the Macintosh Garden. And so forth.

Over time, we can add more and more "buildings" as the link list grows.

I love the idea, because it is so much more friendlier than a simple html table with links. And the classic OS experience is a friendly one, right?

==== The technical background ====

What are our requirements towards a CMS? Could Kirby get this job done for us?

Or should we use simple html files that get ftp'ed for keeping things simple? (like in the old days)

What would be the resolution to aim at? 800x600 seems like a good compromise to me, but there are users with 640x480 resolutions out there too. It's a pity we can't rely on CSS / javascript to detect the resolution and play the adequate content. (aka responsive)
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