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Author Topic: very slow before to go on when i press the space bar to play in record mode  (Read 7416 times)

Miro Le Ravi

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hello guys since two days 
  i see 
something weird on my dp2.72 on songs   
when  the tracks are in record mode open  ready to record   just to push the space bar to play the tracks  (many  or less)  it takes 5 to 10 seconds to go 
and when  the tracks are not in record mode  it goes  quick without pb 
i tried to  definite to the card to use  less inputs  but it still  does it on ( terra fire wire hard disk  )
but if i try it on the internal disk  (copying the song  inside  )  it doesn't make it .. 
is it a sign? that my  hard disk begin to be  old (6 Years) ???
well for the moment i m making a copy of my songs on anotre disk  to  be sure that i will not loose the work :)
if someone sees what it means 
i have reinstalled recently my  g4 with  the dp2.72 official and it has  1?5 G memory ram 
does the fact that there is too much memory ?  that would cause that pb? 
if someone has a clue 

thanks  in advance
la vie est belle c'est le monde qui est triste ...

Miro Le Ravi

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yep yep yep 
for the moment 
it seems  that it is a hard disk pb because the same son  copied on another hard disk  goes fluently 
hum hum
i  m copying all the work  on another disk 
but still i am  thinking  about  show  can we find new  hard disk  available  for the G4 in firewire 400   for mac os 9.2 ???

because now i am lucky to have another hard disk  in back up mode  …  but for how long ???
la vie est belle c'est le monde qui est triste ...


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Sounds like it could be a 'buffer setting' issue.


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a 6 years old harddisk is about 3 times faster than firewire - and firewire is capable of playing 50+ tracks at 32 bit with no problem.
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only a little idea: This happens to me too when I worked in Protools and didn't take care of the setting about the disk space the recording will use. As soon as I changed the setting to 5min and NOT "use the whole disk space" the recording starts immediately. This was my solution - so buffer issue could be the reason. My harddisks are 15years old and are still running... :-)


Miro Le Ravi

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thanks everybody for all the reflexions  and answers  :)

the work hard disk  is a lacie terra  ( 1000 gigas from  2010  ) ( and when i had the pb  it was not more occupied at 40 per cent  ( not more than  400 gigas))
  there were around  250 go gas stored  from  sessions  this years
and i began  working on a recording project these months and 12 songs  ( album)  more than  30  gigas of multi recording  16 Tracks  live in every sessions)
on digital performer  with 2 motu interface 1224
A G4 etc  ….

  now everything is working well 
i ve just copied  all the work (30 g) in another disk  in security 
and all the rest in the disk  i have cancelled   ! 
so the disk  have been empty  then  i have putted back  my present work project    and th hard disk is 80 per cent free  … i don't know how and why  but  there is no more pb ! 
i ve tried to check with  nor tons utilities  but  it doesn't want to  sped the disk  because  every time he tries  there is a pb to recognize  the firewire disk  ….  is there someone who have already see this  on norton? 
or probably my nortons is not well installed ! but i tried  with the hard disk tool kit  it is the same    it doesn't want to recognize them
i m thinking to reinstall  a ultrawide intern disk  on an adaptec 2930 scsi  card  because i think  fire wire  with the time  begins to seems  difficult no?
la vie est belle c'est le monde qui est triste ...

Miro Le Ravi

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hello paule "only a little idea: This happens to me too when I worked in Protools and didn't take care of the setting about the disk space the recording will use."

thanks for this clever advice  but how can  set this  preferences  of choosing the space and place on a hard disk 
 im not on protools i am on dp2.72 mac G4  mac os 9 of course :)
la vie est belle c'est le monde qui est triste ...


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  now everything is working well 

 … i don't know how and why  but  there is no more pb ! 

Perhaps there was some goofed up setting/preference or whatever that was corrected by removing then recopying back to your disk. As long as it's working properly now you can continue working. Keep an eye on it and do frequent backups. ;D
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