ha, just found number 4 - via image search - it was a german ebay ad which just said "HDD Case"

there are about 20 different models from various brands with that name. some of them have a black finishing.
mine are the
pleiades taurus raid, which are identical to the inxtron branded (i think inxtron is the actual manufacturer)
the later models, called taurus super-S3 or tarus super LCM, had an LCD diplay and restore knobs on the front. they are available in stocks of hundreds and for much less money than the old taurus.
but the later models
do not support JBOD, so that you would be limited to 2x1 TB spanning, which would make such a dual enclosure kind of useless under MacOS9 and OSX 10.4.x
i prefer to have 2x 1.5TB everywhere and as you know, 2x 2 would also work.
i also want to have
the very same power adapter everywhere because t his stuff sucks so much to find and replace when one breaks & i already got new firewire2SATA optical cases for my "sampling CD" and bluray drive for that purpose.
after i am done with finding number 5 and number 6 my total storage space will have raised from 21 to 33 TB.
currently i am looking to find an affordable firewire 400 8-port hub, buspowered (arent they all?), which seems almost impossible to find. atm i have a very nice one with 5-ports (10 euro) but i feel i want to have a replacement in the house for such an important component