I hope that thread title sums it up.

Long story not so short:
Years ago, I somehow found myself a copy of ProTools 3.4? (the original free version before 5.x) and got it mailed to me. it was some promotional thing back in the late 90's i stumbled onto.
When the original PPC died (power supply?) i put that HD in external usb drive and transferred projects to a used G3 imac that appeared to have come from an elementary school, judging by the educational software installed. Was using a Tascam US-122 usb interface.
Decided to upgrade slightly, so i eventually got a Quicksilver 933 not too long ago. This site actually was a deciding factor in that.
After long consideration, i decided to purchase a used Digi 002. Having wanted a mixer for sometime, and seeing how it was both a standalone as well firewire interface allowing PT LE 5.3.2 and all that entails (many more features), i figured I'd go for it.
What i did NOT count on, was quite the predicament and runaround that seems to have come about.
The QS 933 came with an OS X 10.4 formatted HDD. I do believe it also had OS 9, at least Classic but maybe native boot? I don't quite remember because i hardly used it except for backup. I succeeded in installing the 40 gb drive from the older imac i had been using, and was booting off that no prob. I kept the drive it came with, a 60 gb maxtor, and only booted it when i wanted to make a backup of my audio stuff, since the OS X drive wouldn't mount when I booted from the OS 9 disk, but it worked the other way around with 40 gb OS 9.2.2 drive would show up when booting with the OS 10.4 drive.
Just a note, the OS X 60gb drive would show up in system profiler when i booted off the OS 9 drive, and it would give its make and model, but say something like "Driver unavailable" and its status was unmounted. Since i've never dealt with any dual drive stuff in mac before, i wasn't sure if it was a formatting issue or driver or what? Didn't worry about it until the last few days.
Digi 002 arrived and I followed the manual and instructions that came with PT LE 5.3.2. conflicting instructions in some ways! Found out through some fine print that i needed Firewire Enabler/Support 2.8.6 instead of the 2.8.5 that was in my OS 9 system, but i wouldn't have known that just from reading the Digi 002 "getting started" guide.. found that bit of info elsewhere!!!

Couldn't find any download resources for the Firewire 2.8.6 extensions, but the Universal OS 9.2.2 disc image on this site had the 2.8.7 ones, i found out. I just copied those over as a replacement for my older ones and restarted, hoping it would work. Digi 002 still did not show up or connect, and launching PT 5.3.2 gave me a hardware not found dialog.
After finally remembering i had that really old drive in the USB enclosure I decided i would just do a clean install of OS 9.2.2 off the Universal image from this forum. I planned to be able to transfer some files directly from my other hard drives, but eventually, none of them will mount, show up as available, let alone boot. What was working perfectly fine before this test dummy install, i now get the disk image with flashing "?" anytime i try to boot from the 40 gb OS 9 or 60 gb OS X drive, but the newly formatted 6gb OS 9 drive boots fine. But last I checked, it no longer even sees the other drives at all, not even in profiler!
I've wondered if jumper pins are to blame, but when i had just the two drives before this debacle, didn't seem to make much of a difference. Now it doesn't seem to make much of a difference either, since no combination seems to work!
Need to clarify that last time i did it, holding in Opt and getting the boot disk selector, the OS X disc shows up, but only as an OS 9 disc or Classic.. And it hangs with the flashing ? icon. I had mistakenly selected that option before and it will not return to OS X.
I have no freakin clue what to do. <-- There's a rhyme for you...
Didn't want to make a long post, but i wanted to give people enough info. Hopefully there is enough there to work with initially? this dilemma is ridiculous! I haven't had the QS all that long, let alone dealt with multi-disk booting problems on a Mac, but it seems that in just a few days, formatting that really old 6gb Quantum Fireball has done me in.
Still don't even know if the Digi 002 mixer works right. It does in standalone so far as i can tell. And the documentation never specified exactly what the "link" green LED between the 2 firewire ports on the back actually does. Common sense says it tells you there is a connection through firewire, but the guides as far as i can tell never actually mention it other than showing it in a graphical illustration. Neither is explained with the 1394 indicator on the front. I assume the same?
And i had to go to digidesign archives to find the bit about 2.8.6 Firewire extensions! Was the Digi 002 on OS 9.2 a rushed job???
Thanks for any help anyone can give me. I know a bunch of you are more experienced at this than I, I hope you can assist. I boggles my mind how I went in a few short days from a perfectly healthy working system to something that is barely there!