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Author Topic: Correct Airport card for MDD DP 1.25Ghz FW 400  (Read 6044 times)


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  • Aussie in Japan
Correct Airport card for MDD DP 1.25Ghz FW 400
« on: September 07, 2016, 10:07:47 AM »

Airport cards are called "Airmac" here in Japan. I got hold of one and tried ( in OS X 10.5.8 ) to get it to connect to the MDD to the big Airport Extreme base station WiFi set to WPA/WPA2 Personal - could not connect at all.

This is the card I'm using ( of course the antenna is connected ).

System Profiler in Leopard 10.5.8 recognizes the card

I'm aware that the FW 400 & FW800 MDD's use different cards - supposedly this card should connect through WPA.

In particular, is anyone connecting using an Apple stock Airport card to either an Airport Extreme Base station or the smaller Airport Express.

I tried a direct connection ( sans router ) no password . . nothing.

I also tried using the very old "snowdrop" Airport Express with password set to NONE but no joy.


Also, are there any OTHER cards that WILL work with my Airport Extreme base station.

Any advice very gratefully accepted.

G4 MDD 1.25Ghz ATI 9000 Pro 64mb FW 400 OS 9.2.2 + 10.5.8
Mac Pro 4,1  DP 2.93Ghz 16 Gig HD 5770 / HD 5870 (EFI boot both) 10.9.5  480Gb Sandisk SSD. USB 3.0 PCIe


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Re: Correct Airport card for MDD DP 1.25Ghz FW 400
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2016, 01:36:45 PM »

these cards wont do wpa2, 1 issue i found is you have to choose the encryption mode and set it to one of them or it may give you trouble aes/psk or what they call it). os9 is wep only, needless to say you can save the encryption there.


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  • Posts: 8
  • Aussie in Japan
Re: Correct Airport card for MDD DP 1.25Ghz FW 400
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2016, 02:51:05 PM »

Thanks for your reply. Initially I'd like to get this card working in the Leopard 10.5.8 installation on this MDD and move on to getting it to work in OS (.2.2 later.

My Airport Extreme base station is set to 802.11b/g/n and WPA/WPA2 personal

I have TKIP ( WPA-PSK ) and WEP turned on with codes in my router but not AES as that is new to me.
Is AES crucial to getting this card working through 10.5.8 with the Airport Extreme on the above settings ?
G4 MDD 1.25Ghz ATI 9000 Pro 64mb FW 400 OS 9.2.2 + 10.5.8
Mac Pro 4,1  DP 2.93Ghz 16 Gig HD 5770 / HD 5870 (EFI boot both) 10.9.5  480Gb Sandisk SSD. USB 3.0 PCIe


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Re: Correct Airport card for MDD DP 1.25Ghz FW 400
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2016, 03:15:58 PM »

under os9 only wep will work. the only thing crucial i noticed is you have to choose aes or tkip as far as i know. i think it will work better with aes.


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  • Posts: 8
  • Aussie in Japan
Re: Correct Airport card for MDD DP 1.25Ghz FW 400
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2016, 08:52:57 AM »

I now have OS 9.2.2 up & running on DHCP with an Airport Extreme base station.

I also have Leopard 10.5.8 installed on another drive an I wanted WiFi for this.

I gave up on using my old AirMac ( called AirMAC " in Japan ) card in either 9.2.2 or 10.5.8  it simply will not connect to any security protocol with my Apple Extreme Base Station as router ( the big one ) in OS X 10.5.8. In any case apparently the vastly insecure WEP protocol is the only one that will work  , ,if  at all.

Yesterday I came across a "LB-Link" USB WiFi adapter ( 150 ~ 300 ( for ( wait for it ) . . ..  ¥1,100  ! about US$ 10.75.

The model is :  BL-WN2210 :

I've got it up and running flawlessly with the base station as router.

WARNING : DO NOT INSTALL THE INCLUDED DRIVERS that come on the mini DVD for Leopard at least  - they produce a kernel panic.

The working updated drivers are here :

The above download includes PPC & Intel 150Mbps drivers for 10.4  Intel  & PPC. 10.6 Intel  PPC. 10.7

The download also includes 300Mbps drivers but I have no idea for which CPU's . . in any case I don't need 300Mbps.

The drivers download also installs a WiFi setup utility . .first you have to activate the card via System Prefs / Network. . hit "Apply" when it appears in the left sidebar.

I'm sure quite a few macos9Lives members also have Leopard installed so I hope this post is informative.

Sure can't beat the price !  ¥1,100

G4 MDD 1.25Ghz ATI 9000 Pro 64mb FW 400 OS 9.2.2 + 10.5.8
Mac Pro 4,1  DP 2.93Ghz 16 Gig HD 5770 / HD 5870 (EFI boot both) 10.9.5  480Gb Sandisk SSD. USB 3.0 PCIe
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