I have the Mac installer only.
Sure I can send it to you.
I've been using Atari st for ever and I've no idea what I'm doing with this old Mac ,so I'll need help.
I still haven't been able to get logic to work yet,it's still freezing when I try to open it but I haven't given up.
Can I download Mac files on a pc then open them on the Mac?
Let me know how to copy the files and I'll send them to you
u can download mac files on a pc, then open them on a mac..
but only if the files are encapsulated in certain file formats that are binary
such as .bin or .sit (or .sit.bin) which is stuffit format (.sit) and macbinary format (.bin)
so basically its a two step process u would have to first create the image with disk copy (.img format on the mac) and then encapsulate it by using stuffit to "wrap it" inside of a .sit archive (which is similar to .zip format) and or finally encode it to macbinary .bin format
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBinary creating a file that ends like this "disk.img.sit.bin" where u had started out with disk.img first, then stuffed it, to .sit then macbinary'd it to .img.sit.bin
or u can just do stuffit.. img.sit is ok enough i think
there was a post made explaining how to do this on a modern mac os x OS here:
http://macos9lives.com/smforum/index.php?topic=2472.0 -
can anyone explain more clearly? how to create a disk copy image that is in macbinary or stuffit format?? so that lordGiffnock can share his logic 2.5 installer with us? so that we might run a MIDI only updated version 2.x of logic???