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Author Topic: General Midi software question  (Read 4989 times)


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General Midi software question
« on: March 25, 2016, 03:04:08 PM »


I tried now several software which supports audio and midi tracks...
so for midi tracks a controller and an externa instrument is neede....

Is there a software which can emulate an internal midi instrument?

So in the end you can generate an audio containing both sampled audio and generated instruments?

If you need an external midi would need to record it back again to have the audio samples, or not?

Sorry for this stupid question, but just started and learning now (o;



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Re: General Midi software question
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2016, 04:40:45 PM »

Is there a software which can emulate an internal midi instrument?

That software is called "virtual instrument" , and we are plenty on downloads

Quicktime? QT 6 should play a MIDI file and could be used as "INTERNAL" sound, but easily Roland Soundcanvas should outperform QT.

MacTron pointed out sometime ago an utility called Spig to capture audio to a file, but we have to reupload it.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: General Midi software question
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2016, 05:00:36 PM »

So in the end you can generate an audio containing both sampled audio and generated instruments?

You can have an audio audio project that has only midi redirected to Virtual Instruments or a project with both the midi and the "rendered" virtual instruments (audio tracks). The best is to try do the virtual instrument to audio one by one, because every V. I. takes memory and with 3 or 4 the memory easily run out. But YMMV.

If you need an external midi would need to record it back again to have the audio samples, or not?

In Protools you can listen the external instrument using "tracks" called "auxs" for the audio return of the external midi instrument. When you have the part finished, you mute the aux and create an  audiotrack to record it. You have the midi track (muted after the synth is recorded), the aux track for listening live( muted after the recording)  and the audio track that recorded the external soundbank.

It is easier to see and do it than describing it.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4
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