I’m getting sound in and out of the FW410, but it’s terrible (scratchy, clicky, very low output, consistent high end whistle, etc.). Here’s what I did:
Reinsalled 9.2.2 and installed Cubasis VST 2.0. I went with Cubasis VST 2.0, rather than Cubase because I like its simplicity and MacTron thought it was a good program (
Dan confirmed a copy of the System Folder in a separate partition wasn’t necessary, so I kept everything in one partition.
In Extensions Manager, I’m using the Apple Base Extensions plus all the M-Audio FireWire extensions and the Apple FireWire Extensions (which are included in the Base Extensions).
Dan sent me a screen capture of the Extensions Manager in his set up, and I disabled all the extensions that were disabled or not present in Dan’s setup:
ATI Setup
ATI MPP Manager
Control Strip Extension
Print Monitor
Speakable Items
Speech Manager
USB Auhoring Support
I was getting some display error messages (not enough colors), so I re-enabled the ATI Setup and MPP Manager extensions, and the error messages went away.
In the Sound Control panel, inputs and outputs are set to “Built In” (not “M-Audio FireWire SM”).
Installed OMS 2.3.8. I haven’t tested any MIDI devices, but the “My Studio Setup” in the M-Audio Firewire 1.0.4 folder shows the M-Audio FW 410.
Dan sent me the FW410 drivers he used. I downloaded the file directly to my iMac, expanded it, and ran the install program (FWUni_OS9_1.0.4_b42_install). I copied the M-Audio ASIO to Cubasis ASIO drivers folder.
In Cubasis, under Audio System Setup, the ASIO Device is set to “M-Audio FireWire ASIO.”
The M-Audio FireWire Control Panel/App opens, but I still have the “crazy meters,” and they don’t reflect the actual input/output. I can move the faders and change routing, but it has no effect on the output. I tried different values (512 to 1024) for the ASIO buffer size, but this had no effect on sound quality. Whenever I open the FW control panel, playback in Cubasis stops.
On the FW410 there are LEDs that show output activity for each of the 8 analog outputs. On playback, all 8 LEDs are be lit, even if output is set within Cubasis to outputs 1 and 2. I’m getting the same output and sound quality from all 8 FW410 outputs. Changing the routing with the M-Audio FireWire Control Panel has no effect.
The “About” page in the FW 410 control panel seems to be missing some information, e.g., the bootloader and firmware fields are blank (see attached). When I use the FW410 with Windows, these fields are populated.
The FW410 has two FW ports. Only one works, i.e., if I use the other port, I get a message the FW 410 is not detected. Perhaps this indicates a problem with the hardware that is the root of my problems. The FW410 manual warns of the dangers of “hot plugging,” so I wonder if this unit is damaged. But, it does work (one FW port only) under Windows.
I’ve learned so much about Macs and OS9, and I want to thank everyone, especially Gary and Dan, who spent hours, I’m sure, pouring over the details of my problems. I appreciate all your help, but it’s time to stop pestering you and give up on this particular FW410. Months ago DieHard reported good results with a FW Audiophile, so I think I’ll give that a try.