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Author Topic: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible  (Read 51146 times)


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #40 on: March 22, 2016, 03:29:33 PM »

Hooray! Everything you said is correct! Wde're finally making progress. The FW port and cable has been confirmed, the interface has been confirmed and you've gotten lucky. You've got a kindred spirit who has actually solved the same problem!

Here's what I think:

1) Check with Dan. Get a copy of his proven-to-work driver and try it…my guess is it still won't work BUT you'll then know that the driver is guaranteed good along with everything else.

2) Start back at "Extensions 101" again. I suspect the reason Dan's setup works from one volume and not the other is that something is either present OR missing in the System Folder that doesn't work. This is the original Mac OS pain in the ass. Either a Cubase extension that should be present is missing OR more likely an extension that doesn't need to be there is causing a conflict. This kind of crap is usually found only through trial and error, along with a LOT of restarts and aggravation.


We can now compare the contents of Dan's System Extension Folder that doesn't work with the contents of the one that does work with the contents of yours.

First, try again with Dan's driver installed and startup with only OS9 base extensions AND any / all Apple extensions that have "FW" or "Firewire" in the name (especially "Firewire Enabler" - get it?) active (hold your breath during startup). Maybe you'll finally get lucky. Holler back with the lists from Dan's and yours if it still won't cooperate.

Good luck!


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #41 on: June 19, 2016, 01:37:59 PM »

Gary, Dan,

I've been sidelined with some weird bronchial infection, but I'm back to normal now and ready to try again.  Gary, thanks for the outline of next steps.  Dan, can you send me the FW410 driver you're using?  I know you were trying to make a CD image of the FW 410 installation disk and share it with the list, so I'll check and see if that's in the download section.

Dan, would you also be able to send me the contents of your System Extension Folders for both the volume that works and the one that doesn't work?  Maybe the easiest way to do this is to get the list from your Extensions Managers (?).  I won't need the actual files, but just the lists of extensions that are active/not active so I can compare to my extensions.

Thanks for your continuing help with this! 



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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2016, 09:20:11 AM »

Hi guys. Marty, just sent the following to your email (edited to remove redundancies):

"Hi Marty,
I ultimately ended up installing DieHard's setup, so my active extensions reflect whatever he recommended (except for my specific video card). Attached are screen grabs of my extensions--hope you can view them.

... [a combination of] operating my extensions from a separate partition than the DAW [and this set of active extensions may be what did it]. It might not work for you, but I hope it does. The FireWire 410 is awesome (I'm about 4 or 5 drafts into my next album)."
Dan Pessell, singer/songwriter/recording musician


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #43 on: July 28, 2016, 01:50:59 PM »

I’m getting sound in and out of the FW410, but it’s terrible (scratchy, clicky, very low output, consistent high end whistle, etc.).    Here’s what I did:

Reinsalled 9.2.2 and installed Cubasis VST 2.0. I went with Cubasis VST 2.0, rather than Cubase because I like its simplicity and MacTron thought it was a good program (,2976.msg18976.html#msg18976).

Dan confirmed a copy of the System Folder in a separate partition wasn’t necessary, so I kept everything in one partition.

In Extensions Manager, I’m using the Apple Base Extensions plus all the M-Audio FireWire extensions and the Apple FireWire Extensions (which are included in the Base Extensions).

Dan sent me a screen capture of the Extensions Manager in his set up, and I disabled all the extensions that were disabled or not present in Dan’s setup:

ATI Setup
ATI MPP Manager
Control Strip Extension
Print Monitor
Speakable Items
Speech Manager
USB Auhoring Support

I was getting some display error messages (not enough colors), so I re-enabled the ATI Setup and MPP Manager extensions, and the error messages went away.

In the Sound Control panel, inputs and outputs are set to “Built In” (not “M-Audio FireWire SM”).

Installed OMS 2.3.8.  I haven’t tested any MIDI devices, but the “My Studio Setup” in the M-Audio Firewire 1.0.4 folder shows the M-Audio FW 410.

Dan sent me the FW410 drivers he used.  I downloaded the file directly to my iMac, expanded it, and ran the install program (FWUni_OS9_1.0.4_b42_install).  I copied the M-Audio ASIO to Cubasis ASIO drivers folder.

In Cubasis, under Audio System Setup, the ASIO Device is set to “M-Audio FireWire ASIO.” 

The M-Audio FireWire Control Panel/App opens, but I still have the “crazy meters,” and they don’t reflect the actual input/output.  I can move the faders and change routing, but it has no effect on the output.  I tried different values (512 to 1024) for the ASIO buffer size, but this had no effect on sound quality.  Whenever I open the FW control panel, playback in Cubasis stops.

On the FW410 there are LEDs that show output activity for each of the 8 analog outputs. On playback, all 8 LEDs are be lit, even if output is set within Cubasis to outputs 1 and 2.  I’m getting the same output and sound quality from all 8 FW410 outputs.  Changing the routing with the M-Audio FireWire Control Panel has no effect.

The “About” page in the FW 410 control panel seems to be missing some information, e.g., the bootloader and firmware fields are blank (see attached).  When I use the FW410 with Windows, these fields are populated.

The FW410 has two FW ports.  Only one works, i.e., if I use the other port, I get a message the FW 410 is not detected.  Perhaps this indicates a problem with the hardware that is the root of my problems.  The FW410 manual warns of the dangers of “hot plugging,” so I wonder if this unit is damaged.  But, it does work (one FW port only) under Windows.

I’ve learned so much about Macs and OS9, and I want to thank everyone, especially Gary and Dan, who spent hours, I’m sure, pouring over the details of my problems.  I appreciate all your help, but it’s time to stop pestering you and give up on this particular FW410.  Months ago DieHard reported good results with a FW Audiophile, so I think I’ll give that a try.



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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2016, 03:01:55 PM »

I picked up a Firewire Audiophile cheap on eBay, and it came with the M-Audio Driver CD.  The CD contained a different FW410 driver (Firewire 410 v1.0.1 build 3), so I gave it a try.  Still had the same problem with audio quality, and in the M-Audio FW 410 control panel, *all* the meters were pegged.  On the "About" tab, the bootloader and firmware fields are still blank.  I guess this just confirms that the FW410 unit I have is defective.

The CD didn't actually contain a driver for the Audiophile, but provided only a link to the M-audio web site!  I used the driver Dan and I used on the FW410 (FWUni_OS9_1.0.4_b42_install) and that's working fine.


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2016, 03:42:12 PM »

did u try a different firewire cable??
of a different brand or length or thickness etc


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2016, 01:25:11 AM »

just wondering why in the course of this thread noone thought to post the firewire 410 driver for other users?


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #47 on: July 23, 2017, 03:39:33 AM »

I buy secondhand Firewire 410 and It has same kind problems. I afraid that newer Mac OS X and Windows driver update firmware that its not compatible with OS 9. Control Panel cannot show firmware number on OS 9, but can in OS X 10.3 and it works well in OS X.


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #48 on: July 23, 2017, 03:17:40 PM »

The bottom line is that the FW410 is not OS9 compatible.

Many of the M-Audio units from the time of OSX transition are similar. the OS9 drivers they would require were simply never written.
The complications arise because M-Audio lit and website info doesn't make that clear at all.


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2017, 10:02:42 PM »

The bottom line is that the FW410 is not OS9 compatible.

the minimum requirement was MacOS 9.2 and it came bundled with OMS and Arkoas VJ, so there should also be an ASIO driver and a device driver.
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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #50 on: July 24, 2017, 10:47:47 PM »

the web has lost it, but the 110 has it.

the universal one should be enough.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 11:08:26 PM by IIO »
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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #51 on: July 24, 2017, 10:53:55 PM »

once more the upload of attachements fails.

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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #52 on: July 25, 2017, 04:52:48 PM »

Good luck. I hope it works. Hell, I might even buy one for my TiBook if it does.


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #53 on: July 26, 2017, 01:26:19 AM »

As I said: some firmware update makes that OS 9 compatible device to not OS 9 compatible.
I have original installer CD with OS 9 drivers and it doesn't work anymore although it works with OS X and I think user before me used it with Windows 7.
I also tested also with those newer drivers. It seems that sample protocol has changed somehow in newer firmware, you can record and silence is silence and maximum is maximum, but it lost every second sample and some how that data is added without sign to next sample.


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #54 on: July 26, 2017, 07:05:32 AM »

hm, maybe we can find out how to reset the device or reimplement the odler firmware. otoh, if you want to use it in OSX too that would cause a new problem :)
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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #55 on: January 17, 2020, 10:46:28 PM »

As I said: some firmware update makes that OS 9 compatible device to not OS 9 compatible.
I have original installer CD with OS 9 drivers and it doesn't work anymore although it works with OS X and I think user before me used it with Windows 7.
I also tested also with those newer drivers. It seems that sample protocol has changed somehow in newer firmware, you can record and silence is silence and maximum is maximum, but it lost every second sample and some how that data is added without sign to next sample.

interesting theory that makes sense; BUT!! wheres the offending firmware update???


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THE Other FW 410 thread
« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2020, 06:59:15 PM »

Maybe this is where theories, voodoo, witchcraft and other such
ramblings should go concerning the nefarious M-Audio FW 410?
"Updates" if you will?

As the other thread requests only those with a 410 / testing?

And yes, Chris beat me here to this on the 18th. (See above post.)

Thread name will be different after this post, reverting back to original.
P.S. You might wish to read and review all of this thread before posting?
This Must Be The Place


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THE Other FW 410 thread
« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2020, 07:07:03 PM »

And... I PM'ed DPessell (last posted here on June 21, 2016) in the hope
that it might get forwarded to his email and he could check back with us?

Maybe Mardeec has an email address and can contact him more direct?
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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #58 on: January 22, 2020, 02:33:34 AM »

Would the M-Audio "Uninstaller" on OSX initialize the Firmware so you could then proceed with the OS9 installer and "downdate" the firmware?

" FireWire 410, Blue LED
Q: Why does the blue indicator light blink?

A: The FireWire 410 has a blue LED indicator light for power and two other functions.

1.   If the blue light is flashing slowly, this means that the power button has been disengaged and the unit is receiving bus power from the IEEE 1394 connection at a low power level to maintain the connection with the computer, but the driver is not engaged so no audio will flow through the device until the power button is pushed in causing the blue LED light to stay lit without flashing.

2.   If the blue light is flashing quickly, this means that the FireWire 410 firmware is not loaded.  During the boot up process the LED may flash quickly before the operating system has initiated the firmware.

Once the operating system has loaded and the LED continues to flash quickly this may indicate that the installation process has not completed due to complications during the install process.  In the event that this occurs, shut the computer down and turn it off and disconnect the FireWire connection.  Start the computer and run the uninstaller.  Re-install the latest driver update from the M-Audio driver download page, then shut down your computer and connect the FireWire 410.  After booting with the FW410 connected, the device should be recognized correctly.


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Re: M-Audio Firewire 410 Control Panel Not Visible
« Reply #59 on: January 22, 2020, 06:03:50 AM »

heres a brand new unused firewire 410
too bad the price is so high
me personally, im glad i own a good number of PCI Delta 410's
which can be stacked, and have no firmware/compatibility problems

its probably best to call it a day and just use panther/tiger with the fw410's
untill the day comes when some intelligent person is able to backward engineer the firmware back to its original state
somewhere out there in the world is the programmer who developed the drivers for m-audio who could fix all the os9 compatibility problems in a day probably.... sigh
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