The Quest: to get running my wannabe Protools TDM 5 Rig!
So i have here:
1. G4 Dual 867MHz Mac
1.5Gb ram
2x Ata Harddrives (Master/Slave on Ata/100 bus)
Nvidia4MX graphic card
a little VGA monitor
2. 1x Mix Core card
2x Mix Farm cards
1x DSP Farm card
It got this pack recently and it was running though i didn't do any stress tests with it...
The first problem occured when the mac couldn't boot and i took of the two harddrives
to connect them to a USB-ATA adapter to connect them to my PC to check if there were in a
dying state.
I had Paragon's HFS+ driver demo installed but it just went out of the trial period so i even bought the package
just to see the files as without their program the harddrives under windows couldn't be seen.
It didn't work...neither under Windows XP nor Windows 7...they still showed as RAW under windows Disk Management.
So i connected them finally to my 10.9 Mavericks with the same USB-ATA adapter and put them back in the MDD after
their appeared to work normally.
Why i didn't do it that way in the first place ?
Well, i didn't want OSX to touch my OS9 partitions and guess what...I got the famous "Invalid Btree Header, 0, 0" error it booted again until the other night when i connected a secondary monitor, a 22" Cinema Display i finally found cheap, what a giant beast!
All worked fine as i was exploring the display settings but the system froze when i was shutdowning.
I forced the shutdown and tried to boot again but got only a black screen (no signal) on the primary monitor. I disconnected the Cinema Display to
make sure it wasn't the problem.
Then i took out all the protools cards just to see if it will boot again and so it did...
Then i started adding them again one by one, but couldn't get it to boot even with only the Core card so i tried a PMU reset and
got to the point when it booted with the core card and i did a Digitest which it passed successfully.
I didn't succeed in adding all the 4 cards and being able to boot. I always get a black screen at some point and have to start over again.
I did try to reorder the positions of the farm cards of course.
So this morning i tried again and was sometimes successful after hitting shift at boot up to disable the extensions temporally.
I could get a successful Digitest of the core and 2x farm cards at one point but it went black again after adding the dsp farm.
I will leave out the Dsp farm card for now as i got said that it's now worth much because i won't be able to run much plugins on it.
So that leaves me with 1x Core and 2x Farm cards for now that i want to get running.
I finally downloaded Mactron's Restore&Rescue CD and wiped the system harddrive with a fresh 9.2.2 image.
After disabling the ATI extensions and moving manually the Multiprocessor Folder out of the extension folder and went again
trying to add the farm cards one by one but get the same black screen occasionally at boot...
So i think i could try the cards in my other MDD 1.25Ghz or switch the Radeon 9000 Pro graphic card to the Dual 867 only to
see if it's the card that's causing the problems.
Do you have some clues ?