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Author Topic: Music progs  (Read 8931 times)


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Music progs
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:51:31 PM »

Having spent a few years using PCs I am anxious to use my music programs like Encore and Band in a Box on Macs. Bought the latest Mac air and found they wouldn't support the Classic environment. Sent the computer back to suppliers and have purchased a Ibook G4  OSX 10.5.8  and a Macbook pro OSX 10.6.8. on trademe. To my horror these do not support the classic environment either.
What can I do to get them co-operating
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Re: Music progs
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2015, 03:55:26 PM »

Install 10.4 on the ibook. Thats it to get classic running.


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Re: Music progs
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2015, 04:06:45 PM »

How do I do that :?
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Re: Music progs
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2015, 04:13:37 PM »

1 Install a MacOS X . Any from 10.2 to 10.4 version should serve.

2 Search for "drag and drop" install files here on MacOS9Lives!

3 Go to preferences. Search "classic support" and point it to the dropped files.

That will allow some classic apps to work on OSX. But, to be honest, it do not worth doing for Audio software. Better buy a G4 PowerMac tower on classified/craiglist.Should be 20 to 60 bucks.

We have here very good notation software.

 And Band in a box were in Macintosh Garden IIRC.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Music progs
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2015, 04:18:35 PM »

How do I do that :?

macintosh garden has a download for tiger install cds


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Re: Music progs
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2015, 04:37:39 PM »

Sent the computer back to suppliers and have purchased a Ibook G4  OSX 10.5.8  and a Macbook pro OSX 10.6.8. on trademe. To my horror these do not support the classic environment either.
What can I do to get them co-operating

There was a way to use Classic apps on Leopard...Not made by Apple...Like virtualizing, called sheepshaver Again, it do not worth even trying.

MacBook Pro with kontakt or Logic>7 should be an awesome sampler/sound module machine in a OS9 DAW environment. 10.6.8 would love Logic 8 or 9. A midi cable linking/bridging the new world with the old one... ;)  8)

Sometimes, when I get a midi to make it sound "better" than VanBasco (a popular karaoke Win software) in a hurry I just drop the midi on Quicktime 7 on 10.6.8 and it sounds more realistic than Sound Canvas, for example. You can Hijack the audio digitally with
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Music progs
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2015, 05:57:04 PM »

Thanks to everyone for those replies, I am working my way through  them. I would much rather purchase a disc that would go straight into my machine but no-one has come up with an address for me to get one.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 04:50:35 PM by DieHard »
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Re: Music progs
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2015, 05:59:32 PM »

if u want to purchase original OSX Tiger discs.. i would suggest ebay.
simply go to and search for "osx tiger" and specify if u need it on DVD or CD


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Re: Music progs
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2015, 06:17:50 PM »

I would suggest to find a MacOS9 bootable machine first.

A Titanium PowerBook G4 (OS9 native) on craiglist/eBay is the simpler solution to run BiB/Encore on MacOS9. Or a iMacG4 700 (boots native OS9 too). Or any iBook G3. Or even a Pismo/bronze PowerBook G3.

Most of us have PowerMacs G3s or G4, but given your health and the stroke I would avoid towers because of the weight.

The installers for MacOS9 are here. The OSX ones are out there. After all the money you have spent on Apple brand, I would refuse to buy OSX for any PowerPC Machine.  ;D 

Mininova/isohunt + utorrent should give you an ISO/DMG of Panther(10.3), Tiger (10.4) or Leopard (10.5) general installers. You can burn them using the MacBookPro Superdrive with disk utility.

Some OSX installers found on eBay are made for a particular machine and not general. Be careful to choose one that you need for the setup.

You could ask them maybe for a OSX PowerPC version for your iBook G4 if you simply install/buy their 2015 version for 129 bucks that can run on the MacBook Pro.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 06:55:09 PM by Protools5LEGuy »
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Music progs
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2015, 08:42:28 PM »

aiming to run apps in classic is a fail strategy aswell.
if u want to use the os8 + os9 apps.. use them on a real os9 mac.. natively booting os8 or os9. if u need a laptop, try a ti book like ptle5guy has suggested above.. or, u can try to find an ibook *G3* preferably a 900Mhz model.  if u want to run os8, u could get a wallstreet laptop.

depends on what u wanna do.  u cant beat a desktop g4 for mac os tho.. because of the access to pci hardware.

i see that u are 85 years old!! and still wanting to be creative.. thats amazing!!
inspiring even!  8)

if i had to have a laptop for os9 i woudl go for the
ibook g3 900mhz (prob cheaper then the tibook)

if i had to have a laptop for osx i would go for the 2010 macbook pro because osx on intel is much superior in strength of cpu, and it lets u run any intel version of osx u want, from snow leopard to el capitan. (10.6 thru to 10.10+) also this model supports 16gb of ram + again, is probably alot cheaper then any of the other models (i5 etc)

but id rather run os9 on a g4, my g3 quicksilver 933mhz is a great choice because its quiet.. + powerful enough for music production..

any MDD is more powerful but they are also a huge hassle to modify so that they arent too loud etc.. which makes the quicksilver the next best thing. the mdd is the best u can get. if u are willing to do the mods to quiet the power supply.. it is alot of headache and only reccommended for people who are willing to do whatever it takes to get the best.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 04:06:30 PM by superNova777 »


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Re: Music progs
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2015, 01:49:24 PM »

Want to thank everyone for the  mass of replies I have. Masses of info to sort out and assimilate.
Have ordered a disc from e-Bay and this I hope to do the trick.
I am a very keen musician and using my programs as backing I can play at home disturbing only the neighbours.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 04:50:58 PM by DieHard »
I am recovering from a stroke, do not expect instant (or even intelligent) replies!
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