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Author Topic: Mirror Display for QS/MDD  (Read 18700 times)


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Re: Mirror Display for QS/MDD
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2015, 02:18:35 PM »

nice screen shot mactron  ;D

fm7 is nice.. but might as well get a real yamaha dx7 ;) if u love FM so much!
or at least an FB-01

It's obvious you've never owned either. The FB-01 sounds like a kiddie toy compared to a real DX.

hehe thank you for being straight up. :)


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Re: Mirror Display for QS/MDD
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2015, 02:26:05 PM »

It's obvious you've never owned either. The FB-01 sounds like a kiddie toy compared to a real DX.

yes i have owned an FB-01... but i got rid of it because the buttons to interact with it were damaged.
fb-01 can do some wickid basslines.. you would be surprised what some people can get out of that crappy 4 op module

but, i dont think that FM-7 is a real replacement for a DX7 or DX100...
theres many other FM synths now aswell with the newer version of reason you can get an FM synth "Rack extension"
none of them sound exactly like A DX7.

my  comment was because mactron had like 5-6 instances of FM-7..
i was thinking why spend all your cpu on live instances of fm-7.. when u could render this to wave.. or use external gear to be able to "do more"
u only have so much cpu power.. and can only run so many instances of "virtual synths" - remember they are "Virtual" as in "not the real thing" :)

i just received in the mail 6 new voice chips to restore my juno 106.. im taking it to a tech (who used to work for roland canada) to install them for me.. cant wait to hear the juno106 after
its been restored + calibrated!


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Re: Mirror Display for QS/MDD
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2015, 03:51:40 PM »

my  comment was because mactron had like 5-6 instances of FM-7..
i was thinking why spend all your cpu on live instances of fm-7.. when u could render this to wave.. or use external gear to be able to "do more"
u only have so much cpu power.. and can only run so many instances of "virtual synths" - remember they are "Virtual" as in "not the real thing" :)

... and why not? "my CPU" power is for use at my convenience, I have used over 8 instances of NI FM7 ( and 4 instances of Kompak with 8 instruments each, but this is another history ) and I have measured over 128 notes of polyphony in my MDD... and that's really far over my needs. This can be increased If I use a DSP card. I'm a composer (good or bad is another discussion LOL) and If I had to render to wave is a pain in the ass for me and un useful after all.  Unless, rendering to wave a final work, of course.
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Re: Mirror Display for QS/MDD
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2015, 03:52:36 PM »

mirroring will, however, work when you use 2 video cards. since system 6 i think.
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Re: Mirror Display for QS/MDD
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2015, 12:33:53 AM »

This is as easy as it gets.
When you have two monitors plugged in, the monitors control panel will show both of them.
You mirror them by simply dragging one on top of the other. The one you drag will then mirror the one you dragged onto.

Thanks for the tutorial GaryN!... and the 'Desktop Resetter' tip as well! ;D

BTW... I have a TX-7 and FB-01... although I haven't seen either since '08!  :o


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Re: Mirror Display for QS/MDD
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2015, 06:58:11 AM »

im not saying u should stop doing what you are doing,
im saying, why not complement it with some real hardware FM synth modules..
19inch rack mount + some midi interface + u can use these without spending any cpu power.. leaving more resources for audio recording + mixing
imo outboard gear is superior.. because there is no cpu cost..
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