I've posted about this before but my considerations have changed somewhat. Here is the other thread:
http://macos9lives.com/smforum/index.php?topic=932.0I play the cello and would like to have a good way to make reasonably good audio (plus maybe some video) recordings of my playing. I know a fair amount about Macs/Computers in general. However, I am clueless about audio.
The main considerations:
1. Most important: Be able to create good quality solo cello recordings
2. If possible, I would like to use the MIDI capability of an organ that is in the room that I would record in often. I would use this for Finale 2007 transcriptions. This software is based on PowerPC, so a PowerPC Mac would be preferable. I also would like to use this to somehow record and play back organ playing. This does not need to happen on the same computer as the recording, in fact, it might be easier to use a different computer. Also, the recording and playing back would not be for permanent recording.. more for practice purposes. The organ does have 3.5mm line in and out. I have used this, in conjunction with a USB audio interface, to record using Audacity on an iMac G4, but the audio was horrific. I suspect the USB audio card, but maybe the organ. I'll try again after I post this and see.
3. Being able to record other instruments (string quartet or cello with piano, etc.) would be nice. Not the main consideration, and possibly not worth the expense. Just something to consider when purchasing equipment, to have this expandability.
4. I might want to have video recordings with the cello as well. I think one would simply record using an iPhone and add in the audio after?
My big questions:
1. What microphones/microphone placement do you think would be best for this situation. Links and brand names/model numbers would be preferable here, as I don't know anything (ANYTHING) about microphones.
2. What program should I use? I know that this will be an opinion question, but I don't really know what to look for in a program and would just like some opinions here.
3. What kind of hardware (Sound Cards/Firewire interfaces, etc) should I purchase for this. I understand that this totally depends on the program that I end up using.
4. For MIDI use, what kind of interfaces are recommended. I think I saw a thread by chris that I will need to dig up. I currently have a MIDIMan 1x1. Again, MIDI can be on a different computer than the computer than I am using for recording, so any operating system is fine.
I have a fair amount of computers to throw at this project. While one option is a 2011 i7 Macbook Pro, I would prefer using one of these PowerPC options:
PCIe Power Mac G5 (Quad) (OS X Only)
2x PCI-X PMG5 (OS X Only)
PowerMac G4 that is capable of OS 9 to OS X Leopard
or a 2006 Mac Mini 1.83 Core Duo (no power at all, but silent- noise can be worked around though for the PowerPCs)
Have some PowerPC Laptops, but they probably aren't powerful enough (1.33GHz G4, 900MHz G3).
I also have a 5ish year old Core 2 Duo Windows computer, and some older Pentium D/4 computers, but please don't make me use those...
Some setups that were recommended in the previous threads:
Software- Logic Fun/Protools Free
Hardware- Motu??? or Digidesign 001 (I've found these, they are not too expensive)
Plus some sort of preamp- what kind, brand, etc?
Software- Protools (which version)
Hardware- Digidesign 888/24 interface (one of these?:
Plus Pro Tools 24 MIX system-- what exactly is this
Software- any of the following:
-digital performer
Hardware:edirol ua-25, digi001, da-2496, motu 828, tascam-us428
^^Looking at these, the digi001 seems to be the cheapest. Is it only compatible with Pro Tools, or would I be able to use other software with it?^^
Software- Soundedit 16
Hardware- Line-in
^I've heard bad things about the line in. Also what kind or microphone could I use with it?
Overall, the Protools setup is the one that I understand the best. Therefore, it is currently the one I like the most. What I really need are A-to-Z explanations of exactly what I need... Thanks!