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Author Topic: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0  (Read 18894 times)


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Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« on: April 20, 2015, 03:29:48 PM »

Hello all,
 When I bought my dual 1.8 mac G5 tower in 2004, it came with OS 9 installed with Panther... I had the Panther disk too. I don't anymore...
 I want to use Recycle 2.0.  I have an installer that won't install on leopard on my G5.
 I haven't dealt with OS 9, in years... But, I want to know if there is a way to install OS 9, on my G5 with OS X 10.5.8 installed on it, without having to change anything... Maybe using a Virtual PC or something? I just want some answers before I start experimenting and spending my entire day reading and researching this... I really want to get this program running..
 Any help will be appreciated.... Thank you


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2015, 03:43:08 PM »

beside the fact that installation of an OS9 classic enviroment should be no problem at all, you should know that 1.) there is a free update for recycle which runs natively in OSX and 2.) that in classic enviroment you wont have much fun with classic audio apps because the ASIO driver wont work.
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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2015, 03:54:55 PM »

i think u need a higher version of recycle to use it on a powermac g5 under osx, and that in this version, the sampler scsi communication part has been removed

but.. lets investigate further

current page: (old updates no longer mentioned, as propellerheads always do.. they think everyone will always be "upgrade" crazy)

2003 page:

2004 page:

2005 page:

2008 page:

2010 page;

what u want to look at is this FAQ from 2005:

article on 2.1:

One thing it is not possible to do is directly export the slices to an attached hardware sampler. This feature has been removed from Recycle as of version 2.1. The software had a hardware sampler link since its inception, but given that this was based around outdated SCSI or the painfully slow MIDI Sample Dump Standard, its demise is perhaps not surprising. Most hardcore samplists now use computers, and stand-alone hardware studio samplers are not exactly plentiful these days. Still, there are applications — such as i3's shareware DSP Quattro Mac audio editor — which still maintain SDS/SCSI export options, if you need them. And if you're using a sampler-equipped workstation synth, you'll have to transfer the slices via USB connection or media card.

Finally, let's not forget that a Recycled file can be exported as a single sample. If you want to make a piece of audio fit the tempo and/or pitch of an existing session, you could make all the adjustments in Recycle and re-load the processed file into the session, using the software stricty as an editing tool. In this and other cases, it's possible to silence, or gate, individual slices, which is useful to eliminate clicks, breaths, and other noise

see this page on the release of recycle 2.0 (at the time of reason 1.01)

samplers supported in v1.7
***unfortunately even if it did work this page says that the ensoniq samplers are not supported for SCSI.. only MIDI sample transfer (which is painful)

the same holds true for samplers supported in v2.0

tech faq for v1.7

tech faq for v2.0

detailed pdf for sample file formats + hardware sampler support in 2.0: (support for akai s5000/s6000 added)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 04:53:33 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2015, 04:19:35 PM »

You better buy a real Mac (they are really cheap nowadays) and forget about classic environment and other emulators ...
And don't forget that this is a Mac Os 9 forum. Os X, Linux, Windows and others stuff is not cover in this forum.
Please don't PM about things that are not private.


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2015, 04:22:26 PM »

recycle 2.0 does not run under classic as far as i know.. only on mac os 9 in a g3/g4 + with an appropriate scsi adapter that is supported.
i have an adaptec 2906 i believe this is an example of one that is supported.

BUT!! whats this????
there is mention of it working in classic mode on osx in the tech faq for 2.0
it mentions removing the oms extension if present in the classic system folder
see attached pic:

it may be worthwhile to attempt to use it there,
but u would not have SCSI sampler communication... (im pretty sure)
possibly not even MIDI sampler communication.. but there is a slight possibility...

BUT u cannot run classic mode in Leopard.. u would have to downgrade your OS to Tiger 10.4.11
to properly use classic mode. 10.5.8 is not compatible with classic mode.
honestly leopard sucks on powerpc macs... imho. its only good if u have an intel cpu mac.
or maybe a quad g5.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 08:06:37 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2015, 04:55:11 PM »

if u want a program that can send to ensoniq eps samplers via scsi
read on pasport alchemy here :
again, u will need a real mac, (68k, 600 series, g3, g4 *NOT* G5) with a scsi card installed

if you ever get a g4 loaded with os9, + recycle 2.0
here is a guided walkthrough:
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 07:37:16 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2015, 07:22:14 PM »

You better buy a real Mac

i could not have said it better. :)
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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2015, 07:40:07 PM »

Guy's Thank you for your help.... Yeah, I do need a real mac.. Or I should just go back to Panther...  When I bought my G5 in 2004, it came already installed... I remember having Recycle 2.0 installed on it too.
This is the thing, Before I bought a mac I used PC, and I was using it for my studio. It crashed and crashed and You think I don't know anything about computers now??? Lol..  I knew squat back then.., However, in 2001, I bought an M-audio Quattro w/Reason and Recycle 2.0.. I registered it and everything.. Because of all the problems I had with PC, I went Mac and never looked back... My friend and i where working on a Project when suddenly he died... We where roommates for a while and I had moved and didn't get the rest of my gear. When I went to get my stuff I only found an Empty apartment... Which had my Quattro USB sound device and My 32, channel console, my monitors, the pre-amp for my monitors, and a shitload of my software and hard drives.. I lost a Groovebox and an old Korg keyboard and a condenser Mic too. Well it was all gone and Till this day I have problems with his friends about this... Thats a whole other story in itself.
I stil had Recycle 2.0 installed on the G5 though and I wasn't using my old hardware samplers anymore till recently. I spent about an hour speaking with Propellerhead sales dept. and we tried like 10-15 different usernames and emails and passwords... and no dice... My daughters mother had access to my email's back then so Im kind of not surprised I can't get into them... I even called her to she if she had remembered any of the information and she laughed at me... lol... We where young and hated each other very much back then.. lol.. All is good was 17, years ago. So I'm not going to be able to get a download from Propellerhead.... Messed up... But thats the way it is...
I have a copy that will work on OS 9... But, I have a lot of software on my G5 using leopard that I can't part with, even if i wanted too. Especially for one program..  I still use my G5 a lot and love that thing.. I love my Macbook air too. I should've kept my old Mac mini....  That had a G4 processor.
I'm not giving up though..
 Thanks too all of you... Your help and comments mean a lot.


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2015, 07:50:17 PM »

no need to lament over old lost items..
just check your local classifieds and find a G3 or G4 for sale..
im sure u can find one for under 100$ if u look..
once u get a mac u can easily get an adaptec 2906 scsi card
they can be had on ebay for like 15$ and they are mac/pc compatible

once u have those two items, u can easily load up recycle
and do everything u wanted to.. all the info u need to get crackin is
here at your finger tips... plus u can create a fileshare on mac osx
using AFP that your mac g4 can connect to.. and easily share files
between the g4 + the g5

just get a g4... and u are set.. its not expensive.


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2015, 08:10:46 PM »

 You did your home workman... Lol.. I have not yet purchased a SCSI unit... I am though.. I did just get a SCSI drive in the mail today..  an APPLECD300 cr-506 -r or something like I got it for $5...  However, (and I didn't know this) It didn't come with a caddy... Also the CD-Rom drive I got only plays the samples... So I would have to make the disk on my mac before I used it with the samplers... I couldn't make a sample and save it to the CD-Rom.. So I'm starting form scratch and I'm buying a SCSI cd-rom drive that come loaded, with a caddy and cables so I can just plug and play.
You also mentioned that leopard sucks with Dual Mac G5's? Interesting..  My Mac is a Dual 1.8.... I may take your advice on that... Because I remember Panther and Tiger running a lot better... And I'm going to be buying a Mac Pro soon anyhow, and I have the Macbook air.. I like The fact of being able to use OS 9 with it too.
You also posted that OS 9 will work on OS X.... When I bought the machine OS 9, was installed on it...
I lost my Panther Disk when My stuff got stolen... So I'll have to retain a copy of tiger... Which way do you think I should go? Panther or Tiger?
Again, Thank you....
I also Understand this is a Site for OS 9, users too. My questions are relevant to OS 9.  Because I'm trying to install it.. Correctly.. That's why I'm depending on all peoples valuable knowledge before I go frankensteining (Thats not even a word) lol!! OS 9.. I want it working correctly.. I respect the forum and everybody's knowledge in it. Thank you to you all. <Nova> Thank you for your hard work... You broke it down..
I'm not concerned with waiting for midi either... It's like this...You load a drum set from floppy into your sampler... You only want, like two of the drums... I like one of the features of recycle that does that that. And Not only will it be in my samplers format, it's now in a .wav or what ever I select... I know I can just record the sample out right, but this way it comes out exactly the same... I know there software that does this, I like Translator, However, I have a lot of money going in different directions right now to get one. I just bought an EPS 16+ and I'm buying the SCSI drive too. Some other goodies too.. I will get it though... Just don't know when.


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2015, 08:18:19 PM »

well if you already know that it should work in classic enviroment and the way you can use it there fits to your wokring style, then just do it. you will sooner or later fix your little problem and install classic on the G5 and voila.

but the general advice to use classic apps in OS9 and not in bluebox is our serious answer to such questions, and it is based on our own bad expierience. :)

there are few things where myself also uses apps in classic mode, for example a text editor, or norton fast find, of which i dont own the OSX version. but for audio work, graphics work or programming it would be a bad advice to allow you to use two different operating systems for one project and on the same computer.
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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2015, 08:55:58 PM »

I also Understand this is a Site for OS 9, users too. My questions are relevant to OS 9.  Because I'm trying to install it.. Correctly.. That's why I'm depending on all peoples valuable knowledge before I go frankensteining (Thats not even a word) lol!! OS 9.. I want it working correctly.. I respect the forum and everybody's knowledge in it. Thank you to you all. <Nova> Thank you for your hard work... You broke it down..

the only correct way to install os9 is to install it on a g4 (not a g5)

classic environment is not a serious environment and is best used for only text or graphic based stuff that requires no advanced communication with other hardware ie: audio, midi, scsi etc not reccommended to even attempt this.. u may find a way to make it work but chances are u will not and just waste alot of time.


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2015, 03:49:05 AM »

Because I'm trying to install it..

aha, right, i actually did not see that in your original post. well, no, on a G5 it wont run, sorry.
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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2015, 07:22:02 AM »

protocol7 posted this version of recycle 1.6 on macgarden

apparently it was originally for system 7.x
1.6 version dates back to around 1995 i think
the sampler portion of the program very much still the main purpose for running the app
at this version level..

apparently it will run on mac os 9 aswell!
reportedly works fine in 9.1

dunno why its a stuffit file wrapped in a osx disk image

Edited by ChrisNova 777 request
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 05:46:48 AM by Protools5LEGuy »


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Re: Installing OS 9 on OS X 10.5.8? Recycle 2.0
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2015, 11:59:46 PM »

^^ the above file should be removed - it looks like some 3rd party "Downloader" or virusware dont download it

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