Nah, lets do it old school Macintosh style
I assume, we all will be doing this on one of the OSX versions, PPC included. We will need two tools in addition to hex editor.
First one is called Jacksum -'s a Java app. Java was installed in older OSes by default, so there's no need to fiddle around. Legacy Java can still be downloaded from Apple for newer OSes (10.8 and up).
Here's the direct download link to version that should work from OSX 10.4 and up. other one is Base Converter - download link to Universal Binary (10.4 and up) without using Apple Store - will understand later why it is needed..
Decompress Jacksum archive, but do not run the "install.command" - it's not really needed for our simple job.
I will use the original 10.2.1 ROM for illustration purposes to verify that the Adler32 checksum is calculated correctly.
1. Make a copy of your ROM file. Original will be needed later.
2. Open a copy of ROM file in hex editor of your choice and delete the last 14 bytes.
3. Open the Terminal and type:
java -jar
4. Drag the
jacksum.jar file to the Terminal window.
5. After doing so, type
-a adler32
6. Then drag the "shortened"
ROM file to the Terminal window.
7. Press
enterVoilĂ ! (or Viola?), here's our checksum! The other number is lenght of (ROM) file in bytes.
The only problem is that it is in decimal form, but we need that value in hex for our modified ROM. This is where Base Converter comes into play. Copy the result from Terminal window and paste it into Base Converter. Then copy the hex string and paste it into full lenght ROM file.
That's all, Folks!