Greetings and nice work, guys!
It was only really a coincidence that I was cleaning up some old stuff and wondered if it was possible to run OS 9.2 on anything yet (being that the emulators for PC only go up to 9.0). In a last ditch "meh" I dug out my old love the PowerBook G4 (my first Mac

) and did some Googling and eventually ended up here. Nice timing, as it look like you just got it figured out

I grabbed and burned the ISO for unsupported G4 Macs here didn't start but I did the open firmware commands here it started no problem! I almost died when I saw that old Happy Mac icon

Post installation, the boot gets to like 95% worth of the progress bar and freezes. Along the bottom, the jigsaw pieces go as far as what looks like a PC compatibility extension. It's a total hard freeze, no mouse movement.
Still, I'm impressed it made it this far! The display looks ok, the sound works, wow! Of course, if anyone knows how to get further in the boot, all the better...