Mac OS 9 Discussion > Mac OS 9, Hacks & Upgrades
NetBoot for Mac OS 9
--- Quote ---NetBoot is a technology from Apple which enables Macs with capable firmware (i.e. New World ROM) to boot from a network, rather than a local hard disk or optical disc drive. NetBoot is a derived work from the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), and is similar in concept to the Preboot Execution Environment. The technology was first announced as a part of the original version of Mac OS X Server at Macworld Expo on 5 January 1999.[1] NetBoot has continued to be a core systems management technology for Apple,[2] and has been adapted to support modern Mac Intel machines. NetBoot, along with USB, FireWire, are some of the external volume options for Mac OS re-install.
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--- Quote ---The NetBoot client image contains a default user that allows you to get to the finder when a Macintosh Manager Sever can't be found.
The default user name is NBUser with the password netboot.
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BootMania is now freeware
--- Quote ---Every NewWorld PowerMac, PowerBook, iMac and iBook can boot from a boot server over local network, you just have to press the "N" key during startup. Unfortunately the boot server is included just in the Mac OS X Server, which is probably not the most widespread version of this system. BootMania from Beanz can make boot server from any ordinary Mac with ordinary OS X. You can boot various Linux or BSD installation media, downloaded as a image from the Internet, OS X installation media or even a working Mac OS X.
--- End quote --- venividivici24 says in comments:
--- Quote ---Ok guys, this is how you license it. Obviously, download the BootMania v1.3.2.dmg and the off the website. Make a folder called "BootMania", or something similar, on your desktop. Copy the files from the DMG into that folder. Then, copy the to the BootMania folder and extract the zip.
Now for the fun part. Open a terminal, type in, without quotes, "cd ~/Desktop/BootMania"
"./BMLicenseFileMaker 003065E79AFE"
"mv BootMania_003065E79AFE.bzl BootMania.bzl"
Now, open BootMania, and there should be a button somewhere in the windows that says "License" or something similar. (It's been a while since I've done this) Click on it and select the BootMania.bzl and it should activate.
Finally, move the BootMania folder to "Applications" if you want to.
I hope this helped you all :)
--- End quote ---!/?ALLSTEPS
Folks, how do you netboot OS9? ;D
Done that with my xserve but osx 10.5 is a bitch so i stick with 10.4 on the server. If network is to crowded you feel the impact in performance right away.
Some updated links
NetBoot for Mac OS 9: Information and Download
Olddddddd post, I know :)
What is the maximum Server OS that will serve up this OS 9 netboot image?
I'm only familiar with netboot images that are .nbi and not .dmg
Been running a netboot server that serves up 10.7-10.13 for a long time (host is High Sierra), will this be able to do anything with this OS9 image?
indestructables tutorial backup
free bootmania app anyone?
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