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NetBoot for Mac OS 9

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Today I have successfully netboot an iMac G3 5521 with pure software running on a M1 Studio. Here are my steps:

1. Install Mac OS X 10.4 Server in UTM (a graphical interface of qemu) with this install image:

2. Download this NetBoot9.dmg from Apple:

3. Inside the emulated Mac OS X 10.4 Server, run the installer in NetBoot9.dmg, then NetBoot OS 9 will become available in Server Admin / NetBoot. In NetBoot settings, you can set MacOS92Default as the default image.

4. Start AFP and NetBoot services on the OS X Server.

5. Press N when starting iMac G3. According to the documentation, tray-loading models may also need the DHCP server running on the OS X Server, but I do not have one to test that now. For newer models, AFP+NetBoot seems enough.

I found a cheat sheet on how to set up NetBoot for Mac OS 9 on OS X Server 10.5.
I started a virtual machine with OS X Server 10.5 (Intel) in Parallels and tested it. And it works!

Hey V2EX,

I'm feeling a little lazy... is your QEMU image too large to throw up on a Google drive and share it ?

Would be a time saver :)

Hi DieHard,

You can download the installed QEMU image here:

If you have UTM, you can simply import it.

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Password: password

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